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Bab VI.

WAN Technologies 3
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Komputer Komputer

WAN Option
Komputer Komputer

WAN Option
ATM Komputer PSTN X.25
S xD L

Komputer MPLS 3G PPP


ISDN GPON Komputer


Wan Tech. Option

1. 2.

X.25 Frame Relay

X.25 Network

Intro to X.25
X.25 is a packet-switching WAN Developed in 1976 by ITU-T X.25 is an interface between data terminal equipment (DTE) and Data Circuitterminating equipment (DCE) for terminal operation in the packet mode on public data networks

Intro to X.25
X.25 define how a packet-mode terminal can be connected to a packet network for the exchange of data X.25 describes the procedures necessary for establishing, maintaining and terminating connections. X.25 is what is known as a Subscriber Network Interface (SNI) protocol.

Intro to X.25
SNI defines how the users DTE communicates with the network and how packets are sent over that network using DCE. It uses a virtual circuit approach to packet switching (SVC and PVC) and uses asynchronous connection.

SVC Basics (Switched Virtual Circuits)

An easy way to imagine this distinction is to think of your telephone. Every time you want to exchange data (i.e., the sound of your voice), you need to make a call by dialing a number. When someone answers the phone on the other end of the line, the connection is established, and you can talk to each other. When you are finished talking, you hang up and break the connection. This is an SVC connection.

SVC Basics (Switched Virtual Circuits)

PVC Basics (Permanent Virtual Circuits)

Limitations on PVCs and SVCs

PVC connections are less flexible, in that only one endpoint at a time can be connected with another on a given LCN. SVC connections are very flexible in that it is possible for multiple callers to call the same number.

X.25 layers
X.25 protocol specifies three layers
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Physical Frame Packet

These layers define functions at the physical, data link and network layers of the OSI model

X.25 layers

Physical Layer
At the physical layer, X.25 specifies a protocol called X.21 X.21 has been specifically defined for X.25 by the ITU-T X.21 is similar enough to other physical layer such as EIA-232 (Serial)

Frame Layer
X.25 provides data link control using Link Access Procedure, Balanced (LAPB), which is a subset of HDLC The flag, address, control and FCS fields are exactly the same in HDLC

Frame Layer
3 categories of Frames

Are used to encapsulate packet from the network layer

Are for flow and error control in the frame layer

Are used to set up and disconnect the links between DTE and DCE

Frame layer phases

In the frame layer, communication between a DTE and a DCE involves 3 phases
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Link Setup Transferring data Link Disconnect

Frame layer phases

Link Setup

The link between DTE and DCE must be setup before packets from the packet layer can be transferred. Either the DCE or the DTE can set up the link by sending an SABM (Set Asynchronous Balance Mode) frame, the responding party sends an ACK frame ( Acknowledgement ) to show the link is ready

Frame layer phases

Transferring data

After the link has been established, the 2 parties can send and receive network layer packets using I-frames and S-frames When the network layer no longer needs the link, one of the parties can issue a disconnect (DISC) frame to request a disconnection

Link Disconnect

Packet Layer
The network layer in X.25 is called the Packet Layer Protocol (PLP). This layer is responsible for establishing the connection, transferring the data, and terminating the connection In addition, it is responsible for creating the virtual circuits and negotiating network services between 2 DTEs

Packet Layer
While the frame layer is responsible for making a connections between a DTE and a DCE, the packet layer is responsible for making a connection between 2 DTEs Note (important)

X.25 uses flow and error control at two levels

Flow and error control between DCE and DTE are under jurisdiction of the frame layer Flow and error control between 2 DTEs are under jurisdiction of the packet layer

Packet Layer

Virtual Circuits
X.25 protocol is a packet-switched Virtual Circuit network The Virtual circuit in X.25 are created at the network layer (not the data link layer) This means that a physical connection between a DTE and DCE can carry several virtual circuits at the network layer with each circuit responsible for carrying either data or control information.

Virtual Circuits


X.25 also checks for errors from source to destination at the network layer Two layer operations for error checking and flow control Much of the traffic on an X.25 network is devoted to error checking to ensure reliability of the service


Only one-fourth of this traffic is message data Such extensive traffic wan necessary at the time X.25 was introduced because transmission media were more error prone then, than they are today

Virtual Circuit Identifiers

Each virtual circuit in X.25 should be identified for use by the packets The Virtual Circuit Identifiers is used The VCI in X.25 is called Logical Channel Number (LCN)

X.25 SVC networking allows for multiple simultaneous connections

X.25 is an old and used to be popular packet-switching WAN The X.25 protocol defines the procedures for data transmission between a DTE and a DCE The X.25 protocol specifies three layers
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Physical layer Frame layer Packet layer

LAPB is the protocol used by X.25 at the frame layer for data link control functions The packet layer handles connection establishment, data transfer, connection termination, virtual circuit creation and negotiation of network services between two DTEs

There are 3 types of X.25 packets
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I frames S frames U frames

The first is a data packet,The latter two are control packets There are flow and error control at both the frame layer and the packet layer The virtual circuit identifier in X.25 is called LCN

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Wan Tech. Option

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1. 2.

