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Power Point Berdasarkan Buku yang ditulis Ujang Sumarwan, dkk Pemasaran Strategik: Strategi untuk Pertumbuhan Perusahaan

dan Penciptaan Nilai bagi pemegang Saham

Marketing CAR MARKET LUXURYStrategic in Luxury Car Market Segment


Road Map

What & Why? How? Conclusion


Pokok Bahasan
Biaya Pemasaran Strategi Pemasaran
- Jangka pendek
- Aktivitas pemasaran - Fokus terhadap aktivitas marketing - Dianggap Penting oleh CEO, tapi tidak masuk dalam agenda bisnis

Maksimum Profit
- keuntungan jangka
pendek - tidak memberikan gambaran kinerja yang jelas

Biaya Pemasaran

Strategi Pemasaran
-Balanced Scorecard
Market and Customer Focus: -Value Base Marketing - Market Base Management - Kinerja Pemasaran

Maksimum Shareholder Value

- Discounted
Future Cash Flow (jk. Panjang) - Dividen - Harga saham

Perubahan Strategi Marketing


Cause :
- Pasar Globalisasi

- Perubahan Struktur Industri - Revolusi Informasi - Peningkatan Ekspektasi Pelanggan

- Customer Focus and Profitability - Customer Focus and Satisfaction - Customer Satisfaction and Customer Retention (CSI) - Customer Loyalty and Managing Customer Loyalty (CLI)

Customer Profitability :
Perbedaan antara pendapatan yang diperoleh dan biaya yang berkaitan dengan hubungan dengan pelanggan selama periode tertentu (Farris dan Bendlel, 2006).
Top tier customers reward


Second tier customers - grow

Third tier customers - fire

Market Orientation and Performance Impact

Business with a strong customer focus strive to achieve hingh levels of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty Customer Relationship Marketing

Customer And Business Profitability

Customer Satisfaction And Customer Loyalty

Customer Focused Organization

Successful customer relationship marketing translates into higher levels of customer and business profitabilty


Kelompok Metriks Kinerja Pemasaran

Market Performance Metrics


Mengukur kondisi pasar eksternal dan daya tarik pasar

Competitive Performance Metrics

Mencoba melihat daya saing dari produk

Customer Performance Metrics

Mengukur kinerja pelanggan : kepuasan pelanggan, retensi pelanggan, loyalitas pelanggan, customer awareness dan customer value

Financial Performance Metrics Cost Metrics Average cost per unit Marketing & sales expenses Operating expenses Productivity Metrics Inventory turnover Sales per employee Days of accounts receivable Profitability Metrics Return on sales Return on assets Return on invested capital

Marketing Performance metrics Market Metrics Market growth rate Market share Market demand to potential Competitiveness Metrics Relative product quality Relative service quality Relative price and value Customer Metrics Customer satisfaction Customer retention Customer loyality

Measurement Perspective Internal (in company)

Time Perspective In-Process Metrics End-Result Metrics

Products Defects Late Deliveries Billing Errors Accounts Receivable Inventory Turnover

Net Profit / Earnings Return on Sales Margin per Unit Return on Assets Assets Turnover

External (in market)

Customer Satisfaction Relative Product Quality Relative Service Quality Intentions to Purchase Product Awareness

Market Share Customer Retention Relative New-Product Sales Revenue per Customer Market Growth Rate

Measure of shareholder value

Market Orientation and Cos Focus
Market demand 20 million


Shareholder Value

Market Share 5%
Revenue per Customer $500 Variable cost per Customer $310 Marketing Expenses $100 million Operating Expenses $40 million Taxes $ 20 million

Customer volume 1 million Total contribution $ 190 million

ROS 6%

Sales $500 million Assets $206 million Equity $183 million Capital = $150 million Cost = 120% Shares $60 million Share Price $15

Margin per Customer $190

ROA 14.5%

Net Marketing Contibution $90 million Operating income $ 50 million Net profit $ 30 million

ROE 16.4%

EP $12

EPS $0.50

PE Ratio 30

Shareholder Value Net profit and Cash Flow Financial Performance Market Performance Metrics Customer Satisfaction, Retention and Purchase Behavior Marketing Strategy and Strategy Implementation


Past Objective of marketing Marketing strategy Assumptions Create customer value Increase Market Share Positive market performance leads to positive financial performance Knowledge of customers,competitors and channels Future Create shareholder value Develop and manage marketing assets Marketing strategies need to be tested in value terms


Knowledge of how to lever marketing to increase shareholder value

Focus of marketing Skills of marketing

advocacy Concept of assets Rationale Performance measures

Marketing Orientation Specialist

Importance of understanding customer Tangible Improves Profit Market share,customer satisfaction return on sales and investment

General Management Specialist + General

Marketings role in creating shareholder value Intangible Increases shareholder value Shareholder value:discounted cash flows

Perubahan Peran Marketing Strategi Marketing Shareholder Value


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