Presentation 10th April 2012

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Affect the following enviromental aspects Pollution Air Land Water Noise Devegetation/loss trees cover Health and safety PPE Role of Public Health in Environmental health.


Local Government Act where the Council by-laws are

derived from that include:- Solid waste management by-laws - General nuisance by-laws - Tree cover by-laws Public Health Act - Conservancy (Lavatory by-laws) - Control of hawking by-law, noise, littering

- EMCA Solid waste regulations
- Physical Planning Act - Building code - Malaria Control Act - Water Act - Tobacco Control Act

Role of the City Council of Nairobi/Local Authority in Enforcement of the Environmental legislations
Creation of Environmental Awareness pertaining to

newly created laws and regulations Training of Enforcement staff Issuance of permits, licenses and authority letter in relation to waste management Engagement of Public Private Partnership in management of public toilets Issuance of tree cutting permits

Issuance of occupational certificate for newly

constructed buildings Inspection of waste entering the disposal site to avoid Zonation of the city into different zones based on different land uses. Areas earmarked for forests recreational, parks, markets residential and industrial Formulate/review/adopt the regulations and by-laws

constructed buildings Inspection of waste entering the disposal site to avoid

hazards waste Zonation of the city into different zones based on different land uses. Areas earmarked for forests recreational, parks, markets residential and industrial Formulate/review/adopt the regulations and by-laws Review of EIA reports Approval of developments

Political interference

- Way leaves
- Land on riparian Non punitive by laws cant deter offenders Inadequate resource - i.e finance - Tools - Technical capacity - Inadequate Networking with relevant law enforcement agencies

Develop long term development strategies and

development guidelines for structure plans Develop planning policies and standard to support the development Implement development guidelines as per physical planning act and building code Establishment of standards for enforcement

Formulation of polices and Action plans. Implement integrated solid waste management Masterplan.

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