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Niken Restiana A Puput Putrianingsih Putri Desi Yanti Rahayu Istiqomah

Agrement And Disagreement

Agreement and disagreement are types of affirmation and denial in which the expression of JUDGEMENT or OPINION rather than the assertion of FACT is involved Kesepakatan dan ketidaksepakatan adalah jenis penegasan dan penolakan di mana ekspresi PENGHAKIMAN atau PENDAPAT daripada penegasan FAKTA yang terlibat.



AGREEMENT In agreeing with an unfavourable opinion, you may wish to qualify your agreement with an expression of regret, etc.

PERSETUJUAN Dalam setuju dengan pendapat yang tidak menguntungkan, Anda mungkin ingin untuk memenuhi syarat persetujuan Anda dengan ekspresi penyesalan, dll


if they do not obey school rules will be in effecting sanctions . > Yes, I supposo so Bila tidak mematuhi peraturan sekolah akan di kenai sanksi > Ya, Saya setuju itu

Expressing Agreement

Yes, i agree with you Im sure youre right Thats right (quite true) I think so too I absolutely agree Thats exactly what i think Yes, I suppose so I dont have any objections



Notice that you need to be very polite when disagreeing with someone even someone you know quite well. When you deny or contradict what someone else has stated, the effect is often impolite, unless the denial is qualified in some way. You can qualify it by an apology or by adjusting to the speakers point of view: Perhatikan bahwa Anda harus sangat sopan ketika tidak setuju dengan seseorang bahkan seseorang yang Anda kenal cukup baik. Ketika Anda menolak atau bertentangan dengan apa yang orang lain telah menyatakan, efeknya sering tidak sopan, kecuali penolakan memenuhi syarat dalam beberapa cara. Anda dapat memenuhi syarat dengan permintaan maaf atau dengan menyesuaikan ke titik pandang pembicara


Dating allowed in school > I disagree Boleh berpacaran di sekolah > Saya tidak setuju

Expressing Disagreement

I dont agree ( with you) Im not sure I agree with you I disagree with... I see what you mean, but... I wish I could agree with you, but... I dont think its a good idea I dont like the idea I can not go along with you I wouldnt say that


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