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E-commerce applications PRESENTED BY:

Mayur Goyal Abhishek Garg Sidhanth Kharbanda


Plan of the talk

Introduction to e-commerce and ecommerce applications Issues in developing e-commerce applications Architecture of e-commerce applications Bookstore example Perspectives for e-commerce References

Brief History
1970s: Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
Used by the banking industry to exchange account information over secured networks

Late 1970s and early 1980s: Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) for e-commerce within companies
Used by businesses to transmit data from one business to another

1990s: the World Wide Web on the Internet provides easy-touse technology for information publishing and dissemination
Cheaper to do business (economies of scale) Enable diverse business activities (economies of scope)

A definition for e-commerce

A universally accepted definition does not exist Anything that uses electronic technology in order to do business can be intended as ebusiness We can look at e-commerce as to a subset of e-business concerning commerce Commerce is intended as the activity of exchanging goods and services with some kind of payment

A definition for e-commerce Cont...

Commerce refers to all the activities the purchase and sales of goods or services.
Marketing, sales, payment, fulfillment, customer service

Electronic commerce is doing commerce with the use of computers, networks and commerce-enabled software (more than just online shopping)

The EU definition for e-commerce

e-commerce is based on the electronic processing and transmission of data. It encompasses many diverse activities including electronic trading of goods and services, on-line delivery of digital content, electronic fund transfer, electronic share trading, public procurement. (EU(97)/157)

What is E-Business?
E-Commerce electronic transactions conducted by business partners (narrow definition) E-Business: buying and selling, servicing customers, collaborating with business partners, and conducting electronic transactions within an organisations

What is E-Business? 2
E-Commerce as digitally enabled commercial transactions between and amongst organisations and individuals

E-Business refers primarily to the digital enablement of transactions and processes within a firm, involving only the information systems under the control of the firm

What is E-Business 3
For this module, a broad definition of EBusiness is adopted It encompasses all internal and external electronically based activities and processes. E-commerce is part of E-Business, which focuses on the electronic commercial transactions between and amongst organisations and individuals

What is E-Business? continued

E-business is all about time cycle, speed, globalization, enhanced productivity, reaching new customers and sharing knowledge across institutions for competitive advantage

What is E-Business continued.

Not just about dot coms and Internet only companies Transform existing businesses through the Internet and related technologies Integration within and between organisations break down barriers and boundaries Enabling new possibilities new ways of doing business - not possible in the past A wealth of knowledge already available - through large research programmes


Disadvantages of Electronic Commerce

Loss of ability to inspect products from remote locations Rapid developing pace of underlying technologies Difficult to calculate return on investment Cultural and legal impediments

Origins of e-commerce applications

E-commerce applications existed long before Internet
EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer)

Internet offered the general public the opportunity to conduct businesses online

e-commerce applications or EBusiness: Classification

Three main categories:
Business to consumer (B2C) Business to business (B2B) Consumer to consumer (C2C)

Other categories:
Business to government (B2G) Mobile Commerce

B2C applications
Offer directly to the customer an interface of activity
Typical examples:
Online book store (e.g. Online Apple, Hp, Dell, Sony Booking and purchase of airline tickets (e.g.

Correspond to retail sale Growth of B2C applications thanks to Internet A new kind of B2C applications are the Cybermalls

B2C applications: advantages and disadvantages

Allow company to extend existing services to customers Allow company to increase its customers Offer a wider choice and allow cheaper prices May give to the company a worldwide visibility Online shops are accessible 24h a day

Low order conversion rates High risk (see Cyberphobia)

B2B applications
Realize transactions needed to perform financial or commercial activities by companies over the Internet Some typical applications:
E-procurement E-Marketplace

The turnover is much greater than that dealed with B2C applications

B2B applications: advantages and disadvantages

Help to automate communications between companies making them easier and quicker Allow to cut prices drastically Help in reducing mistakes Disadvantages: Often need legacy integration

C2C applications
Concern the consumers who run negotations with other consumers sometimes utilizing as intermediary a company

C2C applications: advantages and disadvantages

Allow consumers to interact directly among them Give to the consumers a new way of purchasing and selling services and goods

Little earning capacity

B2G applications
Correspond to all kind of transactions between company and public administrator Utilized mostly in the USA An example of a business to government company is a firm that offers IT consulting services to a government agency. The government uses the B2G arrangement in order to keep its technology up to date and in working condition,

Mobile commerce applications

Concern doing businesses by means of mobile wireless devices Can be both B2B and B2C Have a growing importance in the future of ecommerce applications Will introduce completely new forms of electronic commerce
E.g. E-tickets

The development of such applications faces some of the greatest challenges in the security area to secure the trust of consumers

Mobile Commerce Application Snapshot

Plan of the talk

Introduction to e-commerce and ecommerce applications Issues in developing e-commerce applications Architecture of e-commerce applications Bookstore example Perspectives for e-commerce References

Issues in developing e-commerce applications (1/2)

Many of the following issues:
Security Flexibility Scalability Fault tolerance Integration Interfaces (graphical and not) Time-to-market

are common to many applications, but they are all critical in the case of e-commerce because of its nature

Issues in developing e-commerce applications (2/2)

A state-of-the-art application always fail if people do not utilize it
A constant attention must be payed to the users over the whole development process

A close integration with every business aspect is needed:

For an online buyer security and easy access to the informations are the primal needs A manager will need a flexible application to adapt the business to the new trends in a faster way

Security Issues
Security is a crucial feature
Most transactions take place in a fully automated way Restricted data are transmitted through a public network

Users must be sure that their money will not be lost or stolen

Flexibility Issues
E-commerce systems are subject to frequent structural changes because of mutations of:
Products and services provided by the firm Commercial partnerships

