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Chapter 6: The Repetition Structure

Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

Homework/Project #1 : Calculator

Due: 03/02

Homework #1 Calculator
Use Message boxes to inform user of eventual problems. For example:
Division by 0 forbidden!

The Basic FOR Loop

A counter loop is also known as a For loop, or a For/Next loop. You use a counter loop when you want the computer to perform a task a specific number of times.

Set control variable to initial value Is control variable > terminating value?

FOR Loop Flowchart


Execute statements within loop Increment control variable (automatic)

Execute statements following the loop

The ForNext Loop (continued)

Figure 6-4: Pseudocode and flowchart for the first example shown in Figure 6-2

FOR Loop use

Statement(s) to be Repeated Next ControlVariable Dim intCounter as integer For intCounter =1 To 10
txtDisplay.Text = txtDisplay.Text & convert.toString(IntCounter)

For ControlVariable= InitVal To TerminatingVal [Step StepSize]

Next intCounter Screen Output 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


FOR Loop use

Dim intStar as integer For intStar =1 To 15

lblDisplay.Text = lblDisplay.Text & " * "

Next intStar
Screen Output


Exiting from a loop before it ends

2 ways:
#1 Assign a value to the control variable that will make the loop condition false (> terminating value) For intLoop = 1 to 1000 if intTime > 100 then intLoop=9999 end if Next

Exiting from a loop before it ends

2 ways: #2 Use Exit for statement (recommended) For intLoop = 1 to 1000 if intTime > 100 then Exit for end if Next


FOR Loop Exercise

Write the code to display the first 10 odd numbers.

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 - 17 - 19


FOR Loop Exercise

Dim intCounter as Integer
For IntCounter = 1 to 19 step 2
lblDisplay.text = lblDisplay.Text & convert.toString(IntCounter) & -

Next IntCounter OR For IntCounter = 1 to 10

lblDisplay.Text = lblDisplay.Text & convert.toString (IntCounter*2) & -

Next IntCounter


Structured program design

Control structures:
Sequence control structure (one program statement follows another in logical order). Selection control structure (represents choices) Iteration, loop structure (when a process may be repeated as long as a certain 13 condition remains true.)

Iteration Control Structure

There are 3 types of iteration structures: For (condition) Loop Do While (condition)

Do Until (condition)


Do While Control Structure

Do While Condition Statement(s) Loop

Loop statements

Yes Do While (Test condition)

strPassword=InputBox(Password?) Do While strPassword <> 007




Do Until Control Structure

Do Statement(s) Loop Until Condition
Loop statement(s)
Do strPassword = InputBox(Password?)

No Do Until (test condition)

Loop Until strPassword = 007



Difference between Do While / Do Until

If there are several statements that need to be repeated, you need to decide when to stop repeating them. You can decide to stop them:

at the beginning of the loop, using Do While

or at the end of the loop using Do Until

Difference between Do While / Do Until

The Do Until iterations means that the loop statement will be executed at least once.

This is because the iteration statements are

executed before you asked whether to stop.


The DoLoop Statement (continued)

Figure 6-7: Syntax and examples of the Do...Loop statement


Exit to a Loop statement

Do Statements If condition then Exit Do Provide an alternate way to exit a loop End If Statements Loop Until condition

Do While condition Statements Exit Do Statements Loop


Write a program to display all the numbers between 1 and 1000 that are perfect squares. (A perfect square is an integer that is the square of another integer; 1,4,9,16, )
Use: #1 Do While #2 Do Until #3 For Next

Exercise Solution
Dim intX, intY as integer intX=1 IntY = IntX * IntX lblDisp.text= "The perfect squares between 1 and 1000 are"

Do While IntY <= 1000 lblDisp.text= lblDisp.text & conver.toString(IntY) & , IntX = IntX + 1 IntY = IntX * IntX Loop

lblDisp.text =lblDisp.text & conver.toString(IntY) & , IntX = IntX + 1 IntY = IntX * IntX Loop Until IntY >= 1000

1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100, 121, 144, 169, 196, 225, 256, 289, 324, 361, 400, 441, 484, 529, 576, 625, 676, 729, 784, 841, 900, 961

Exercise Solution
lblDisp.text= "The perfect squares between 1 and 1000 are"
For intX=1 to 100 (Could have used another end value) intY = intX * intX If intY > 1000 Then Exit For Else lblDisp.text=convert.toString(IntY) End If Next IntX

Exercise #7
Exercise #7

By default hidden visible after number have


Lab Exercises
#8 Display a row of 50 stars (asterisks).

