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Alfian Faiz (04) Devi Apriliani (09) Hafidz Zakky Darmawan (14) Lina Anggraini (19) Mila Indayani (21)



Common words

Cakes may be classified according to the accasion for which there are intended. For example wedding cakes, birthday, and pasover plava (a type of sponge cake sometimes made with matzo meal) are all identified primary according to the celleberation of a company. The cutting of a wedding cake contitutes a social ceremony in some cultures. The ancian roman marriage ritual of confarreatio originated in the sharing of a cake. Particular types of cake may be associated with particular festival, such as stolen chocolate log, babka and simnel cake or moon cake. There has been along tradition decorating an iced cake.

Cake is a form of bread or bread-like food. In its modern forms, it is typically a sweet and enriched baked dessert. In its oldest forms, cakes were normally fried breads or cheesecakes, and normally had a disk shape. Determining whether a given food should be classified as bread, cake, or pastry can be difficult.

Mix Teaspoons Cup Put Separate Yolk Add

Beat Rest Stir Slice Confection

Spatula Slowly

First get all of your ingredients together and pre-heat oven to 325. the ingredients are :
1. 2. 3. 4. You will need 1 cup of cake flour 1 1 2 cups of sugar 10 eggs (at room temperature) 1 1 4 teaspoons of cream of tartar
1 4


7. 8.

teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract 1 teaspoon almond extract 4

1 4

cup confection sugar, for top of cake

Mix cake flour 1 cup with cup of sugar in a bowl, put aside.

1 2

Step 2 (Egg White)

Separate egg whites from yolk, it helps to do one egg at a time in a different bowl with case you break the yolk.

You do not need yolk in your whites.

Then throw away yolks.

In a mixing bowl add the egg whites from 10 eggs and beat on high speed, until they are stiff.

Slowly add the 1 teaspoons of cream of tartar and teaspoon of salt continue beating for about one minute.
1 4

1 4

Step 3 (Add rest of sugar)

Add rest of sugar 1 cup, slowly while still mixing egg whites. Then remove bowl from mixer and stir in your 1 teaspoon of 1 vanilla extract and teaspoon of almond extract.

Now get your cake flour 1 cup that you mixed with cup of sugar. Slowly in cup lots fold into egg white mix.
1 2

1 2

Step 5 (Put In Tube Cake Pan)

Put mix into a un-greased 10 tube pan or bunt cake pan smooth top . Put in pre-heated oven at 325 in middle of oven. It will take 50 minutes to 55 minutes. Take cake out of oven when it is nicely browned on top.

Step 6 (Turn Cooked cake up-Side Down)

Turn cooked cake up-side down on wire rack . If cake does not un-mold use a spatula around the edges to loosen it. Let cake cool for 45 minutes to one hour

Step 7 (Sift Over Cake) :

Now lightly sift over your cake the confection sugar. You can put a stencil over cake top first to make design, or just use all confectioners sugar on top

Step 8 (Slice and enjoy)

Example :

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