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Cash Flowing

ii. Credit Planning Incentive Credit Relationship Credit iii. Budget Planning iv. Profit Planning

v. Facilities finance Planning

Selective Information i. Bills Payable ii. Bills Receivable iii. Age Analysis iv. Profit contribution Analyzed Information i. Management Ratios ii. Trend Patterns iii. Management Forecasts Interrelated Information i. Cost of Inventory Ii. Cost of capital iii. Cost of Production per Employee iv. Cost of Marketing and Advertisement v. Cost of Personnel

Integrated Information i. Total Sales Turnover ii. Total Profit iii. Total Profit (before/after tax) iv. Total cash Realizations

Acquisition Expansion Merger Diversification Disinvestment

i. ii. iii. iv.

Selective information Analyzed information Interrelated information Integrated information

i. Purchase Database ii. Inventory Database iii. Material Review Database

Purchase Planning -Vendor Rating Analysis (Selective Information) -Purchase Monitoring (Interlinked Information) ii. Supplying Chain Planning iii. Inventory Planning -Fast Moving Analysis (Selective Information) -Slow moving Analysis (Selective information) -Age Analysis (Selective Information) -Dead Stock Analysis (Selective Information)

Regular spares Irregular spares Insurance spares


Categories of industry
Process Engineering

Process Industry
Output from the previous process becomes the input to the subsequent process. Until it reaches the end product Eg: Steel, Cement, Fertilizers, etc.,

Shop floor level- Process Industry

Process industry can have inputs provided online to computers and control instruction coming from the computer also online. This is the typical hallmark of the process automation Eg: (OLTP) for online reservation like Indian railways, (OLTP) for banking like ICICI bank, Indian Overseas bank, etc., have introduced (ATM) automatic Teller System.

Managerial level Process Industry

1. 2. 3. 4. selected information Analyzed information interrelated information Integrated information



Bill of Material (BOM) lays down the production needs in an engineering industry from the raw material requisition up to the ultimate assembling. BOM is a detailed document for each end product prepared by the marketing department. In consultation with production planning department.


1. Selective information 2. Analyzed information 3. Interrelated information and Integrated information.


Marketing Management is the most popular area of activity among the corporate and is paid a lot of attention, in terms of information gathering and dissemination. Clerical Level Simple accounting systems are mostly sales-oriented. The related transactions are recorded in all these systems that operate for historical record-keeping. Managerial Level Sales Client database Order Database Sales Database Finance Database Finished Goods Database Competitors Database

Management Level Marketing

Marketing is based on long-term mission and vision. Product profile Database Customer profile Database Industry Profile Database Market Profile Database.

Marketing Planning
Decision making in marketing area needs various medium-term and long-term MIS reports

Medium term ( Selective and Analyzed Information)

1.Sales Promotion 2.Territorial Promotion 3. Product Promotion

Long Term ( Interlinked Information)

1. Product-customer matching 2. Product-industry matching 3. Industry-industry matching

Customer Relationship Management ( CRM) The customer relationship, built up through CRM, has become an important business practice and used a very large database of the client, keeps track of their choices and preferences. Conclusion: Marketing management has been a familiar ground of operation for most corporate. The need for effective support system in decision-making can be served through quality MIS reports.


Clerical Level
The age old payroll system is the best case in point for personnel management at the clerical level. Master files Transaction files

Managerial Level Databases

Personal records DB Financial records DB Education and Qualification DB Training DB Performance DB Discipline DB

Managerial Level Planning

a) b) c) d) e) f) Recruitment Planning Promotion Planning Transfer Planning Career-development Planning Retirement Planning Settlement Planning

Good MIS support for management is essential for large corporate so that proper planning is done: 1. To meet employee aspirations 2. To work out cash flow considerations 3. Above all, to let HR be a real asset to the organization.

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