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A Training Course in 49CFR

Updated 6/99

Prokopis A. Christou, P.E. Pcjr101 @

DOT/HMR Training 6/98 -- 49CFR -- P.Christou

Course Objectives
Provides a review of U.S. DOT Hazardous Materials Regulations Forms part of recurrent training as required by 49CFR

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Hazardous Materials Regulations

Hazardous materials are regulated in order to:
Prevent accidents, leaks and spills Help emergency responders Ensure that HAZMAT employees are aware of the hazards of materials they handle

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What Are Hazardous Materials?

HAZARDOUS MATERIALS are any substances or materials, including environmentally hazardous substances, which have been determined to be capable of posing an unreasonable risk to health, safety or property when transported in commerce, and have been so designated. (171.8)

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Laws Affect Transportation of Hazardous Materials

Regulations US DOT Reg. 49 CFR ..........................All modes within the USA ICAO Technical Instructions ................International air transport IATA Dangerous Goods Reg................ Commercial air transport IMDG Code ..........................................International sea transport TDG Regulations Regulations .............Shipments to/from Canada Mexican DOT Regs. ........................... Shipments to/from Mexico

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The Hazardous Materials Regs

The HMR of the Federal Hazardous Materials Transportation LAW (49 CFR) apply to:
Responsibilities for offering and accepting shipments Classification of hazardous materials Packaging standards Shipping papers Labels, marks and placards Emergency response requirements Training requirements Registration Segregation and modal requirements
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Civil Penalties
Maximum fines up to $25,000 per day per violation. Updated for inflation

Criminal Penalties
Fines up to $500,000 per day per violation Up to five years in prison

Injunctive Action
Shipments stopped or seized
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Enforcement Authorities
Research & Special Programs Admin. (RSPA) Federal Highway Administrations (FHA) State DOT /State police Federal Railway Administration (FRA) Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) U.S. Coast Guard

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Numbering Sections in 49 CFR




172. 500 (b) (1)

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Structure of HMR
Part 171 Definitions Part 172 - Hazard Communication Part 172.101 - Hazardous Materials Table Part 173 - Classification and Packaging Part 174, 175, 176 & 177 - Modal Variations Part 178 - Standards for Non-Bulk Packaging Part 179 - Standards for Bulk Packaging (tank cars) Part 180 - Continuing qualification/maint.
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Administrative Requirements

Registration for certain shippers and transporters

Training of HAZMAT employees

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Training Requirements [172.704]

Train all HAZMAT employees to:

Understand the regulations Recognize and identify hazardous materials Know reg. requirements that apply to his/her job Be aware of relevant emergency response info.

Types of Training: General awareness, function specific, safety Safety/OSHA/EPA training Driver training (CDL)
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Administrative Requirements
The HAZMAT employer must
Train & test employees Certify & keep records

Training Compliance Dates

New employee - 90 days Job function changed - 90 days Update every 3 years

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Six Steps to Compliance

1. Classification - obtain shipping description 2. Packaging - selection and assembly 3. Marking of packages 4. Labeling of packages 5. Shipping papers & emergency response info 6. Placarding & marking of vehicles
For NJ-review Steps 1, 5 and 6
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Step 1 of the Six Step Procedure

Obtain shipping description (172.202) SHIP--The Basic Shipping Description consists of:

The Shipping Name The Hazard Classification The Identification Number (UN or NA) The Packing Group

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HM Table

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Packing Groups
Packing Group I - Great danger Packing Group II - Moderate danger Packing Group III - Mild danger

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Hazard Classes/Divisions

Class 1 - Explosives (173.50) Class 2 - Compressed gasses (173.115) Class 3 - Flammable liquids (173.120) Class 4 - Flammable solids (173.240) Class 5 - Oxidizers and organic Peroxides (173.127 & 128) Class 6 - Poisonous and infectious materials (173.132 & 134) Class 7 - Radioactives (173.403) Class 8 - Corrosive materials (173.136) Class 9 - Miscellaneous Hazardous Materials (173.140) ORM - Other Regulated Material (173.144) Elevated Temperature (171.8)

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Multiple Hazards
Some materials may have more than one hazard The first one is called the primary hazard Other hazards are called subsidiary hazards

