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Unit 2

Building own Website


A website is a collection of related web pages, images, videos or other digital assets that are addressed relative to a common Uniform Resource Locator (URL), often consisting of only the domain name, or the IP address, and the root path ('/') in an Internet Protocol-based network.

A Web site is a related collection of World Wide Web (WWW) files that includes a beginning file called a home page. From the home page, you can get to all the other pages on their site. For example, the Web site for IBM has the home page address of

Features of Website

Features of Website

Storefront : It is a place on internet which allows selling products on the website. It is a online store that let the customer purchase material through website. Content Management System : It allows changing the content of the website without the help of webmaster and hence content can be updated anytime. Blog : It is a discussion forum where one can posts their comments and others can post comments in response. It allows people to read the material anytime.

Features of Website

Photo Gallery : It allows the webmaster to post the photos to the website, along with additional information which may be useful for business to grow. Audio : If required owner can include audio or musical performances on website. Video : Video presentations, product announcements, press conferences, or videos of performances can be aded to the website.


for building our own website

Reasons for building our own website

Availability A website allows people to instantly access companys information at any time of the day. Websites are also an ideal method for conveniently reaching the customers. When company have new content, such as products or images, there is no need to notify people about it because they can just go to the site and view all the new information that they have published.

Internet Showcase Showcasing companys work on a website is a valuable tool that fits a variety of industries. For example, for a real estate company, they may have pictures of their available properties on the web pages.

Reasons for building our own website

Marketing You can run ads 24 hours a day, seven days a week and include any images and text that you want. Internet advertising is also significantly lower in cost than traditional marketing methods. More importantly, you can now reach people in all parts of the world. Networking You can build a forum and connect with those who share your interests and benefit from the information you provide. You can find others in the same field and create relationships in order to share tips and ideas or solve problems. Furthermore, you can cross-link with other related organizations so that visitors have multiple avenues of finding you on the Web.

Advantages of Website

When you have a website, your services and products are available online for those who want to view those products and services before buying it. If you have a website and your competitor does not have a website, surely this will give you an advantage over them. Your business will be available 24 hours and seven days a week. When you have a website, you do not need to close at all, especially if your website offers online shopping. Big profits will certainly be available to you. You could also reach out to customers who are not in the same time zone or the same country.

Advantages of Website

Information about your products could be available online for your customers, and your website could also answer the inquiries or the questions of your customers. Support could also be available to your customers 24 hours and seven days a week i.e. 24 X 7 X365.

a website will provide articles and helpful tips and information.

Information about your company or business could be posted on your website. With this, you would gain the trust of your customer, because consumers tend to trust the company more if they know something about the company and the people in-charge of the company.

Advantages of Website

Businesses which have websites could earn big profits, since they don't have to spend money on advertising, since they could advertise their products and services through the internet. Internet market is a global market, which makes the promotion of services and products of a business available globally, without the additional costs.

You can use your web site to network with other companies and build better business relationships, locally and around the world.

Advantages of Website

A website is an environmentally friendly way of doing business by reducing the number of brochures that your company needs to produce. It helps in two way marketing(B2C & C2B) and customers can quickly and easily give feedback on the product. It helps in improved communication by email which is professional and convenient, and is significantly better than leaving messages on answering machines.


E-Commerce Website Design

Ideal E-Commerce Website

E-Commerce website design is ideal for those business clients who require their online marketing site to be launched to sell their products.
The E-Commerce solution for a marketing website requires lots of interactive programming and security implementations incorporated to make it secured and liked by the users.

For designing an E-Commerce website, it is required to have a constant updates of the website especially in its product gallery. The modifications that are made should have a proper handling.

Ideal E-Commerce Website

A website that retains all the privacy policy, terms and conditions intact is chosen to be a good website by the majority of the clients. There are some basic components that all ecommerce sites include, such as product or service description pages, a shopping cart - so that buyers can select and keep items from your product list till they generate a purchase order or an invoice, a payment mechanism - so that buyers can pay for your products online or offline. The product should have a clear and high-quality picture, short and detailed specifications. If necessary add attachments of diagrams, sketches, video etc. along with the product specification.

Ideal E-Commerce Website

Many people still don't feel comfortable to make payments through online transactions. You would be better off if you include ordering processes by fax, telephone and ordinary mail. In fact, to have a telephone number for customer support and order is a must for any e-commerce site as it gives buyers some extra feelings of security.
Security: If your website collects sensitive information from your customers, you should use security systems like SSL (Secure Socket Layer). This guarantees that the data provided by your customer will not fall into the hand of a malicious hacker while transferring from his computer to the web server.

Cost of Building a Website

Number of Pages Designed How many pages actually need their own design? Most content sites use a "Home page" design and an "Internal page" design. The "Internal page" design is the fixed template for all content pages. Other pages that may need a special design include a forum, photo gallery and an integrated store. Expect each additional design to cost 10% of your initial design fee.

Flash Flash is what's used to create sophisticated animations and moving images on a website. Flash instantly increases the cost of your site between several hundred to several thousand dollars.

Added Functionality Functionality like a photo gallery, database, online shop and forum will cost extra.

Email Newsletter Service Most websites (and all Funnel of Trust sites) have an email newsletter. This needs special functionality which collects visitor email addresses in a database where they can be sorted and added to the newsletter mailing list.

Maintenance Fees There are various additional costs, such as : Hosting cost Domain name registration cost SSL (Secure Socket Layer )certificate Payment Gateway (transaction fees)
Website Maintenance & Enhancement cost : The advantage of a website is that one can change and improve it over time. Maintenance cost is typically bid by a webmaster at an hourly rate, or monthly or yearly.