#9 Request a number from 1 to 20 (using an input box) and display a row of that many stars. If number >20 or <1 display a warning message (message box) and request the number again.

Lab Exercise
#10 Find the sum 1 + + 1/3 + + + 1/100 Solution: 5.187378 #11 You are offered two salary options for ten days of work. Option 1: $100 per day

Lab Exercise
Option2: $1 the first day, $2 the second day, $4 the third day, and so on, with the amount of doubling each day. Write a program to determine which option pays better.
Solution: Option1: $1000 Option 2: $1023

Thats all Folks!

Chapter 6: The Repetition Structure

Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

The Repetition Structure (Looping) Lesson A Objectives

Code the repetition structure using the For...Next and Do...Loop statements
Write pseudocode for the repetition structure

Create a flowchart for the repetition structure

Initialize and update counters and accumulators

Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition


The Repetition Structure

Use the repetition structure to repeatedly process one or more program instructions until some condition is met, at which time the repetition ends
The repetition structure is referred to as a loop

Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition


The Repetition Structure (continued)

Pretest loop: evaluation occurs before the instructions within the loop are processed
Posttest loop: evaluation occurs after the instructions within the loop are processed

Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition


The ForNext Loop

Use the ForNext statement to code a loop that repeats for a specific number of times

Figure 6-2: Syntax and examples of the For...Next statement

Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition


The ForNext Loop (continued)

Figure 6-2: Syntax and examples of the For...Next statement (continued)

Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition


The ForNext Loop (continued)

counter is a numeric variable that keeps track of how many times the loop instructions are repeated
startvalue, endvalue, and stepvalue
Must be numeric Can be positive or negative, integer or non-integer

Default stepvalue is 1

Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition


The ForNext Loop (continued)

Figure 6-4: Pseudocode and flowchart for the first example shown in Figure 6-2
Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition


The ForNext Loop (continued)

ForNext loop examples:
Dim count As Integer For count = 0 to 3 Step 1 Debug.WriteLine(count) Next count Dim count As Integer For count = 0 to 10 Step 2 Debug.WriteLine(count) Next count Dim count As Integer For count = 3 to 0 Step -1 Debug.WriteLine(count) Next count Dim loc As Single For loc = 0.5 To 15 Step 0.5 Debug.WriteLine(loc) Next loc

Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition

The DoLoop Statement

Unlike the ForNext statement, the DoLoop statement can be used to code both a pretest loop and a posttest loop
The DoLoop statement begins with the Do clause and ends with the Loop clause

Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition


The DoLoop Statement (continued)

Figure 6-7: Syntax and examples of the Do...Loop statement

Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition


The DoLoop Statement (continued)

Figure 6-7: Syntax and examples of the Do...Loop statement (continued)

Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition


The DoLoop Statement (continued)

Figure 6-9: Flowcharts for the examples shown in Figure 6-7

Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition


The DoLoop Statement (continued)

Figure 6-9: Flowcharts for the examples shown in Figure 6-7 (continued)
Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition


Using Counters and Accumulators

Counters and accumulators are used within a repetition structure to calculate subtotals, totals, and averages
A counter is a numeric variable used for counting something and is typically updated by 1 An accumulator is a numeric variable used for accumulating and is updated by an amount that varies

Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition


Using Counters and Accumulators (continued)

Initializing: assigning a beginning value to the counter or accumulator
Updating (incrementing): adding a number to the value stored in the counter or accumulator

Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition


Nested Repetition Structures Lesson B Objectives

Nest repetition structures

Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition


Nesting Repetition Structures

In a nested repetition structure, one loop, referred to as the inner loop, is placed entirely within another loop, called the outer loop
A clock uses nested loops to keep track of the time

Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition


Nesting Repetition Structures (continued)

Figure 6-16: Nested loops used by a clock

Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition


The Grade Calculator Application

Professor Arkins needs an application that allows him to assign a grade to any number of students
Each students grade is based on three test scores, with each test worth 100 points The application should total the test scores and then assign the appropriate grade, using the table shown on the next slide

Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition


The Grade Calculator Application (continued)

Total points earned Grade

240269 210239 180209 below 180


Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition


The Grade Calculator Application (continued)

uiAssignGradeButtons Click event procedure
Allows Professor Arkins to enter each students test scores, and then assign the appropriate grade

Contains two loops, one nested within the other

A For...Next statement controls the inner loop

Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition


The Grade Calculator Application (continued)

uiAssignGradeButtons Click event procedure (continued)
A Do...Loop statement controls the outer loop

The inner loop is a pretest loop

The outer loop is a posttest loop

Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition


The Grade Calculator Application (continued)

Figure 6-20: Sample run of the application that contains the procedure
Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition


Coding the Shoppers Haven Application Lesson C Objectives

Select the existing text in a text box
Prevent a form from closing

Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition


Shoppers Haven
The manager of Shoppers Haven wants an application that the store clerks can use to calculate the discounted price of an item, using discount rates from 10% through 30% in increments of 5%
The clerks will enter the items original price The application should display the discount rates and the discounted prices in the interface

Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition


Shoppers Haven (continued)

Figure 6-21: User interface for the Shoppers Haven application

Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition


Shoppers Haven (continued)

Figure 6-22: TOE chart for the Shoppers Haven application

Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition


Shoppers Haven (continued)

Figure 6-23: Pseudocode for the Calculate buttons Click event procedure
Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition


Shoppers Haven (continued)

Figure 6-27: Discounted prices shown in the Shoppers Haven application

Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition


Selecting the Existing Text in a Text Box

Use the SelectAll method to select all of the text contained in a text box
Syntax: textbox.SelectAll()

textbox is the name of the text box whose text you want to select

Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition


Selecting the Existing Text in a Text Box (continued)

Enter the SelectAll method in a text box controls Enter event
A text box controls Enter event occurs when the user tabs to the control, and when the Focus method is used in code to send the focus to the control The uiOriginalTextBox controls Enter event is responsible for highlighting the existing text in the control
Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition


Selecting the Existing Text in a Text Box (continued)

Figure 6-29: Text selected in the Shoppers Haven application

Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition


Coding the TextChanged Event Procedure

A controls TextChanged event occurs when the contents of a controls Text property change
Use the uiOriginalTextBoxs TextChanged event to clear the contents of the uiDiscPricesLabel when the user changes the original price

Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition


Coding the ShoppersForms Closing Event Procedure

A forms Closing event occurs when a form is about to be closed
In the Shoppers Haven application, the Closing event procedure is responsible for:
Verifying that the user wants to exit the application Taking an action based on the users response

Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition


Coding the ShoppersForms Closing Event Procedure (continued)

Figure 6-31: Pseudocode for the ShoppersForms Closing event procedure

Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition


Coding the ShoppersForms Closing Event Procedure (continued)

Figure 6-33: Message box displayed by the forms Closing event

Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition


Repetition structure (loop): the computer repeats a set of instructions until some condition is met
Code a repetition structure in Visual Basic .NET using one of the following statements: For...Next, Do...Loop, and For EachNext The For...Next statement is pretest loops only

The Do...Loop statement can code pretest and posttest loops

Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition


Summary (continued)
To use a counter or accumulator:
Initialize, if necessary Update using an assignment statement in a repetition structure

To nest a repetition structure, place the entire inner loop within the outer loop

Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition


Summary (continued)
To process code when the user tabs to a control, or when the Focus method is used in code to send the focus to the control, enter the code in the controls Enter event procedure
To process code when a form is about to be closed, enter the code in the forms Closing event procedure

Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition


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