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Past Deployments
WWI Between 1914 1918 the British army fought in WWII Between 1939 1945. 2 April 1982 - Falklands War begins and ends on 14 June - Falkland Islands are liberated upon the surrender of Argentinian forces. 1991 - The Gulf War begins; Army contributes 28,000 troops. 1993 - British forces deployed to Bosnia as part of UNPROFOR. 1999 - Kosovo War begins. 2000 - 2 PARA arrived in Freetown, Sierra Leone to evacuate British, Commonwealth and EU citizens.

Recent Deployment
Afghanistan - The Taliban gave safe haven to Al Qaeda, which allowed terrorists to plan and carry out attacks around the world. That is why the United Nations authorised a NATO/ISAF-led military intervention. Getting rid of the Taliban regime and Al Qaeda was only the first part of the job. The second is to make sure they cannot return.
Sierra Leone - The British Army were deployed to Sierra Leone, a former British colony on Operation Palliser in 1999 to aid the government in quelling violent uprisings by militiamen, under United Nations resolutions. Troops remain in the region to provide military support and training to the Sierra Leonean government. Libya On the 19th April 2011 the UK announced it would be sending 'experienced British military officers' to support and advise Libya's rebels. The Libyan government says it will fight any foreign troops on its soil.


What they do - from tanks and ammunition to letters and food, we get the right amount of the right kit to the right people in the right place at the right time enabling the Army to do its job, and boosting morale along the way. We fight logistics through to keep the army working, moving and communicating.

The RLC works all over the world, in all conditions:

On land, sea and in the air Night and day In rain, shine and snow In mountains, desert, built up areas and jungle terrain

Force Support Force Support Regiments provide dedicated logistic support in the form of transport and supply functions to fighting troops on the ground. By working with Logistic Support Regiments the RLC make sure that every soldier deployed has the right amount of kit and equipment they need to maintain operations 24 hours a day. There are 6 Force Support Regiments: 10, 27 and 9 Regiment are based in the United Kingdom; and 6, 7, and 8 Regiments are based in Germany. Formation Support Logistic Support Regiments provide formation level support which includes intimate logistic support to troops on the ground. Their role is to deliver combat supplies (water, fuel, rations, ammunition and other vital commodities) to fighting troops at the right time, in the right place.

Our founding corps have centuries of history and tradition, and we're proud to continue this into the future. Their skills and expertise are essential parts of the RLC: Royal Corps of Transport - drivers, air dispatchers, port and maritime specialists, movement controllers, railwaymen and radio operators. Royal Army Ordnance Corps - supply controllers and supply specialists, vehicle specialists, petroleum operators, ammunition technical and explosive ordnance disposal teams. Royal Pioneer Corps - artisans and defence skilled soldiers. Army Catering Corps - chefs and catering experts.

Also, the Royal Engineers supplied our postal and courier personnel, although the rest of the RE continues to function as a major part of the British Army.


Corps of Royal Engineer

The Corps of Royal Engineers is unique with all our "Sappers" being multi skilled soldiers, combat engineers and tradesmen working alongside all parts of the Army we play a vital role in the effectiveness of the British Army and the United Kingdom in both peacetime and on Operations.

Specialist Roles
Commando Engineer Commando Engineers conduct specialist expeditionary operations, with individuals being trained in water-borne assaults and cliff-climbing, as well as desert, arctic and jungle warfare. The Commando Engineer has always been at the forefront of operations, providing key mobility, counter-mobility and survivability support on operations. Parachute Engineer Parachute Engineers train and serve alongside the Air Assault Brigade and are trained to be deployed by air and land either by parachute, helicopter or aircraft. They are equipped with light engineering equipment and deliver the full range of engineering skills on the battlefield. EOD Bomb Disposal Engineer EOD Bomb Disposal Engineers are experts in the safe disposal of unexploded ordnance, such as mines, shells and bombs that may be left on the battlefield after a conflict. In peacetime, they apply their expertise to clear and make safe civilian areas. Before you can become a Bomb Disposal specialist, you must first complete soldier or officer training, Combat Engineer training and then trade training (soldiers only). You should then ask to specialise in Bomb Disposal.

The Royal Engineers, or Sappers as they are known, have blazed a trail of innovation and achievement through history. The term Sappers originates from the trenches or 'saps' which engineers were employed to build towards enemy positions to allow the placing and detonating of explosive charges. Originally called Sappers and Miners, the name Sappers has stuck with the Royal Engineers throughout their history. From the earliest developments in military aviation, signaling and and tank warfare to the very latest bridging systems and map making techniques, the Sappers have operated at the cutting edge of technology and frequently in the most inhospitable conditions.

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