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Anthropology Defined

Greek word anthrope which means MAN and

logy which means SCIENCE. Simply , the study of mankind. Is science that deals with the origins, physical and cultural development, social characteristics, social customs and beliefs of mankind. Other defines it as the science of Man and his works, the scientific study of the physical, social economic, cultural development and behaviour of human beings in a particular society.

Difference between man and animals

A. Biological
Man walks erect on two

Man has two free hands

used for handling things.

Man has a more complex

brain than animals.

B. Behaviourally
Man is rational. Man has complex techniques of producing, procuring,

and preparing and cooking food. Man has social, educational, economic, and governmental organizations. Man has a system of religious beliefs and practices. Man communicate by means of a complex language, oral or written. Man makes tools, weapons, and other gadgets and artifacts, constructs strong and comfortable shelters, and has fast means of land, sea, and air transportation and communication.

Branches of Anthropology
1. Physical Anthropology Deals with the origin and evolutionary process of man. Deals with man as a product of evolution. 2. Cultural Anthropology Deals with the study of mans behaviour and how he carries out and adopts to the various activities of everyday life; his habits, practices and beliefs.

Subdivisions of Cultural Anthropology

this deals with the study

and analysis of ancient culture pertaining to prehistoric people, their dwelling, artifacts, inscriptions and movements.

Documents Paintings Stone cravings

Eras established by Archaeology

Archeozoic Period or rock system The period when early life forms of life appeared. Protozoic Period The period when early life forms increased Paleozoic Period The period when fish, insects, reptiles and other marine forms appeared. Mesozoic Period The period when flowering plants occurred and extinction of the dinosaurs. Cenozoic Period The period when more advanced forms of animals appeared.

2 Divisions of the Cenozoic Period

A. The Tertiary Period The age of mammals B. Quaternary Period The age when the modern forms of man first appeared on earth. Divided into 2;

Pleistocene or Ice Age period characterized by widespread glacial and appearance of man and culture began Holocene or Stone Age period discovery of tools, implements, and houses made of stones.

The study of the subdivision of mankind, their origins,

practices and relations, institutions, etc.

Analyzes cultures, especially in regard to their

historical development and the similarities and dissimilarities between them.

Mankind is divided into five races: White, black, brown, yellow and red

This concerns mans language and his manner of

communication. As a science includes phonetics, phonology, morphology, and syntax.

2 sub-divisions: Descriptive Linguistics deals with the classification, arrangement and analysis of the various features of the language. Comparative or Historical Linguistics studies the changes in language, language variation, and comparison of existing languages.

Meaning of Culture
Derived from the Latin word cultura or cultus

which means care or cultivation. Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. Sociologist: culture really affects a person from womb to tomb. A group of people who share a common culture or one that is made up of people who are interacting on the basis of shared beliefs, customs, values and activities.

Pertinent Meanings of Culture

Culture as a social heritage.
Passed on from one

generation to another.

Culture as a distinguishing

factor. Filipinos - - - Japanese

Culture as an establishment

pattern of behavior. Explicit behavior (overt) Implicit behavior (mental or covert)

Functions of Culture
No society can exist without culture.

Through culture, every person is provided with establishment and time tested ways by which these needs can be met.
Livelihood Medicative practices in curing diseases Making tools and implements for personal and

home use Defense strategies against enemies Process of reproduction

Specific Functions of Culture

It provides behavioral patterns.

It maintains the biological functioning of

the group. It gives meaning and direction to ones existence It offers ready made solutions to mans material and immaterial problems. It develops mans attitude and values and gives him a conscience.

Elements of Culture

Are forms of behavior uniformly done by the members of a society.


Are forms of behavior that allow range of choice in the individuals as members of a society.


Forms of behavior manifested by members of certain socially organized group of individuals, but which are not shared by the total population.

The Mechanisms of Culture Folkways

A social group exhibits a customary behavior patterns Example: education diplomas and pictures

Mores Are the must folkways since they are necessary and essential to the welfare of the group.

Example: people need to dress up - - decently.

Laws Are formally enacted by the proper authorities so people would act accordingly. Institutions Are the most stable, uniform, formal and highly structured.

Examples: Family, Government, Church

Fashions, fads, and crazes Social mechanisms that are short-lived and not practiced by the whole group; temporary.

Examples: youth their manner of dressing; gadgets; music and movies

Modes of Acquiring Culture


imitation or by example

Example; a child putting make-up on

Indoctrination or

Formal Teaching and Informal Teaching

Example; a child wearing a shoe or holding a spoon and fork for the first time


through rewards and punishments

Example; a child steals something

It is derived from the

Latin verb communicare which means to share or to impart that which is common. Communication is not limited to spoken language. E.g.;

facial expression Body language Gesture Tone of voice

Language Its Nature and Meaning

Language is a

system of shared symbols. It is the foundation of every culture. It has an important role in unifying members of society.

Importance and Functions of Language

Language is important because

knowledge and information are accumulated and maintained. Language is also a way of bringing people close to one another Foster the feelings of acceptance and belongingness

Elements of Language
(Phonology , Grammar , Vocabulary)

Phonology (phonemics, phonetics)

This is the system

consisting of sounds in human speech conveying significant meanings.

Grammar (morphology)
The study of the

formal features of language, as the sounds or morphemes, words and sentences according to definite rules so that a complete thought is expressed.

Vocabulary (lexicon)
Stock of words used by or known to a particular person with the

important meanings.

Arts: Their Nature and Meaning

The arts

constitute one of the oldest and most important means of expressions developed by man.

The Functions of Arts

Provides satisfaction to artists, performers, viewers,

and the participants. Serves as vehicle and medium for the communication of ideas, aspirations, attitudes, values, and feelings Strengthens beliefs, attitudes, values, customs and traditions Effective devise for instructional or propaganda purposes Establishes and reveals relationships with people in a society

Music and its Function

Art of combining and

regulating sounds of varying pitch to produce compositions expressive of various ideas and emotions that are pleasing. One important function of music is that it has a way of expressing our emotions.

Art of craving, molding, welding or producing works of art in

three dimensions.

Interior Design
The oldest art

ever developed since the birth of mans civilization

An art form in which the

performers act a story to the audience, a combination of different arts

Uses movements

When there is a

(words in dramaplay)

lot of music, and the actors mostly sing instead of talk.

The End

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