X.25 Frame Relay

2. Frame Relay Network

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Frame Relay Intro

Frame Relay is a Virtual-Circuit technology that provides low-level (physical and data link layers) service. Frame relay provides the following service
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Higher data rates at lower cost Click to data Burstyedit Master subtitle style
Frame relay can provide Bandwidth on Demand

Less overhead

Differences between X.25 and Frame Relay

The bad things about X.25

X.25 provides extensive error checking and flow control Frames are checked for accuracy at each station Click to edit Master subtitle a Each station keepsstylecopy of the original frame until it receives confirmation from the next station that the frames has arrived correctly

Differences between X.25 and Frame Relay

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X.25 also checks for errors from source to destination at the network layer Two layer operations for error checking and flow control Much of the traffic on an X.25 network is devoted to error checking to ensure reliability Click to edit Master subtitle style of the service

Differences between X.25 and Frame Relay

Only one-fourth of this traffic is message data Such extensive traffic wan necessary at the time X.25 was introduced because transmission media were more error prone then, than they are today

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Differences between X.25 and Frame Relay


Improvements in traditional transmission media and greater use of fiber-optic cable, which is far less susceptible to noise than metallic cable, have decreased the probability of transmission error to a point where this level of caution is not only unnecessary but Click to edit Master subtitle style counterproductive as well. Frame relay does not provide error checking or require acknowledgment in the data link layer.

Differences between X.25 and Frame Relay

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All error checking is left to the protocols at the network and transport layer. Many data link layer operations are eliminated while others are combined
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Differences between X.25 and Frame Relay

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Advantages of Frame Relay

Frame Relay operates at a higher speed (up to 1.544 Mbps and recently 44.376 Mbps) Frame Relay operates in just the physical and data link layers

Means it easily can be used as a backbone network to provide services to protocols that already have a network layer protocol

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If TCP/IP wants to use the services of X.25, there is a duplication in the network layer and Frame Relay fucntions, X.25 has its own network layer and TCP/IP has its own There is no duplication in the case of Frame Relay,edit Master subtitle styles own network layer and TCP/IP uses it Click to Frame Relay provides services at the Physical and the data link layers

Frame Relay allows bursty data. Users do not have to adhere to a fixed data rate Frame Relay is less expensive than other traditional WANs
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Disadvantage of Frame Relay

Not fast enough Frame Relay uses variable-length frames

This may create a varying delays for different users, example : Delay of a small frame following a large frame may be different than the delay of a small frame following another small frame
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Frame Relay operation

Frame relay provides Permanent Virtual Circuit and Switched Virtual Circuit

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Frame Relay Virtual Circuit

Frame Relay is a virtual circuit network Like any other virtual circuit network, it uses a virtual circuit identifier Virtual Circuit in Frame Relay operates at the data link layer, in contrast with X.25, they operate at the network layer Click to edit Master subtitle style Virtual circuit in Frame Relay is identified by a number called Data Link Connection Identified (DLCI)----- in X.25 LCN

When a virtual circuit is established by the network, a DTE is given a DLCI number that it can use to access the remote DTE The local DTE uses this DLCI to send frames to the remote DTE
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Frame Relay Layers

Frame Relay has only physical and data link layers

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Comparing layers in Frame Relay and X.25

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Wan Tech. Option

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1. 2.

X.25 Frame Relay

ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode)

ATM adalah interface untuk transfer cell (cell relay) dengan kecepatan tinggi. Memungkinkan koneksi lojik ganda di-multiplex-kan pada sebuah interface fisik tunggal. ATM bagian dari broadband ATM

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Arsitektur Protokol




User planeedit Master subtitle style Click to Provides for user information transfer Control plane Call and connection control Management plane Plane management whole system functions Layer management Resources and parameters in protocol entities

ATM Logical Connections

Virtual channel connections (VCC) Analogous to virtual circuit in X.25 Basic unit of switching Between two end users Full duplex Fixed size cells Data, user-network exchange (control) and Click to edit Master subtitle style network-network exchange (network management and routing) Virtual path connection (VPC)
Bundle of VCC with same end points

ATM Connection Relationships

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ATM Cells

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ATM Service Categories

Real time 1. Constant bit rate (CBR) ; kecepatan konstan terus-menerus. 2. Real time variable bit rate (rt-VBR); kecepatan tidak konstan. Non-real time 1. Non-real time variable bit rate (nrt-VBR) 2. Available bit rate (ABR) 3. Unspecified bit rate (UBR) 4. Guaranteed frame rate (GFR) Click to edit Master subtitle style

