Chemistry Project

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Chemistry Project
ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATIONS ByMegha Ashtekar XI-B Click to No.Master subtitle style Roll edit 06


Dual nature of electromagnetic radiation: Electromagnetic radiations behave both as a wave and particle. Example : light, it possesses both particle and wave like properties, i.e., light has a dual behaviour. Whenever a radiation interacts with matter, it displays particle like properties in contrast to the wavelike properties which exhibits when it propogates.
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Evidences for the Particle Electromagnetic Radiation: Black Body Radiation Photoelectric effect Atomic spectra




Evidences for the wave electromagnetic radiations: Interference Diffraction

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Wave Nature of Electro magnetic Radiations: According to James Maxwell, charge particles are associated with electrical and magnetic field and transmission of these fields in the forms of waves is known Electromagnetic radiations. The oscillating electrical and magnetic fields are perpendicular to each other and to the direction of their wave Click to edit Master subtitle style propagations. Electromagnetic Radiations do not require medium to flow.



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These radiations can be characterised in terms ofa) Frequency ( ): It can be defined as number of oscillations per second. Its unit Hertz (Hz). b) Wavelength(): It is defined as he distance between the two equivalent points (crust and trough). Its unit is metre. Click to edit Master subtitle style c) Wave number(1/): it is the number of wavelength per unit length. And its unit is the reciprocal of wavelength.

Electromagnetic Photons.






A Photon is a single quantum of light. The energy of one photon of a particular frequency is: E = hf = h c /

h = 6.63 x 10-34 Joule sec = 6.63 x 1027 erg sec is PLANCK's CONSTANT.

Along with c, the speed of light; e, the charge on an electron (or proton) and G (Newton's constant of gravity), h is one of the FUNDAMENTAL CONSTANTS of NATURE.

Particle Nature of Electromagnetic Radiations: 1) Black Body Radiation: When solids are heated they emit radiations over a wide range of wavelength. For Example, iron rod is heated, first it turns red then turns into more and more red because of the increase in temperature and on further heating it becomes white and finally turns blue. The radiation emitted goes from a lower frequency to a higher frequencyClick the temperature style as to edit Master subtitle increases. The ideal body which emit or absorb all kinds of radiation is called a black body and the corresponding radiation is called black body radiation.


2) Photoelectric Effect: In 1887, H. Hertz performed an experiment in which electrons were ejected when certain metals for example potassium, rubidium, caesium etc. were exposed to a beam of light. The phenomenon is called as Photoelectric effect.


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The results observed in this experiment were: The electrons are ejected from the metal surface as soon as the beam of light strikes the surface. The number of electrons ejected is proportional to the intensity of brightness of light. At a frequency v>v0, the ejected Click to edit Master subtitle style electrons come out with a certain kinetic energy. The kinetic energies increase with the increase of frequency of the light used.



Photoelectric Effect, Illustrated


Shining a beam of light on to a metal surface can be viewed as shooting of a beam of particles, the photons. When a photon of sufficient energy strikes an electron n the atom of the metal, it transfers its energy instantaneously to the electron during the collision and the electron is ejected without any delay. Greater the energy possessed by the Click to edit photon, greater Master subtitle style will be transfer of energyto the electron and greater will be the kinetic energy of the ejected electron.


Since the striking photon has energy equal to hv and the minimum energy required to eject the electron is hv0 (also called as work function W0) then the difference in energy (hv-hv0) is transferred as the kinetic energy of the photoelectron. Following is the equation:hv= hv0+1/2mv2
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3) Atomic spectra: Band of colours which is formed from a white band is called spectrum. (VIBGYOR) spectrum of white light ranges from violet to red. Such a spectrum is known as continuous spectrum. A continuation of radiation is passed through a sample which absorbs radiation of certain wavelengths. The missing wavelength leave dark space in the bright spectrum. This is absorption spectrum. The spectrum edit Master subtitle style of radiation emitted by a Click to substance that have absorbed energy is called an emission spectra.


The Seven Bands of the EM Spectrum


Microwave or millimeter between Radio and IR


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Interference and Diffraction

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