Queen of Green DPO Updated 18th June 2012

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Queen of Green-DPO


Powerful Global Network

UPDATE: There is $60 trillion of parked funds seeking investments http://www.spiegel.de/international/business/institutional-investors-desperately-seekinvestment-opportunities-a-836975.html Queen of Green only requires a 0.023% success rate to sell 100% of the IPO stock Queen of Green is raising $150bn on global Stock Exchanges to invest in orphans, women and youth. The Social Development Portfolio has programs in 70 countries that will provide green and sustainable technologies and communities for 200 million poor. Gill Wallace Hope (www.Linkedin.com/in/AmbassadorHope) has invested for 32 years in 40 countries to assemble the knowledge, processes and technologies to implement large scale social development. Queen of Green leverages all global resources in the first green cooperative brand. Stakeholders have joined the brand to cooperate and collaborate glocally. Hope is EMERGING the Green Economy for the BOP Market (Bottom of the Pyramid) 1 billion citizens who live on $1 or less per day. Connects Queen of Green DPO to G20- Mexico, Rio+20 Brazil to UN Policies on Innovation in Financing and Sustainable Energy 4 All and 283 Stock Exchanges in 117 countries.

Global Financial Road Show Schedule

June18th 2012 - Prospectus and stock pricing launch Global Financial Road show connects to 283 Stock Exchanges in 117 countries June 18-19th Connects to President Obama and HRH King Abdullah at G20 Mexico June 20-22nd Connects to Ban Ki Moon and 11,000+ delegates at Rio+20 - Brazil Jun 22nd -Stock Starts trading on the Stock Exchange Jun 25th Stock available via Facebook

UPDATE: $60 trillion of parked funds seeking profitable investments

Funding Sources: Forex Reserves Hedge Funds US Foundations Corporate Foundations Sovereign Wealth Funds Faithbased Funds In Trillion USD
$8.6 $1.9 $2.1 $3.0 $4.4 $1.0

NEW LINK http://www.spiegel.de/international/business/institutionalinvestors-desperately-seek-investment-opportunities-a-836975.html

Global Sovereign, Forex, Hedge, Corporate Foundations and Faith-based Funds

We LOVE our small investors and our Institutional Investors

Queen of Green has two classes of investment: A shares - Class for green citizens investing $10 to $2,500 Crowd funding is a powerful model to ensure that small investors can play a role in financing the work, collaborating and mobilizing resources internationally. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crowd_funding B Shares - Class for institutional investors including: Forex surpluses Sovereign Wealth Funds Funds of Funds Corporate Foundations Green Funds Hedge Funds Faith-based Funds Each Fund invests $500 m to $150 bn Receives 5% per annum Paid as quarterly Dividends for 5 years

LIVE Media Event connects the world

Glocal Stakeholders

From Abu Dhabi to Sovereign Wealth Funds

Connecting Abu Dhabi to Washington DC and 283 Stock Exchanges

To BRICS Brazil, Russia, China, India & S. Africa

Connecting to Rio+ 20 to emerge the Green Economy

Connecting Rome, London and Berlin with orphans, women and youth

Social Development Portfolio Use of Proceeds

Queen of Green FZE has developed a Social Development Portfolio to invest in orphans, youth and women. UAE: KSA: Africa: India: South Africa: Turkey: 70 buildings with Queen of Green makeovers mass collaboration Green Micro-enterprises 200,000 unemployed women: 2,166 green communities 13 million orphans: 1,333 green communities 8 million orphans and widows: Green roofs Mumbai Mobile Power -Shanty Towns 2 million Shanty Town Dwellers: Social Housing Solar Water Heaters: -Healthcare INFOstructure 72,561,312 citizens: $1bn $2bn $55bn $11bn $0.24bn $0.70bn $14.6bn $6.9bn $1.85bn $0.88bn $0.30bn $0.35bn $55.18bn

Romania: Bulgaria: Haiti: Jamaica: Middle East:

Healthcare INFOstructure 170.6 million citizens of Pakistan: PAK youth micro-enterprises:

Rollywood and micro-enterprise 150,000 green micro-enterprises for unemployed women and youth: Healthcare INFOstructure 7 351 234 citizens: 10 Green Communities: Trash to Energy to healthcare - 2,868,380 citizens: Green Youth Enterprises 100 million youth

Queen of Green DPO

Policy Hub Washington DC Financial Hub Frankfurt, Germany Implementation Hub United Arab Emirates
G Wallace Hope - Mobile: +971 552 396 818 - Email: hope@hope.gs

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