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Paragraph Development

What is a Paragraph?
Derived from the two Greek words para meaning alongside and graph meaning to write A cluster, a group of a series of interrelated sentences which develops a single idea Units that make up a composition

Paragraph Development
Paragraphs can be developed using Description, Narration and Exposition.

kind of writing that concentrates on creating pictures with words

The Old Barn Their barn was a marvelous, solid structure with a sense of long ago about it. There were a couple of old horse stalls in there. There were even a few oats left in the feed bins and some wisps of old, shiny hay, dark with age. With a little imagination you could hear a gentle ghostly whinny and the restless stirring of iron shod hooves on the wide-board floors. People sometimes tried to buy the barn for lumber, or to haul it away to someplace else and make a house out of it. The owners refused to sell. Barns like this, they said- once they are gone, they do not come back.
-Mary Stolz

unfolds a series of events, usually in chronological order to tell us a story

Unspoken friendship On the ninth evening, I learned what little bears require beyond food, shelter, and protection. Supper was over, dishes were put away, and I was reading in front of a crackling fire. From his rug near the hearth, Rusty looked up at me. After a while he strolled cautiously to my chair and placed both front paws on my knee. I was surprised at the roughness of his tongue when he licked my fingers. I ran my hand across his neck and shoulders. It was the first time I had touched one of the cubs. As I scratched his puppy-like head, the little fellow pulled himself up into my lap, where he turned around several times and then finally lay down. Soon Dusty ambled over to the chair , climbed my leg like a monkey, and staked her claim on one third of my lap. Before long, Scratch joined his siblings, knocking my book to the floor. As we studied each others expressions, I became certain of one thing. No matter what time might bring, all of our lives were from that moment on affected by the unspoken pact of friendship that night.

writing that informs, clarifies, or explains something to the reader It has the following patterns: 1. Illustration and example 2. Definition 3. Description of a process 4. Comparison and contrast 5. Classification 6. Causal Analysis

How to Make a Magnifying Lens A simple magnifying lens can be made from a piece of wire and a drop of water. First, partly fill a container with water. Then, cut a piece of thin wire about six inches long. Bend one end of the wire, forming a small loop. Next, twist the wire at the bottom of the loop to hold it in place. Now you are ready to dip the loop into the water. When you do, a drop of the water will stay in the loop. When you look through the drop of water, you will see things magnified four or five times their real size. With only wire, water, and a little know-how, you have created a magnifying lens.

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