How do you determine primary hazard

Precedence of Hazard Table (173.2a(b)) HM Table
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Hazardous Substances
Hazardous substances are materials that: Are listed in Appendix A to Section 172.101; AND Are in a quantity in one package that equals or exceeds the listed Reportable Quantity (RQ)

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Marine Pollutants
Marine pollutants are defined as materials which: Are listed in Appendix B to Table 172.101; AND Are packaged in a concentration greater than 10% for marine pollutant or 1% for severe marine pollutants

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Using the HM Table (172.101)

Shipping names Hazard classes Identification numbers Labeling requirements Special provisions Package specifications

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Shipping Name Procedures (I)

Chemicals listed by name Chemicals not listed by name

Generic names based on hazard Generic names based on chemical family Generic names based on usage Technical name rule for generic names (172.203(k)(3))

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Shipping Name Procedures (II)

Hazardous Substances and Marine Pollutants, not meeting the definition of a DOT hazard class
Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, n.o.s. Environmentally hazardous substance, solid, n.o.s. Other regulated substance, liquid, n.o.s Other regulated substance, solid, n.o.s.
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Step 5 of the Six Step Procedure

Completing the shipping paper for hazardous material shipments

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The Shipping Description

S H I P -- The shipping paper must show the basic shipping description, consisting of: Proper shipping name Hazard class and division (subsidiary is optional for domestic shipment) Identification number (UN or NA) Packing Group (I, II or III)
PLUS more?

The total quantity

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Additional Shipping Paper Requirements (I)

DOT exemption number, if applicable Limited Quantity, if applicable RQ for hazardous substances Marine Pollutant Residue, last contained, if applicable Dangerous When Wet for Division 4.3

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Additional Shipping Paper Requirements (II)

Technical name(s) in parentheses Poison Inhalation Hazard, if applicable Poison, if not otherwise indicated HOT for elevated temperature material Radioactives Special requirements for air, rail and water

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Shippers Certification
This is to certify the above named materials are properly classified, described, packaged, marked and labeled, and are in proper condition for transportation according to the applicable regulations of the Department of Transport.
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Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Materials

You can list hazardous and non-hazardous materials on the same shipping paper, if you do one of the following:
Enter all hazardous materials first Highlight hazardous materials Mark an X or RQ in column headed Hazardous Materials or HM
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Emergency Response Information

Shippers use MSDS, ERG, forms. Information must include:

Basic Description of the hazardous material Immediate hazards to health Risks of fire or explosion Immediate precautions in case of an accident Procedures in case of fire Methods for handling spills and leaks Preliminary first aid 24-hour telephone number
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Review a sample shipping paper

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Step 6 of the Six Step Procedure

Placarding vehicles and containers of hazardous materials (172.500)

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Placards, labels, identification numbers, markings, and shipping papers are hazard communicate hazard information.

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What is
A label? A marking? A placard? An identification number? What is a primary hazard placard/label? Subsidiary hazard placard/label must not include class/division number on the bottom corner.

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What to placard?

Table 1 - placard any quantity

cannot use DANGEROUS placard

Table 2 - Placard if total quantity 454 kg (1001 pounds)

DANGEROUS placard permitted for mixed load if < 1000 Kg (2205 lb) per class loaded at facility

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Identification Numbers and placement

Bulk containers must display the identification number of their contents, either on the placard, or an orange panel beside the placard. Placards should be placed on each end and each side of motor vehicles or railroads. Cargo tanks and portable tanks less than 1000 gallons require two placards on opposite sides of the tank

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Exceptions may be allowed

Small Quantities Exceptions (173.4) Materials of Trade (MOT) (173.6) Exceptions for various classes/div. (173.13 ) Limited Quantity, ORM-D (column 8A) Agricultural operations (173.5) Government material (173.7) Placarding exceptions DOT Exemptions

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UNDERSTAND the hazard of the materials you handle

KNOW and FOLLOW all your HAZMAT responsibilities, as they apply to your job
You must know the BASIC DESCRIPTION of a material to ship it properly If you have questions, ASK SOMEONE who knows. Consult regs, procedures, others

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