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A memorandum (plural : memoranda) is a short piece of writing generally used by the officers of an organisation for communication among themselves. It has been derived from Latin word memorare which means to mention or tell. Thus, literally memorandum means a note to assist the memory.

The main purpose of memorandum (memo in short) is to record or convey information's & decisions or to make short request. In small organizations where number of people are less, communication is easy and fast. But in large organization effective and efficient system of communication is essential. Although telephone plays a vital role in communication, but no proof is available of such correspondence. Thus to have documentary evidence of the correspondence often for request, suggestions etc memos are used. Thus, memo is used for internal communication and is never sent out of the organization.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

A memo ,ay be addressed to a single person or may be in form of circular addressed to all such persons whose name appear in the bottom left hand corner. A memo generally used for : To request help or information. To give or seek suggestions. To give instructions to the subordinate. To grant permission. To confirm a decision. To demand explanation from subordinates A memo is used for communication between superior & subordinates and also between official at the same level. A memo however is not used for lengthy reports or for issues which are complex or serious and requires lengthy discussions.

A memo plays an important role in an organisation 1. It ensures quick and smooth flow of information in all directions. 2. It helps in maintaining cordial relationship between the people in an organization 3. It is the documentary evidence of correspondence . 4. It helps in fixing responsibilities.

There is no definite format of a memo. Each organisation has its own format. However, every memo will have the following information. 1. The name, designation and department of sender. 2. The name, designation and department of receiver. 3. Reference 4. Date 5. Subject matter it is a written form of communication but it is not a letter. There is no salulations at the beginning or complement or subscription at the end.

Name of the organisation Address Ref. Date: To: From: Subj.: Body :1. 2. 3. Signature. CC.

A memo should be written in an easy and simple language. Its style should be like that of report. Objective Matter of fact and Lucid No attempt should be made to make an emotional appeal to the reader or to make an psychological impact on him. Small and plain sentences should be used. The sentences used should be direct statement of fact. The tone of memo need not be formal.

Conversational words or phrases & personal pronouns should be used where ever applicable. But it should not be too personal, that it looses its seriousness. At last, a memo should be written in such a way that it is clear, concise & courteous.

A memo is different from letter. Ans A memo is used for internal communication between the executives and subordinates or between officers at the same level. It is never sent out of the organization. While a letter is used for external communication between businessman and customer. It is always sent outside organization

A memorandum is different in format from a letter. Ans A memorandum is different in format from a letter in sense that unlike a letter it does not have a salutation and a complimentary close. It generally has a heading, body and signature.

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