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Represented By: Vishal Agarwal (43) Rounit Shah(20) Tilak Debnath (34) Priyank shah (05) Pulkit Khandelwal(47) Mohit Palesha (46)

History and Evolution Initial Positioning and Repositioning Advertising & Sales Promotion Segmentation Strategy Product Analysis Tackling Competition Distribution Strategy Proposals for Research Analysis of Research

Survey Findings and its Analysis





Initial Positioning & Repositioning


Advertising & Sales Promotion

Electronic Media Social Media

Sales Promotion
Toys Are Given Along With The Meal Various schemes for winning prizes HCL ME Kids Educational Laptops(for patrons) lucky draws and scratch cards(with various 7/2/12 combos)

Segmentation Strategy
Demographic Segmentation

Kids, Family and Students

Psychographic segmentation

Convenience and lifestyle

Behavioural segmentation:

Ocassions, for e.g. Birthday Parties of

Product Analysis


Tackling Competition
Generic Competition :

Competitors : KFC Subway Dominos Pizza Hut


Distribution Strategy


Proposals for Research

Designing the Hypothesis
List of Hypothesis Information Required

Research Instruments
Questionnaire Sampling Plan & tools of data collection

Analysis of survey


Proposals for Research

Hypothesis 1 :

Customers associate Burgers with McDonalds

Hypothesis 2 :
People consider McDonalds as a place for 7/2/12 celebration

Contd. ..

Proposals for Research

To know the customers frequency of visit to McDonalds To know the reason why people visit McDonalds. What is the occasion which is most celebrated at McDonalds by its customers. To know the customers preference with respect to its food items.
Contd. ..


Proposals for Research


A set of questions which are used to analyze our research to conclude about our hypothesis.

Sampling Plan

Survey of 177 by the consumers of all age group.


Tools of Data Collection

Analysis of Research
Analysis of Hypothesis 1 :
Preferences of McDonald's Menu Items

10 9 8 7 No. of Responses 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

the ranks given by the respondents to all the Menu Items of McDonalds 7/2/12

Analysis of Research
Analysis of Hypothesis 1 :
Rank Correlations
Spearman's rho Burger Correlation Coefficient Sig. (2-tailed) N French Fries Correlation Coefficient Sig. (2-tailed) N Mexican Wrap Correlation Coefficient Sig. (2-tailed) N Nuggets Correlation Coefficient Sig. (2-tailed) N Burger French Fries Mexican Wrap 1.000 .199** -.143 . 177 .199** .008 177 -.143 .057 177 -.473** .000 177 .008 177 1.000 . 177 -.158* .036 177 -.177* .018 177 .057 177 -.158* .036 177 1.000 . 177 .047 .531 177 Nuggets -.473** .000 177 -.177* .018 177 .047 .531 177 1.000 . 177


Contd. ..

Analysis of Research
Analysis of Hypothesis 1 : Chi-Square
Chi-Square Df People associate burger with McDonald's 11.326a 4 People visiting McDonald's Result

15.348bProved 3

By comparing the rankings given by all the respondents we can safely infer that people associate burger with McDonalds. 7/2/12

Analysis of Research
Analysis of Hypothesis2:
Frequency of Visitor's Among the 177 respondents we surveyed 76 of them visit McDonalds once a month. This shows the customers frequency of visit to McDonalds on a timely basis . Contd. ..

frequency of visit


No. of Visitors (out of 177)


Analysis of Research
Analysis of Hypothesis2:
Cross Tab (Weighted Average of all the Ratings)
Reasons______ Food Chains McDonalds KFC Dominos Pizza Hut Subway

74.58 60.34 70.51 69.27 54.46

65.65 53.33 59.21 61.92 49.6

66.44 55.93 59.77 63.16 48.36

71.98 56.95 57.4 67.46 54.01

Quality of Food
71.86 62.82 66.1 64.41 63.16

People prefer McDonalds over all its competitor with regards to Meals, Celebrations, Hang- out, Ambience , and Quality of food. It is very clearly visible people consider McDonalds a place Contd. for celebrations. 7/2/12 ..

Analysis of Research
Analysis of Hypothesis2:
Celebrations at McDonald's

Out of 177 respondents:

69% (approx. 122 people) of them visit McDonalds for celebrating any occasions & events & 31% of the respondents (approx. 55 people) do not like to celebrate any occasions at McDonalds. Contd. ..


Analysis of Research
Analysis of Hypothesis2:
Ocassions that people like to celebrate at McDonald's




Percentage of people

We can conclude that people of all age groups visit and celebrate at McDonalds. 7/2/12

According to our analysis :
99% of the sample are ware of the brand McDonalds. 54.8% of our sample responded McDonald as the most preferred brand for Burgers. 69% of people surveyed prefer McDonalds a place for celebration. Brand focuses on four pillars: Quality,Service, Cleaniness and Value Drives the consumer to increase the visibility of the brand through its adds. 7/2/12

Thank You !


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