Brand Strategies: by Sarit Kumar

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By Sarit Kumar

Case Study : The General Electric Story

In 1876 Thomas Edison founded a commercial research laboratory that would be the forerunner of General Electric. In 1986 the familiar GE name and logo were created . In early advertisement , the name GE was prophetically termed the "Initial of a friend," and the promise and tag line of providing "better living electrically" was already in place

The General Electric Story

A 1916 silent movie commercial showed customers using electric sewing machines, ranges, coffee makers and toasters in their homes In 1955, a TV commercial featured Ronald and Nancy Reagan "living better electrically" by using modern appliance .

General Electric Story

In 1960s General Electric diversified , it adapted its turbine expertise to the design and manufacture of jet engines. In addition , its financial services business founded during the depression to finance home appliances , became very large. Light bulb technology led tom products such as CT scanners A simple change in slogan helped to chart a new version "Better living through technology" , became the tag line .

General Electric Story

In 1970s , two new themes ---"progress for people" and " progress is our most important product"---emphasized the concept of progress rather than technology . The increasingly varied businesses of GE created a key branding issue GE Aerospace GE Lighting GE information System GE Medical Systems GE Capital Services GE Transportation Systems GE Electrical Distribution Control. GE plastic. GE Motors. GE Appliances. GE Industrial & Power systems

Why Brand Identities, Positions and Brand Executions have to be constantly reviewed?
Their are 5 principle for which Brand Identities, Positions and Brand Executions have to be constantly reviewed. The identity/Execution was poorly conceived The Identity /Execution is obsolete The identity /Execution Appeals to Limited Market

Why Consistency is better?

Why is it difficult to maintain consistency?

The search for the fountain of youth

Managing Brand Systems

Towards a system of brands Drivers role The endorsers role Strategic Brands The role of the sub brand The benefits of branding


Line extensions Moving the brand down Moving the brand up Brand Extensions Decisions Creating a range of brands Co Branding Brand Audit

The Brand Equity

The Brand Equity Ten Loyalty Measures Awareness Measures Quality Perceptions

Organizing Brand Building

Must imperatives for brand building Adapting the organization for brand building The role of the agency Final thoughts before we part !!

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