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Being cruel to others by sending or posting harmful material using technological means; an individual or group that uses information and communication involving electronic technologies to facilitate deliberate and repeated harassment or threat to an individual or group.

Also known as: Electronic Bullying & Online Social Cruelty

Cyber bullies often also become victims of cyber bullying. People frequently change roles when it comes to cyber bullying.

There are two kinds of Cyber Bullying

Direct Attacks- messages sent directly to the victim.
Cyber Bullying by Proxy- Using someone else

to cyber bully a victim, this proxy may know they are cyber bullying and they may not.

Direct Attacks
Instant Messaging Text Messaging Blogs Websites Emailing Pictures Stealing Passwords Internet Polling- Hot or Not!

Hacking or sending spyware

By Proxy
Someone else does the dirty work for the

main cyber bully. Bullies may hack into the victims account or steal their password. They may set up a new account pretending to be the victim. Friends get angry with the victim. This form of cyber bullying is very dangerous because many people are involved, not just the bully and the victim.

DIRECT Occurs on


Occurs off

school property
Poor relationships

school property
Good relationships with

with teachers
Fear retribution
Physical: Hitting, Punching & Shoving Verbal: Teasing, Name calling & Gossip Nonverbal: Use of gestures & Exclusion


Fear loss of technology


Further under the radar than bullying

Emotional reactions cannot be determined

Who Does This Affect?

As hinted at previously, Cyber Bullying only

impacts children. Children of all ages can be victims of cyber bullying, Young children, Preteens and Teenagers. Once adults get involved with Cyber Bullying it becomes Cyber Stalking or Cyber Harassment.


Role-play Responding May not realize its cyber bullying

Want reaction Controlling with fear

Vengeful Angel
Righting wrongs Protecting themselves

Revenge of the Nerds

(Subset of Power-Hungry)

Often Victims of school-yard

Mean Girls
Bored; Entertainment Ego based; promote own social

bullies Throw cyber-weight around Not school-yard bullies like Power-Hungry & Mean Girls

status Often do in a group Intimidate on and off line Need others to bully; if isolated, stop

Types of Cyber Bullying

Flaming and flame wars- online fights

using angry, vulgar language Harassment repeatedly sending offensive, rude, and insulting messages Denigration posting information about another that is derogatory and untrue

Types of Cyber Bullying

Impersonation breaking into an email account

and sending vicious and embarrassing materials to others. Pretending to be someone else and sending or posting material online that makes that person look bad, gets that person in trouble or danger, or damages that persons reputation or friendships Outing and trickery sharing someones secrets or embarrassing information, or tricking someone into revealing such and forwarding it Exclusion/Ostracism blocking someone from buddy lists, chat rooms, etc.

Types of Cyber Bullying

Cyber stalking repeatedly sending a

messages that include threats of harm or of intimidating, or engaging in other online activities that make someone fear for their safety Happy slapping slapping someone usually a stranger, recording it, and posting the image online

Consequences of Cyber Bullying

Anxiety, anger, fear Depression Stress Related Disorders Suicide Withdrawal from Friends and Activities Changes in mood, behaviour and appetite Emotional Distress during and after using


Steps To Stop A Cyber Bully

Consider contacting an attorney Contact the police if cyber bullying involves acts such as: Threats of violence Extortion

messages Harassment, stalking, or hate crimes Child pornography If you are uncertain if cyber bullying violates your jurisdictions criminal laws, contact your local police, who will advise you.

Obscene or harassing phone calls or text


Criminal Law Limits The following kinds of speech can lead to arrest & prosecution: Making threats of violence to people or their property Engaging in coercion Making obscene or harassing phone calls Harassment or stalking Hate or bias crimes Creating or sending sexually explicit images of teens Sexual exploitation Taking a photo of someone in place where privacy expected


Intervention Strategies for Cyber bullying Directed at Student 1-Save the evidence 2-Conduct a threat assessment {if cyber bullying poses substantial disruption, violence or suicide concerns; contact law enforcement if threats of violence} 3-Assesss response options {direct school nexus may warrant school disciplinary action; if off campus and not substantial threat, no disciplinary action but help victim} 4-Identify the Perpetrators {technical assistance; assess validity of persons identity; offer technical assistance to parents} 5-Supprt the victim {even if no disciplinary action, offer support and assistance to victim and parents; offer counseling mediation, technical assistance; direct to community resources} 6-Provide guidance on how to remove the speech 7-Seek to use informal resolution strategies {contact perpetrator parents, offer assistance, suggest legal consultation; offer counseling, mediation in school; recognize the cyber bully is a hurt kid and try to help both victim and perpetrator Intervention Strategies for Cyber bullying Directed at Staff 1- Assess Type of Speech 2- Take action based on assessment

Testing... Testing...
Golden-Rule Test. How would you feel if someone else did this to you? Favorite-Adult Test. If your favorite adult was watching, what would they think? Front-Page Test. If your actions were reported on the front page of the newspaper, what would other people think? If-Everybody-Did-It" Test. What would happen if everyone did this? Real-World Test. Would it be OK if you did this in the "real world" (vs online)? Would you do or say the same thing face-to-face?


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