Group 8 Organizational Development

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Organisational Development

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Organisational Development
Its a long term effort led and supported by Top Management, to improve an Organizations Visioning, Empowerment , Click to edit Master subtitle style Learning and Problem Solving Processes through an ongoing collaborative management of Organizations culture. Special emphasis on the culture of intact work Teams and other Team Configurations

Characteristics of Organisational Encourages Collabaration between Development Organisational Leaders & members in
managing Culture & Processes.
Participation & Involvement in Problem

Solving & decision making by all levels of Organisation. both individuals & Organisation

Development view seeking betterment of


Individual level:Developing potential towards

personal growth,if provided with supportive & challenging Environment. Organisation Goals than is normally Permitted. challenge, encourage risk-taking, permit failure,remove obstacles and barriers, give autonomy and responsibility,set high standards, reward success.

Higher level of contribution to achieve Managerial Level: Ask, listen, support,


About Organisation Development (OD)

Relatively new field of study 50s & 60s OD is about how organizations and people function and how to get them function better Start Point when the leader identifies an undesirable situation and seeks to change it. Click to edit Master subtitle style Focus - Making organizations function better (total system change). Orientation - Action (achieving results through planned activities). OD 6/24/12 is an organization improvement strategy

ure Poor alignment to organizations strategy t uc str n tio iza n Po ga or or qua Low productivity te lity ria le rop ora p m ap or In Po
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Start Point

at iz an Interpersonal conflicts rg n O o pm lo e le Inappropriat ve t adership style 6/24/12 e

Organizatio ni

Intergroup conflict
ce an rm o

m ea rt oo P

f er p

Orientati on
Diagnosin g Taking Action Re-Diagnosing Taking New Action This process is known as

Action Research
Three ingredients:

Participation OD consultant (as collaborator & colearner)


Change occurs processon the actions 1. Iterative based of diagnosis & taken action New knowledge comes from examining the results of the actions.

Managing the OD Process


Three basic components of OD programs: Continuous collection of data about total system, its subunits, its processes, and its culture Action All activities and interventions designed to improve the organizations functioning Program All activities designed to managemenensure success of the t program


Organisational Team Building Organisation assessment Development Click to edit Master subtitle style Career Development Leadership development Interventions
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The term Intervention refers to a set of sequenced, planned actions or events intended to help an organization to increase its effectiveness

Talent management Change management


Diagnosing Organisational Subsystems Diagnostic Information sought Methods of Diagnosis

The total organization




Examination of organisational Q) What is organizations culture? records Q) Are organisational goals and rules, regulations, policies Questionnaire survey strategy understood and Interviews (both group & accepted? Q) What is organizations individual) performance? Individual interviews Q) What are major problems of group meeting to review the the team? Q) How can team effectiveness interview data Questionnaires be improved? Q) Do individuals know how their Observation of staff meetings jobs relate to organisational and other daygoals? to-day operations Q) Do people perform according Interviews to organizations expectations? Information from diagnostic Q) Do they need particular meetings Data available with HR knowledge or skills? Q) What career development department opportunities do they have/ want/ need?


targets Questionnaires Goal setting Q) Do people set goals? Interviews Q) Who participates? Observations Q) Do they possess necessary skills for effective goal setting? Decision making, problem solving & action planning Q) Who makes decisions? Q) Are they effective? Q) Are additional decision making skills needed?

Diagnosing Organisational Processes Information sought Diagnostic Methods of Diagnosis

Observations of problem-solving meetings Analysis of videotaped sessions organisational records


Participation & Empowerment

Participation in OD programs is not restricted to elites or top people; it is extended broadly throughout the organization. Increased participation and empowerment have always been central goals and fundamental values of OD. Participation enhances empowerment empowerment in turn enhances performance. and

Empowerment is the key to getting people to want to participate in change.


Teams & Teamwork so complex that they Many tasks are

cannot be performed by individuals; people must work together to accomplish them. Putting those empowered individuals into teams creates extraordinary effects on performance. Teams create synergy i.e. sum of efforts of team is far greater than sum of individual efforts. A number of OD interventions are specifically designed to improve team performance. Examples team 6/24/12 building, quality circles etc.

Characteristics of successful teams


clear, elevating goal result driven structure competent members unified commitment collaborative climate standards of excellence external support and recognition principled leadership








Parallel Learning Structures A parallel learning structure

consists of a steering committee and a number of working groups* that study what changes are needed, make recommendations of improvements, and monitor the change efforts. (* Idea groups, action groups, implementation groups etc.) One or more top executive should be part of steering committee Representatives from all parts of the organization


Case Study

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Summar y

OD can make a difference


Good understanding Proper response


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