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Institute of Nursing and Health Education

Health Education
Slide 001

Learning Styles

Slide 002

is the habitual manner in which the learners receive and perceive the information, process it, understand it, value it, store it, and recall it.

Slide 003


Holistic (or Global) Thinkers

wants to get the whole picture quickly or get the gist of things. they want to see broad categories before they look at the details. They process information simultaneously rather than in a step-by-step manner, and they need to see how new information connects to what they already know and value. they retain an overall or global view of information.

Analytic Thinkers
process the details of a picture, outlining the component parts in a logical progression. they perceive information in an objective manner and do not need to connect it to their personal values or experiences.

Visual Approach
those with this approach experience information they read, see, or hear in terms of mental pictures or images.

Verbal Approach
people who have this approach to learning represent, in their brains, information they read, see, or hear in terms of words or verbal associations.

Kolbs Theory
Experiential Learning

4 abilities to be effective
Concrete Experience (CE) abilities: Learning from actual experience Reflective Observation (RO) abilities: Learning by observing others Abstract Conceptualization (AC) abilities: Creating theories to explain what is seen Active Experimentation (AE) abilities: Using theories to solve problems

4 possible learning styles

1. Converger- A person who learns by AC and AE. This person is good at decision making and problem solving and likes dealing with technical work rather than interpersonal relationships 2. Diverger- A person who stresses CE and RO. This person excels in imagination and awareness of meaning. He or she is feeling oriented and people oriented and likes working in groups.

3. Accommodator- A person who relies heavily on CE and AE. He or she likes to actively accomplish things, often use trial-and-error methods to solve problems. This person may be impatient with other people. He or she acts on intuition and is a risk taker. 4. Assimilator- A person who emphasizes AC and RO. The strengths of this person are inductive reasoning, creating theoretical models, and integrating ideas. He or she prefers playing with ideas to actively applying them. This person is more concerned with ideas than with people.

Kolbs Learning Style


Converger AC Assimilator

Accommodator CE Diverger

Gregorcs Model
Cognitive Style

4 Mediation Channels
1. Concrete Sequential (CS) 2. Concrete Random (CR) 3. Abstract Sequential (AS)

4. Abstract Random (AR)

Field Independent/ Dependent Model

Differences Between the two learning styles

Field Independent Field Independent mathematical reasoning
mathematical reasoning may be may be strong strong Analyzes the elements of a situation Analyzes the elements of Recognizes a situation and recalls details More task oriented Recognizes and recalls Forms attitudes independently detailspronounced self-identity More

Field Dependent Field Dependent More difficulty with

More difficulty with mathematical mathematical reasoning reasoning Analyzes the wholewhole less Analyzes the picture; able to analyze able to analyze picture; lessthe element element the

More task oriented Forms attitudes independently More pronounced selfidentity

Does not perceive details More people oriented See themselves as others see them


1. ____________ it is a type of thinker that wants to get the whole picture quickly or get the gist of the things. 2. ____________ a type of thinker that process the details of a picture, outlining the component parts in a logical progression. 3. - 5. Give the 3 Learning Styles

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