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Cross-Cultural Training

Sharon Glazer, Ph.D. San Jose State University

an educative process to improve & promote intercultural learning by developing affective, behavioral, and cognitive competencies that are desirable for successful intercultural interactions
(Littrell et al., 2006; Morris & Robie, 2001)

Why is CCT important?

High cost of Expatriate Failure
~16-40% early return $220million to send expat. Costs U.S. businesses $2billion

CCT Effectiveness is inconclusive

30-60% of MNC offer CCT, fewer offer to families Early return often due to family

Little Empirical Evidence

Anecdotal evidence; Theoretical explanations From 1980-2005, only 6 studies had an experimental group and control group (Littrell et al.) Only 6 studies btwn 1998-2007 included non-student populations (Mendenhall et al., 2008)

Why CCT is important contd

Lack of Unifying Theoretical Framework
Social Learning: Bandura observe & experience Dynamics of Adjustment U Curve (over time), from optimistic to confused to adjustment Expertise Development Culture Shock: combines anthropological, psychoanalytic, behavioral, and phenomenological perspectives Role: relationships and expectations Culture: values, history, beliefs Sequential Model: training is a process corresponding to cycle of adjustment

Why CCT is important contd

Inconsistent Measures of Performance
What is effective performance? Transfer of learning Adjustment, Early return Leaving organization upon return Professional effectiveness Interpersonal Adjustment

Workplace Diversity Increasing

Changes in cohesion and trust Communication challenges Process loss

Sample Topics Covered in CCT Papers

Language Training Leadership Training Organizational support systems Intercultural training models Program components/content Training limitations Trends in expat. employments History of CCT Expatriate Failure Experiential Methods Culture Assimilators Individualism/Collectivism International Adjustment Selection Criteria Work roles Importance of CCT Goals of CCT Types of Training Success criteria Types Preparation Personality

Moderators (Constraints) of CCT

Individual Family/Spouse Job-level Organizational level Timing Previous experience abroad Nonwork factors Organizational Culture Destination Country Assignment Length Cultural toughness Quantity of training Trainer Attributes Organizational Support Laboratory/Field Predeparture/postarrival

Purpose of CCT
To increase likelihood of success on foreign assignment To change attitudes vs. acquiring and applying mechanical/structured information To adjust personally, professionally, & interpersonally To raise participants awareness of cultures possible influence on our behaviors, thoughts, and feelings.

Goals of CCT
Learning how to learn Overcoming difficulties overseas Developing relationships with host natls Helping expats to accomplish work tasks Enabling expat to cope with stressors while abroad by
Understanding underlying values that influence affect, behavior, cognition helping people recognize their own cultural filters and how it affects others reactions or responses to the participants.

Communication Competence
Unconscious Incompetence Conscious Incompetence Conscious Competence Unconscious Competence

Preparing for CCT

Program Components
Needs Assessment (for company and Expatriate & family) Customization of content and design Program quality: experts deliver training and evaluate the effectiveness of the program; performance & opinion about preparation

Content and Type of CCT

Specific Didactic (factual info: briefings, formal learning; cultural assimilators) General

Experiential (Learning how to learn: look-see visits, role plays, intercultural workshops, simulations)

Content and Type of CCT

Attribution Training: expat learns to attribute/explain host culture behavior from host culture perspective Cultural Awareness Training: learn about own culture Interaction Training: OTJ; overlap with current expat Language Training

Cultural Assimilator
You are riding a car driven by a close friend. He hits a pedestrian. You know he was going at least 35 miles per hour in an area of the city where the maximum speed is 20 miles per hour. There are no witnesses. His lawyer says that if you testify under oath that he was only driving 20 miles per hour it may save him from serious consequences. What right has your friend to expect you to protect him?
a. b. c.

My friend has a definite right as a friend to expect me to testify to the lower figure (20). He has some right as a friend to expect me to testify to the lower figure. He has no right as a friend to expect me to testify to the lower figure.

Mode of Delivery
On-line, web-based F2F Hybrid

Effectiveness of CCT
Self-maintenance skills: Selfdevelopment Interpersonal skills: building relationships with host Cognitive skills: developing appropriate perceptions of the host culture

Performance as Criteria
CCT yields 26-39% variance in performance What is performance?

What is performance? How is it measured?

Completion of assignment/early return* Perceived cultural competence/CC skill dev.* Supervisor job performance ratings* Academic achievement Contribution to organizational goals Building relationships with others Demonstrable understanding others behaviors (conscious competence; isomorphic attributions) Awareness of cultural differences/Sensitivity Ratings of intercultural behavior Decision-Making/Problem-Solving ability Technical knowledge of host culture

When is it delivered? Timing

Pre-Departure: Theory of met expectations (6 studies since 1988)

Expat has realistic expectations of host culture and work environment that will likely be met; less anxiety; greater confidence

Post-Arrival: Addresses real-time issues as experienced in the actual culture; social support (12 studies since 1988) Combination Nearly half the studies were of student populations or non-sojourning employees

Rigor of Training
Low: lectures, films, books (4-20 hours) Moderate: role plays, case studies, assimilators, survival language courses (20-60 hours) High: assessment centers, simulations, field trips, in-depth language courses (60-180 hours)

Other considerations
Family situation Job situation Personality of expat (cognitive flexibility, social skills, self-confidence, desire) Organizational attributes & support Cultural toughness: difficulty of adjusting to certain countries CCT cannot be stand-alone*** Global mindset (CCT for all)

CCT designed to fit personality

Self-Orientation: engages in activities that represent concern for selfpreservation, self-enjoyment, mental hygiene Others-Orientation: expresses concern for host nationals and desire to interact with them Perceptual Orientation: understands nature and reasoning behind host national behavior
Mendenhall & Oddou, 1986

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