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Music Therapy Today

Dr Suvarna Nalapat

Indian Ragachikitsa

Nonstructured initial assessment of client Paper based on grounded theory study Interview with experienced music therapists who have done substantial work on the field Conception of initial assessment examined Main result of study qualitative synthesis of initial assessment procedures MT as a part of a multidisciplinery team Regional music for concerned societies

Assessment models and methods

Devised by each region. Generally,A preliminary interview with client (2-3 hours) Informal. Series of sittings Assessment with and without questionnaire Therapy based on disease, mental makeup, musical background (MLP)

Traits of initial assessment

1.May need more than one appointments /sessions 2.Investigation of interaction- essential form of gathering information 3.Interaction of music therapist with client musical, verbal, nonverbal. 4.Clients relationship to music assessed by interaction (informal),questionnaire,listening together,sing along ,creating music together EBM vs happiness of patient/relatives & physician

Early childhood education with music

Everyday is a pleasing experience for child and caretaker/mother How it makes a difference in life of child and adult? Philosophy of MT in educational settings Techniques used Role of caretakers , teachers Current status of MT in other countries and India in child and adult population Family and community MT Our vision

Infant research mother-child interaction

Musical tonal characters and emotions in mothers voice and songs, lullabies Early compassionate relationships with mother-better personality Critical use of musical metaphors Importance of biologically determined initiative behaviour Therapeutic attitude informed by theory & pertinent behaviour taught, propagated through local regional classical traditional.

Motherese (IDS)
The biologically determined infantdirected speech (motherese)and its musical characters Position of intuition between conscious and unconscious behaviour.Is it possible to teach intuitive behaviour? Unconscious behaviour we get from upbringing , ancestors, culture (familial,congenital for each civilization, region) Indian behaviour is different from American/European. Can arise by learning.Occur irrespective of inner attitude/state of awareness.

Intuitive (biological behaviour)

Dependent on inner attitude/willingness to respond to events/developments.May be concealed or inhibited for several reasons Empathy-ability to open up to others-we perceive with all senses and respond, due to increase in intuitive behaviour. Infants, children, yogy-inocent , empathetic. Nonverbal, symbolic, intuitive, empathetic interaction (mother and chiild) Communicative musicality of mothersrhythmic patterns . infants tune in to musical poetical emotions expressed by mothers.

Natural musicality concept Potential of music to create emotional

togetherness Healing : Music supports intrinsic neurobiologically determined needs for qualitative human communication , organised musically, that is , In time. Child gets emotional message in voice-is the emotion related to tune, pitch, melody, prosody ? To gesture or tactile stimuli? To intuitive meaning of love . faith for the mother ? Is it just familiarity? Rhythm / heartbeat of mother.

MT in psycho-oncology
Different types of cancer /men and women 21-62 agegroups (6/12 months after detection 50 % were dead.) Seriousness and finality of diagnosis before therapy. Nature of music used and technique used Personality of Therapists and their communication skills and empathy

3 groups
Receiving active therapy Receiving receptive therapy Talking without music Control population for each of these 3 therapists, 3 projects, 3 institutions 12 patients from each+controls Follow up Synthesis and analysis of data of 36 patients.

Triangulation A. Seidel
Local (regional) therapist External observer (not therapist) describes in blindfolded experiment Core-team of experts (national / international level) In Germany Bosler scale , emotional model (Bernd Tischer 1993), and quadranten model are used for this

Hidden music exploration of silence in music .Julie Sutton.

An interval- Bardo of silence-laya British- an angel is passing by Japanese-Maspace between events Between two loving couple-most intimate period MOUNARAGA (Voice of silence )

The silence slow the pace of music and emphasise the word that flow from silence, highlighting the quiet intensity of the singers voice. Silence begins in space before the first sound is uttered-naadabrahma concept of India. Ends with space after last musical sound in a melody has finished resonating, but continues as everlasting anaahatha sound before a new creation.

Creative act from silence

Linked with a state of unknowingness-letting go off the conscious thought processes in order that there is space and freedom for music that is yet to become.Naadalayayogam Longer silences relate to form and structure Relative silence within texture changes Therapist listens to this silence within her/him between him/her and the client.The musical presence of inaudible sound unknown , indescribable,unimaginable,yet experienced sweet taste experienced by a dumb person.

In which unheard is discovered and created a combination of musical and therapeutic listening needed for therapist /musician Then he/she can awaken memory chains in the client , positive stimuli , neurotransmitter releases, neuronal communications opens up between them and T cells of the immune limb and interleukins released-immunity increases Endorphin secretion-pain relief Stress hormone decrease-quality of life .

Data analysis
Computer aided QSR Nud Richards 1998 programme Strauss & Corbin 1990-98to find out core category Successful description of assessment procedure (membercheck) complex and multilevel consists of analytical (theoretical) and practical frameworks+experiencerelated issues

Susan Hadley&Jane Edwards

Maleoriented areas of enquiry: psychology, philosophy,epistemology,aesthetics,social and natural sciences, ethics, ecology, theology,political theory. 80% Therapists are women. But Music therapy is not a feminist voice Music Therapy is always a sociopolitical work.

Barbara Wheeler
1.Choose the area we want to focus. 2.In US Music Therapists with psychodynamics are not interested in other music therapists who use behaviour or educationally oriented approaches. 3.Reaching out to people who are different from us-socially, educationally, ethnically, culturaaly,chronologically. Early. 4.With same values, interests, longterm relationships. Later

More mature years

We focus more narrowly. we specialise. To get stability and to accomplish something in life. We become more choosy in relationships. Music tastes also is different. But if tastes are developed early in life, better chances for one to enjoy life in later years.

Lokakalyaanam (peace and happiness of entire world) is our motto. This is the first step. We have miles to go before we sleep But the steps we traverse are worth the trial. May the cosmic power be awakened in our bioenergy field.

Thank you

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