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Christianity and Medieval Society

The Church Shapes Society and Politics


this time, the church was central in every day life. Clergy: Church officials, and their teachings were influential in European culture and politics.

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influential do you think the clergy was in everyday life?

The Church and Society

The Church Society


church was central in life.

Markets Festivals Religious ceremonies. Encourage people to take pilgrimages to

Jerusalem Rome Compostela

The Church and Politics


gained power

When people would die, some would leave land to the church The church would divide the land in fiefs, making the church feudal lords. Bishops were involved in politics by being advisers to local rulers


back, how can the church being involved in politics, cause problems?

Monks and Friars

Church was gaining power & some of it, was bad, and in Cluny that changed the way monks lived, only focusing on religious matters. Established a new order: Cluniac monks

Other new Orders


Cluny order paved the way, but some thought they were not strict enough. Some created orders with stricter rules and some took vows of silence. Women also were allowed to join, known as nuns and lived in convents.

The Friars

People who belonged to religious orders but lived and worked amongst the people. In 1200s religious orders came about

Franciscans; started by Francis of Assisi and Dominicans; started by Dominic de Guzman

Universities Are Built


were the first schools, and the clergy were the teachers First taught religion, but they also taught law, medicine, and astronomy All was taught in Latin.


people were educated, people wondered how human reason and religion were related.


back on what we read, and know, how will universities change?

Universities Are Built


person was a Dominican philosopher Thomas Aquinas, prof. at the Univ. of Paris. He believed in natural law: a law that governed how the world operated

Thomas Aquinas & Natural Law

Natural law theory attempts to define a higher law on the foundation of a universal understanding that certain choices in human life are good or evil, or that certain human actions are right or wrong.

The Church and the Arts


known as Gothic


do you think churches were so beautiful and had a lot of detail?

The Churches and the Arts

The Churches and Arts

The Church and the Arts

An angel protecting a soul in the balance from the devil

By Guariento di Arpo

Madonna and child


questions? What did we learn?

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