Cluster Computing

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Introduction History why cluster computing? Architecture Clustering Concept Several application Operating System Companies that use it High performance Clusters (HPC)

A computer cluster consists of a set of loosely connected

computers that work together so that in many respects they can be viewed as a single system.

Cluster consists of: Nodes(master+computing) Network OS Cluster middleware: It permits compute clustering programs to be portable to a wide variety of clusters.

Cluster Middle ware

High Speed Local Network




Consists of many of the same or similar type of machines. Tightly-coupled using dedicated network connections. The components of a cluster are usually connected to each other

through fast local area networks, each node running its own instance on an operating system.
All machines share resources. They must trust each other so that does not require a password,

otherwise you would need to do a manual start on each machine.

The first commercial clustering product was ARCnet, developed

by Data point in 1977.

Digital Equipment Corporation released their VAX cluster product

in 1984 for the VAX/VMS operating system.

The ARCnet and VAX cluster products not only supported parallel

computing, but also shared file systems and peripheral devices.

The idea was to provide the advantages of parallel processing,

while maintaining data reliability and uniqueness.

Data sharing Message passing and communication Task scheduling Node failure management

Parallel programming
Debugging and monitoring

Logical view

It consists of a collection of interconnected stand-alone computers

cooperatively working together a single, integrated computing resource.

A node:

a single or multiprocessor system with memory, I/O facilities, &OS generally 2 or more computers (nodes) connected together in a single cabinet, or physically separated & connected via a LAN appear as a single system to users and applications provide a cost-effective way to gain features and benefits

Database Replication Clusters

The components required to the development of low cost clusters are:

Processors Memory Networking components Motherboards, busses, and other sub-systems

Beowulf cluster
Start from 1994 Donald Becker of NASA assembled this cluster. Also called Beowulf cluster Applications like data mining, simulations, parallel processing, weather modeling, etc

A Beowulf Cluster is a computer design that uses parallel processing

across multiple computers to create cheap and powerful supercomputers. A Beowulf Cluster in practice is usually a collection of generic computers connected through an internal network.
A cluster has two types of computers, a master computer, and node

When a large problem or set of data is given to a Beowulf cluster, the

master computer first runs a program that breaks the problem into small discrete pieces; it then sends a piece to each node to compute. As nodes finish their tasks, the master computer continually sends more pieces to them until the entire problem has been computed.


( Ethernet,Myrinet.) + (MPI)

Master: or service node or front node ( used to interact with users and manage the cluster ) Nodes : a group of computers (computing node s)( keyboard, mouse, floppy, video)

Communications between nodes on an interconnect network platform ( Ethernet, Myrinet.)

In order for the master and node computers to communicate, some sort message passing control structure is required. MPI,(Message Passing Interface) is the most commonly used such control.


Brief Technical Parameters:

OS: Service node: Computing nodes: System Memory: Network Platforms:

CentOS 5 managed by Rochs-cluster 1 (Intel P4 2.4 GHz) 32(Intel P4 2.4- 2.8 GHz) 1 GB per node

Gigabit Ethernet, 2 cards per node Myrinet 2 G Language: C, C++, Fortran, java Compiler: Intel compiler, sun Java compiler

Science Computation

Digital Biology


Resources Exploration


High Performance Networks/Switches

a. Ethernet (10Mbps), b. Fast Ethernet (100Mbps), c. Gigabit Ethernet (1Gbps) e. ATM f. Myrinet (1.2Gbps) g. Digital Memory Channel

Cluster Networking Cluster Software Programming Timing Network Selection Speed Selection

OS (Operating System ) Three of the most commonly used OS are :

Windows mainly used to build a High Availability Cluster or a NLB(Network Local Balance) Cluster, provide services such as Database, File/Print,Web,Stream Media .Support 2-4 SMP or 32 processors. Hardly used to build a Science Computing Cluster
Redhat Linux The most used OS for a Beowulf Cluster. provides High Performance and Scalability / High Reliability / Low Cost ( get freely and uses inexpensive commodity hardware ) SUN Solaris Uses expensive and unpopular hardware

State of the art Operating Systems with companies :

a. Linux b. Microsoft NT c. SUN Solaris d. IBM AIX e. HP UX (Illinois - PANDA)


Calculation procedure for peak performance: No of nodes 64 NO. of Master Nodes : 1 Memory RAM: 4 GB Hard Disk Capacity/each node : 250GB Storage Cap. 4 TB CLUSTER Software : ROCKS version 4.3 No .of processors and cores: 2 X 2 = 4(dual core + dual socket) CPU speed : 2.6 GHz


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