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JCB Song

By Click to edit Master subtitle style Nizlopi


ry n st tio Who is the band ? u a nd m I r fo Nizlopi is a two piece band from 1993in 2010. the two members are Luke and

john. Both whom come from England. The type of music that they sing are that of and alternative folk music which also includes indie music.


ry n st tio u a d rm o

When was the song released ?

The music video was released in 12/12/05 and also at the same time their album was released and sold over 500,000 copies. When it came out it was straight at the number 1 charts.
This was the album cover that they made after producing this song which was oen of


ry n st tio du What kind of video is it ? n ma I r fo in I can tell by this music animation video that it is

a narrative linear performance which explains the storyline and which also fits in with the lyrics of the song. There are two main protagonists which are Luke and his dad and at different points in the song general things that get in Lukes way such as angry drivers or the bullies can be classed as the antagonists of the performance.


e ns r o en nti What are the genre G e v conventions? n o c

The genre of music that they normally create is that of an alternative folk band. At the same time, some of their songs can be classed as an indie folk. This is because some songs have a folk aspect, telling a story and using the instruments to help with the effect. comparing this song to their others . For the video of the JCB song nizlopi go for a more alternative type of video and convention by using animation to portray their video. This then can be linked to indie because of the way they have portrayed the music video.

Editing was a big part of the video as it was all an animation so obviously editing was used. While this was good it also had its down turns that they had only a few different angled shot . With no close ups just a zoom at the beginning so they haven't explored the camera angles or movements as much. With the occasional shot of the front of the 7/5/12 JCB and behind it.

Here you can see the different shot angles of the animation. These are the only ones that feature throughout the video . Even though there are only these three shots the audience can still see the structure of the video and

Well, I'm rumblin' in this JCB I'm five years old and my dad's giant 7/5/12 sitting

Sittin on the toolbox, oh And I'm so glad I'm not in school, boss So glad I'm not in school And we're holding up the bypass, oh oh Me and my dad having a top laugh Oh woah I'm sittin on the toolbox, oh oh And I'm so glad I'm not in school, boss So glad I'm not in school Said I'm Luke, I'm five, and my dad's Bruce Lee Drives me round in his JCB I'm Luke, I'm five, and my dad's Bruce Lee Drives me round in his JCB I'm Luke, I'm five, and my dad's Bruce Lee Drives me round in his JCB I'm Luke, I'm five, and my dad's Bruce Lee Drives me round And we're holding up the bypass, woah Me and my dad havin a top laugh, oh woah And I'm sittin on the toolbox, oh And I'm so glad I'm not in school, boss So glad I'm not in school Aw, said I'm Luke, I'm five, and my dad's Bruce Lee Drives me round in his JCB I'm Luke, I'm five, and my dad's Bruce Lee Drives me round in his Aw, I'm Luke, I'm five, and my dad's Bruce Lee Drives me round in his JCB I'm Luke, I'm five, and my dad's Bruce Lee Drives me round in his JCB

Visuals and lyrics

As you can see, in everything that Luke sings about it appears. This in a way is really good as it links to the lyrics and the audience can relate back to the lyrics through the video which supports Goodwin's theory. Well Im rumblin in this JBC I'm five years old and my dads a giant This sittin besideis clever as a me giant appears over the

Starts off with the 7/5/12 animation of Luke and

Im so glad Im not in school

And the processions of cars stuck behind

With a castle in the background Like he represents zoids his school as And a prison. I want to transform into a tyrannosaur As you can say they us rex and both things link 7/5/12 eat up all together transform

This links through the lyrics as cars start to appear behind them. Zoids appear.

Music and visuals

Thought-out the video it is quite and easy slow going type of pace that the band use and this is portrayed in the animation with the job going at the same pace but later on in the song the tempo is picked up this then is represented in the video with the JCB speeding up as if he's driving away from the Bullies also through the use of editing it made the video look as if the JCB is speeding off. This then links back to the music and the fast tempo.


Then as you can see when the song picks up again they speed

As you can see from this image the song at this point is calm with just the singer and acoustic guitar. This is represented in

Shots of the band = no

One thing that I cannot add though is shots of the band itself playing the music because the whole video is the animation. Therefore the audience wouldnt be able to link the video and music with the band, this then would go against Goodwin's theory of linking a relationship between the music and visuals of the performers and this would then end in the audience not forming an relation with the band.


There is a lot of references in this video that links back to voyeurism and how the band have looked in on the world of the band because the song is purely about Luke and his dad driving away from bullies and from the lyrics you can make a clear connection from what is said and what is shown in the video. So this tells the story of Luke and gives a sense of voyeurism into his younger self. At the same time this is portrayed in a type of dreamed jotted down animation 7/5/12

Representation of family

From our video family is represented through the fact that Luke is singing about him and his dad. From the video you can see that there is a clear relationship between the main character (Luke) and his dad, the way you can see this is that he is sitting next to his dad and that through the lyrics Luke is saying how great his dad is and through these lyrics you can see that he is very close to his dad, representing family.


Representation of youth
Through this video you can see a relationship of youth in two ways. One way would be that there is a representation of when Luke was young and how the youth is portrayed in different ways such as when he was five in the animation you can see he is talking about how he hates school and that he wants to turn into a transformer. These are good representations as when you think of a five year old you think that they have a wild imagination and that 7/5/12

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