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Effective Presentation

Ten Commandments

Three Step Formula

A good way of structuring a presentation is providing: Tell them what you are going to tell them Tell them Tell them what you have told them

Geevee Training Consultancy

Structure Your Presentation

Introduction: where you want to tell the audience what you intend to talk about Main body: where you present the main facts of your discourse Conclusion: where you remind them about

what you have said

Geevee Training Consultancy

Ten Commandments
1. Thou shall not commence thy speech with

apologies (why prejudice?)

2. Thou shall not fill thy speech with statistics (nobody remembers them!) 3. Thou shall not forget to relax (if you are tense, so will your audience)
Geevee Training Consultancy

Ten Commandments
4. Thou shall not keep poker face (nothing is more

5. Thou shall not be sarcastic or unfair (you will antagonize the audience) 6. Thou shall not be dull (They will fall asleep) 7. Thou shall not murder the language. (They will not

understand you)

Geevee Training Consultancy

Ten Commandments
8.Thou shall not forget to smile. (They might

return the compliment)

9.Thou shall not forget to rehearse 10. Thou shall not forget to STOP (They will love you for this and clap!)

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Voice is the most valuable tool of the presenter. Five main parameters for vocal qualities: 1. Volume 2. Tone 3. Pitch 4. Pace 5. Modulation Have you ever really listened to your own voice?
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Body Language
Your body communicates different impressions to the

Facial Expressions: Gestures:

Posture and body orientation:

Standing erect and leaning forward communicates that you are approachable, receptive, and friendly. Speaking with your back turned or looking at the floor or ceiling communicates disinterest
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Active Listening
Do not finish the sentence of others. Do not answer questions with questions. Be aware of biases. (We all have them.) Never daydream or become preoccupied with your own thoughts when others talk. Do not dominate the conversation. Plan responses after others have finished speaking...NOT while they are speaking.
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Main enemy of a presenter is tension ruins the voice, posture, and spontaneity. voice becomes higher as the throat tenses. Shoulders tighten up and limits flexibility while the legs start to shake and causes unsteadiness. presentation becomes "canned" Do not fight nerves, welcome them!
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Keep cool if a questioner disagrees with you. Make sure you listen to the question being asked. Ask them to clarify. (Paraphrase)

Pause to think about the question

If you do not know the answer, be honest, do

not beat about the bush.

Tell them you will get back (and do it please!)
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Answers that last 10 to 40 seconds work best.

Too short seem abrupt

Long answers appear too elaborate.

If someone takes issue with something you

said, find a way to agree with part of their argument Do not let questions sidetrack you into areas that are not relevant to the presentation.
Geevee Training Consultancy


After a concert, a fan rushed up to famed violinist Fritz Kreisler and gushed, "I'd give up my whole life to play as beautifully as you do. Kreisler replied, "I did." To fail to prepare is to prepare to fail.
Geevee Training Consultancy


Tips and Techniques

Do not read straight from them. Do not put both hands in your pockets Do not wave a pointer around in the air Do not lean on the podium for long periods. Speak to the audience...NOT to the visual aids. Do not stand between the screen and the audience. Speak clearly and loudly enough for all to hear.

Geevee Training Consultancy


Tips and Techniques

Learn the name of each participant

Listen intently to comments and opinions.

Circulate around the room as you speak. Consider the time of day and how long you have got for your talk. Vary your techniques (lecture, discussion, debate, films, slides, reading)

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Good Luck

Thank you for listening

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