Time Consumed for creating a website

It depends for what type of website you want to create and what is the website for. Lets have the following conditions: 10 pages of content A simple graphic banner A standard 2 section layout (body and right navigation panel)

Another important factor is your knowledge of website technologies.This estimate assumes that your experience is as follows: - very basic understanding of HTML - no understanding of CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) - little or no experience creating graphics (Photoshop) - little or no experience using website creation software (Dreamweaver)

estimate of how much time is takes to create a website: - Creating content: 20 hours - Learning to use Website Creation Software and CSS 12 hours - Creating website layout and basic graphical logo 28 hours Total hours : 60 hours

Reach Or Accessibility of Website

Reach Or Accessibility of Website

Accessibility means making site available to as broad a range of visitors as possible. It also means that it is coded well, it is easy to navigate and it works in everyones browser. Integrate a search mechanism for the users to search for keywords that will conveniently lead them to the pages they are interested in.

Reach Or Accessibility of Website

For each visual feature, a small coloured pop-up window appears containing precise descriptive text of the visual feature. The words used must be simple enough to efficiently pass the information. Also, use correct grammer and spell check before posting it on the site. Provide a mechanism to have the content in visual or text format by either copying audio content and posting it on the same page or captioning (header) video files.

Reach Or Accessibility of Website

Ensure the website is versatile i.e. text and images should remain recognizable whether minimized or increased in size or quality (eg. In mobile phones).

Provide some control mechanism over the website, so that the viewer can see where they are in the web site and a means to easily go to another area or go back.

Domain Name

A domain name is an identification label that is used for naming and addressing purposes. A name that uniquly identifies a site on the internet.

Registration of Domain Name

Registration of Domain Name

Registration of the domain name is done through a domain name registrar or hosting provider. The preferred domain name availability is checked, if available then it can be registered online.

Registration for domain name is registered for a period of from one to ten years, with options for renewal. It costs approximately Rs. 425 (lowest) per year to register a domain.

Registration of Domain Name

The domain name should be like that is reflects the company name or organization purpose. If we get a good name that describes our product or service, we might even get people who were trying their luck by typing their search.

Registration of Domain Name

Few guidelines to follow the rules for domain name registration : - Our domain name cannot exceed 63 characters. Domain name is not case sensitive. Domain name must begin and end with a number / letter. Domain name can only use the hyphen

Bandwidth Requirement

Meaning of Bandwidth

Bandwidth is the amount of traffic that is allowed to occur between your web site and the rest of the internet.
The amount of bandwidth a hosting company can provide is determined by their network connections, both internal to their data center and external to the public internet.

Explanation of Meaning

The internet, in the most simplest of terms, is a group of millions of computers connected by networks. These connections within the internet can be large or small depending upon the cabling and equipment that is used at a particular internet location. It is the size of each network connection that determines how much bandwidth is available.

For example, if you use a DSL connection to connect to the internet, you have 1.54 Mega bits (Mb) of bandwidth. Bandwidth therefore is measured in bits (a single 0 or 1).

Explanation of Meaning

Bits are grouped in bytes which form words, text, and other information that is transferred between your computer and the internet. If you have a DSL connection to the internet, you have dedicated bandwidth between your computer and your internet provider. But your internet provider may have thousands of DSL connections to their location. All of these connection aggregate at your internet provider who then has their own dedicated connection to the internet (or multiple connections) which is much larger than your single connection.

Explanation of Meaning

They must have enough bandwidth to serve your computing needs as well as all of their other customers. So while you have a 1.54Mb connection to your internet provider, your internet provider may have a 255Mb connection to the internet so it can accommodate your needs and up to 166 other users (255/1.54).

Example of Bandwidth Traffic

A very simple analogy to use to understand bandwidth and traffic is to think of highways and cars. Bandwidth is the number of lanes on the highway and traffic is the number of cars on the highway. If you are the only car on a highway, you can travel very quickly. If you are stuck in the middle of rush hour, you may travel very slowly since all of the lanes are being used up.

Traffic is simply the number of bits that are transferred on network connections.

If you were to transfer a MP3 song of 4MB from a web site to your computer, you would create 4MB of traffic between the web site you are downloading from and your computer. Depending upon the network connection between the web site and the internet, the transfer may occur very quickly, or it could take time if other people are also downloading files at the same time.

If, for example, the web site you download from has a 10MB connection to the internet, and you are the only person accessing that web site to download your MP3, your 4MB file will be the only traffic on that web site. However, if three people are all downloading that same MP at the same time, 12MB (3 x 4MB) of traffic has been created. Because in this example, the host only has 10MB of bandwidth, someone will have to wait.

The network equipment at the hosting company will cycle through each person downloading the file and transfer a small portion at a time so each person's file transfer can take place, but the transfer for everyone downloading the file will be slower.
If 100 people all came to the site and downloaded the MP3 at the same time, the transfers would be extremely slow. If the host wanted to decrease the time it took to download files simultaneously, it could increase the bandwidth of their internet connection (at a cost due to upgrading equipment).

Ideal Bandwidth Requirement for website

Since bandwidth is a significant determinant of hosting plan prices, you should take time to determine just how much is right for you. Almost all hosting plans have bandwidth requirements measured in months, so you need to estimate the amount of bandwidth that will be required by your site on a monthly basis. Always requiring a high bandwidth is not the correct decision. As high bandwidth comes with high fees, which one must keep in mind while buying the web host service. Required Bandwidth = Web pages in the site

X monthly volume

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