Plant Design

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ChE 512D1 CHE PLANT DESIGN Introduction

Engr. Lina D. dela Cruz Chemical Engineering Department Technological Institute of the Philippines

This is the capstone (meaning culmination or

peak of achievement) of ChE course which utilizes the basic technical principles of chemical engineering (material balances, energy balances, transport phenomena, thermodynamics, kinetics, separations and unit operations) with practical elements of economics, along with principles of safety and environmental issues in the optimum design of an integrated chemical process plant.

Unit I: Conceptualize a plant design project proposal Unit II: Determine the viability of the project Unit III: Calculate basic material balances. Unit IV: Calculate financial aspect of the project.

What is Chemical Engineering?

In 1924 the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) adopted: A chemical engineer is a professional man experienced in the design, construction and operation of plant and works in which matter undergoes a change of state and composition.

In 1983 the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) defined: Chemical engineering is the profession in which a knowledge of mathematics, chemistry and other natural sciences gained by study, experience and practice is applied with judgment to develop economic ways of using materials and energy for the benefit of mankind.

Occupational Definition-Chemical Engineering is a broad discipline dealing with processes (industrial and natural) involving the transformation (chemical, biological, or physical) of matter or energy into forms useful for mankind, economically and without compromising environment, safety, or finite resources.

Chemical engineers are problem solvers who have science, engineering, business background. They create. They take design course.

"Scientists investigate that which already is; Engineers create that which has never been. Albert Einstein Scientist asks WHY?, and engineer asks WHY NOT? Jeffrey Siirola


Plant design refers to the overall design of a manufacturing enterprise /facility. It moves through several stages before it is completed. The stages involved are : - identification and selection of the product to be manufactured, - feasibility analysis and appraisal, - design, - economic evaluation, - design report preparation, - procurement of materials including plant and machinery construction, - installation and commissioning.

The design should consider the technical and economic factors, various unit operations involved, existing and potential market conditions etc.

Plant design

Plant design specifies: the equipment to be used performance requirements for the equipment interconnections and raw material flows in terms of flow charts and plant layouts the placement of equipment, storage spaces, shop facilities, office spaces, delivery and shipping facilities, access ways, site plans and elevation drawings

Plant design specifies

required instrumentation and controls, and process monitoring and control interconnections utility and waste treatment requirements, connections and facilities the rationale for site selection the basis for selecting and sizing critical pieces of equipment ways in which the design was optimized and the engineering basis for such optimization

Plant design specifies

They also often provide economic analyses of plant profitability in terms of various product demand and price and material cost scenarios.

Plant Design Situations

Plant design situations may arise due to one or more of the following: design and erection of a completely new plant design and erection of an addition to the existing plant the facility or plant operations and subsequent expansion restricted by a poor site, thereby necessitating the setting up of the plant at a new site

Plant Design Situations

addition of some new product to the existing range adoption of some new process /replacement of some existing equipment modernization / automation of the existing facility expansion of the plant capacity relocating the existing plant at a new site because of new economic, social, legal or political factors

Differences in the Design of Food Processing and Non-Food Processing Plants

Many of the elements of plant design are the same for food plants as they are for other plants particularly those processing industrial chemicals. However, there are many significant differences, basically in the areas of equipment selection and sizing, and in working space design. These differences stem from the ways in which the processing of foods differ from the processing of industrial chemicals.

Such differences occur because of the following considerations:

The storage life of foods is relatively limited and strongly affected by temperature, pH, water activity, maturity, prior history, and initial microbial contamination levels. Very high and verifiable levels of product safety and sterility have to be provided. Foods are highly susceptible to microbial attack and insect and rodent infestation

Such differences occur because of the following considerations:

Fermentations are used in producing various foods and bio chemicals. Successful processing requires the use of conditions, which ensure the dominance of desired strains of microorganisms growth or activity. Enzyme-catalyzed processes are used or occur in many cases. These, like microbial growth and fermentation are very sensitive to temperature, pH, water activity and other environmental conditions. Many foods are still living organisms or biochemically active long after harvest or slaughter.

Such differences occur because of the following considerations:

In some cases foods (e.g. ripening cheeses) contain active living microorganisms, which induce chemical transformations for long periods of time. Crop-based food raw materials may only be available in usable form on a seasonal basis. Therefore, plant design may involve the modeling of crop availability.

Such differences occur because of the following considerations:

Food raw materials are highly variable and that variability is enhanced by the ageing of raw material and uncontrollable variations in climatic conditions. The biological and cellular nature and structural complexity of foods causes special heat-transfer, mass-transfer and component separation problems.

Such differences occur because of the following considerations:

The engineering properties of foods and biological material are less well known and more variable than those of pure chemicals and simple mixtures of chemicals. In the case of foods, prototype products have to be consumer tested so as to assure market acceptability before plants for large scale production are built.


Food plant designs must provide necessary levels of sanitation, means of preventing product and material contamination and means of preventing or limiting product, raw material, and intermediate product deterioration due to naturally occurring processes. Great care must be exercised to achieve high levels of product purity and preserve product integrity.

Food processing unit operations

Food processing involves many conventional unit operations but it also involves many which differ greatly from those usually encountered in the production of industrial chemicals. These include: freezing and thawing and other temperature-induced phase transitions or phase transition analogs, filling and packaging, canning and bottling, coating and encapsulation.

Prevention of contamination
Prevention of contamination will involve -the provision or use of filtered air, air locks, piping layouts, solid material and human traffic flow layouts that also prevent such contamination, - impermeable covers for insulation, dust covers over conveyors and clear plastic covers for electric lights, - suitable barriers against pest entry, - electric light traps for flying insects,

Prevention of contamination

impactors for killing insect eggs, metal detectors for rejecting packaged product that contains unwanted metal, and methods for storing and keeping track of segregated batches of raw materials and finished goods until necessary quality assurance tests have been carried out.

Sanitation, which helps prevent contamination, should be facilitated by providing or using: -impermeable coated or tiled floors and walls, at least one floor drain per every 40 m2 of wet processing area, -special traps for such drains, pitched floors that ensure good drainage, - polished vessels and equipment that do not contain dead spaces and which can be drained and automatically cleaned in place, sanitary piping, - clean-in-place (CIP) systems,

-plate heat exchangers and other types of equipment which can be readily disassembled for cleaning if necessary, clearances for cleaning under and around equipment -and methods for removing solid particles which fall off conveyors.

Air flow and human traffic flow patterns should be maintained to eliminate possibilities of containment transfer from dirty areas to clean ones. Very high levels of sanitation must be provided for foodstuffs that provide good substrates for the growth of microorganisms and when processing temperatures and conditions favor such growth


To minimize product and raw material deterioration, provisions should be made for: refrigerated and controlled environment storage areas, space and facilities for product inspection and for carrying out quality assurance tests,


equipment for pre-cooling material stored in such vessels, means of cooling, turning over or rapidly discharging the contents of bins and silos when excessive temperature rises, occur, and standby refrigeration and utility arrangements which are adequate to prevent product and raw material deterioration in case of power interruptions or unusual climatic conditions.

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