Capability to support a certain number of users (thousands, even millions) without compromising performances It is important because a slow application often means to lose customers (especially in B2C) since they have very small patience

Fault tolerance
A less fault-tolerant application will be less available to the user Every minute that a site is not available costs 1400$ to the company (survey on 400 major companies by Oracle) It is easy to loose customers forever It is necessary to redirect the users without they perceive it

Always needed since no application offering every commercial functionality can be realized Critical because the commercial funcionalities are often realized by many different legacy and third-party applications
ERP systems Legacy systems

User Interfaces
Must be intuitive,easily comprehensible and of simple utilization In the case of B2C must support profiling in order to anticipate the customer requests They also need to be customizable

Has greater importance than elsewhere Emphasis on reuse

Plan of the talk

Introduction to e-commerce and ecommerce applications Issues in developing e-commerce applications Architecture of e-commerce applications Bookstore example Perspectives for e-commerce References

Web-based E-commerce Architecture

Architecture Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier N


Web Server

Application Server

Database Server

Application Server-based e-commerce platform architecture

E-commerce platform
Presentation Layer Business Logic Layer Data & Legacy Access Layer
Resource Load Pooling balancing

Legacy systems




Horizontal Services


Application Server
Client tier Server tier Data tier

Plan of the talk

Introduction to e-commerce and ecommerce applications Issues in developing e-commerce applications Architecture of e-commerce applications Bookstore example Perspectives for e-commerce References

Domain Model

Use Case Model

Plan of the talk

Introduction to e-commerce and ecommerce applications Issues in developing e-commerce applications Architecture of e-commerce applications Bookstore example Perspectives for e-commerce References

Future Perspectives (1/2)

Electronic commerce is going to reduce a lot of overhead in the economy It will allow a purchase order to go from being about a $75 cost to about $10 if you had to pick who's the big winner in all of this, you'd definitely have to pick consumers It lets you go out to the Internet and look at products and services of every kind, that never would have been available through traditional distribution channels (Bill Gates at the White House Conference on the New Economy, April 2000)

Future Perspectives (2/2)

In spite of Bills words, people still lack trust in e-commerce However, in Europe there is a strong tendency towards the acceptance of Mobile Commerce EITO (European Information Technology Observatory) 2002 highlights the growing importance of Mobile Commerce (see next page)

Trends in Mobile Commerce for the EU Markets: entertainment

Trends in Mobile Commerce for the EU Markets: banking and finance

Worldwide TLC markets by region

Plan of the talk

Introduction to e-commerce and ecommerce applications Issues in developing e-commerce applications Architecture of e-commerce applications Bookstore example References

References (1/4)
Introduction to e-commerce and the development of e-commerce applications:
Professional Java E-Commerce, M.Kerzner et al., Wrox Press, 2001

EU definition for e-commerce:

A European Initiative in Electronic Commerce Communication to the European Parliament, the Council, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions (COM(97)/157)

References (2/4)
Electronic Data Interchange:
Intodruction to EDI, vv.aa. ,DevEdge online

Cyberphobia and trends in e-commerce:

Application Servers:
Introduction to iPlanet Application Server Architecture, Robert Schulteis, Sun Microsystems, 2002

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

Electronic exchange of
Business documents Business data

In a standard format (ANSI X12,EDIFACT) Established between 1968 and 1975 in the transportation industries (U.S.) Application-to-application communication without human intervention

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)

The banking equivalent of EDI Denotes the transfer of :
Electronic checks Customer accounts Payment informations

in automated way

E-procurement applications (1/3)

Automate enterprise purchasing processes, i.e. perform all of the activities related to generating an order on the buyers side Purchased goods can be :
Direct goods (critical items in the supply chain) Indirect goods (MRO Maintenance Repair and Operations - such as office items)

E-procurement applications (2/3)

Automating procurement of indirect goods can dramatically reduce costs since:
Lessens maverick buying Reduces supplier response time

E-procurement applications(3/3)
3. Order approvation compliant to company standards and procedures 2. Purchase request is performed by employees via a Web interface 4. Purchase order is electronically placed

Indirect goods e-procurement

1. Product selection from available catalogues

5. Order is fulfilled by the supplier

6. Product delivery 8. Payment request electronically forwarded

7. Product receipt

An environment that brings buyers and sellers together in a virtual space for ecommerce, enabling them to reach new customers and reduce transaction costs E-marketplaces are becoming more fashionable

Include more virtual shops Appear as web portals with links to single e-shops grouped by different product categories (e.g. music or books) Advantages for smaller businesses:
Reduced initial investment Easily traceability through the malls brand

Presentation Layer
Its purpose is to provide a user interface to the end user of the application Controls the look-and-feel of the application and responds to user events Serves actually as the front-end of the application

Business Logic Layer

The heart of the application itself Contains the business rules and /or processes Its components link between presentation and data/legacy layers

Data & Legacy access Layer

Its purpose is to give to the business logic components access to backend data sources such as:
Databases ERP systems Other custom systems

Horizontal services
Services provided by the application server by means of an underlying technology (CORBA, EJB, COM,etc.) Typical services:
Transactions Security Session Management Resource pooling Load balancing and fail over

Session Management
Mantains the correlation among requests generated by the same user

Resource Pooling
Caching the instances of used resources (e.g. database connections) improves performances

Load Balancing and Fail Over

Make possible to distribute incoming requests Handle clients reconnection in the case of system crash

Cyberphobia and the .com crash

Cyberphobia is the markets irrational fear of the Internet due to the several bankruptcies occured in the past years B2C represent 75% of bankruptcies
Internet shutdowns

2000 Jan-Apr 6

2001 220

2002 66

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