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Click to edit Master subtitle style

Listian Ruslim

Cigarettes sales should be banned because of three reasons that are increase number of mortality, damage for body, and spent a lot of money. Those things are not useful for life. Although many people realize about the impact of cigarettes, they are still Click to edit Master subtitle style use that useless thing and this is a really apprehensive condition.


The first reason why cigarettes should be banned is increasing mortality number. New research shows that smokers tend to underestimate the risk of death. The research Click to edit Master subtitle style that did by NHS Smokefree shows data 53% smokers tend to underestimate the risk of death that caused by disease because of smoking habit. Besides, 58% smokers also underestimate the risk of early death because of smoking habit. According to CancerResearch UK, in 2010, England and the other western countries are in the fourth level of tobacco epidemic with average adult smokers under 30%. In Indonesia, the result of Riskesdas in 2007 and 2010 show the tendency increase of young age in smoking habit. Riskesdas data 2010 shows the first time smoking in 5-9 7/4/12 old is 1,7%, age 10-14 is years 17,5%, age 15-19 is 43%, age 20-24 is 14,6%,

The second reason is cigarettes are damage for body. A cigarette has more than 500 substances that damage for body that cause disease such as bronchitis, emphysema, heart disease, Click to edit Master subtitle style liver, lungs, impotence, stroke and many more. According to Cancer Research UK (Lung Cancer-UK mortality statistics, 2008), if we see from the number of the death total that caused by lungs cancer more than 4000 people death before 60 years old with the

The third reason is buy cigarettes equal spent money for useless thing. Imagine if someone buy one or two packs cigarette everyday. They might do not realize what they already done. According to data, not less 100 quintillion rupiahs peoples money spent for only buy approximately 225 billion cigarettes. Besides, according to BPS data, poor people in town spent 7,7% their income for cigarettes, and the Click to edit Masterin village spent 6,3%. poor people subtitle style It is a very disappoint fact.


In conclusion, cigarettes cause many impacts such as increase the number of Click to edit Master subtitle style mortality, damage for body, and spent money for useless thing. Cigarettes harm adults as well as children. Although smoking has only negative effects for body, the use of cigarettes is legal while other drugs are banned. Most



Graph of mortality number caused by cancer based on gender and mortality age distance (Lung Cancer-UK mortality statistics, 2008)


Graph of tobacco epidemic in the world, percentage of adults smoker number and mortality caused by cigarettes (Lung Cancer-UK statistics, 2010)


Graph of average percentage of children start smoking regularly in England in 2010 (Lung Cancer-UK smoking statistics, 2010)

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