(Constant bit rate)

Fixed data rate continuously available Tight upper bound on delay Uncompressed audio and video
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Video conferencing Interactive audio style Click to edit Master subtitle A/V distribution and retrieval

(Real time variable bit rate) Time sensitive application

Tightly constrained delay and delay variation

rt-VBR applications transmit at a rate that varies with time e.g. compressed video Click to edit Master subtitle style
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Produces varying sized image frames Original (uncompressed) frame rate constant So compressed data rate varies

Can statistically multiplex connections

(Non-real time variable bit rate ) May be able to characterize expected traffic flow Improve QoS in loss and delay End system specifies:
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Peak cellMaster subtitle style rate Click to edit Sustainable or average rate Measure of how bursty traffic is

e.g. Airline reservations, banking transactions

(Unspecified bit rate ) May be additional capacity over and above that used by CBR and VBR traffic
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Not all resources dedicated Bursty nature of VBR

ForClick to edit Master subtitle style tolerate some cell application that can loss or variable delays

e.g. TCP based traffic

Cells forwarded on FIFO basis Best efforts service

(Available bit rate) Application specifies peak cell rate (PCR) and minimum cell rate (MCR) Resources allocated to give at least MCR Spare capacity shared among all ARB sourcesedit Master subtitle style Click to e.g. LAN interconnection

(Guaranteed Frame Rate)
Designed to support IP backbone subnetworks Better service than UBR for frame based traffic

Including IP and Ethernet

Optimize handling of frame based traffic passing from LAN through router to ATM backbone
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Used by enterprise, carrier and ISP networks Click to edit Master subtitle style Consolidation and extension of IP over WAN

ABR difficult to implement between routers over ATM network GFR better alternative for traffic originating on Ethernet
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Network aware of frame/packet boundaries When congested, all cells from frame discarded

ATM Bit Rate Services

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AAL Protocols
Convergence sublayer (CS)
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Support for specific applications AAL user attaches at SAP

Segmentation and re-assembly sublayer (SAR)


Packages and unpacks info received from CS Click to edit into cells Master subtitle style
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3/4 Type 5

Four types
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AAL Protocols

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Segmentation and Reassembly PDU

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AAL Type 1
CBR source SAR packs and unpacks bits Block accompanied by sequence number
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AAL Type 2
VBR Analog applications

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AAL Type 3/4

Connectionless or connected Message mode or stream mode

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AAL Type 5
Streamlined transport for connection oriented higher layer protocols

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ATM Adaptation Layer

LAN Emulation Voice Voice

rt-VBR Nrt-vbr ABR


Voice Video Click to edit Master subtitle style Data Service


Emulation LANE


ATM Network
(integrated voice, video, and data services)

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ATM Standards
ITU-T, ATM Forum, IETF User-to-Network Interface (UNI) 2.0 UNI 3.0, UNI 3.1, UNI 4.0 Network-to-Network Interface (NNI) PNNI
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RFC 2684 (Multiprotocol encapsulation over ATM) LAN Emulation (LANE) Multiprotocol over ATM (MPoA)

Private NNI Public-Network Node Interface Click to edit Master subtitle style

ATM Network Components

ATM Network Click to edit Master subtitle style



ATM Cell Format

Generic Flow Control (GFC) typically not used. Virtual Path Identifier (VPI) 8 or 12 bits Virtual Channel Identifier (VCI) 16 bits Payload Type (PT) 3 bits
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first bit: user data (0) or control data (1) second bit: 0 = no congestion, 1 = congestion), third bit: whether the cell is the last cell (1) in a series of AAL5 frame

Cell Loss Priority (CLP)Indicates whether the cell should be discarded to editit encounters extreme congestion as it moves Click (1) if Master subtitle style through the network. Header Error Control (HEC)checksum on the first 4 bytes of the header.

Discussion: compare ATM cell with Frame Relay frame


ATM Virtual Connections

Click to edit Master subtitle style ATM switching is based on VPI/VCI However, VPI+VPI is not called ATM address. VPI/VCI has local significance only.


ATM Reference Model

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ATM Adaptation Layer

Function: Add control information and break Protocol Data Unit (PDU) into cells Segmentation and Reassembly (SAR) AAL1:
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Designed for voice application Constant Bit Rate (CBR) Circuit Emulation Service (CES) Variable Bit Rate (VBR) VBR-rt (voice) VBR-nrt (data)
Designed for data application Unspecified Bit Rate (UBR)

AAL2Click to edit Master subtitle style

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AAL ATM Physi cal


CPCS-PDU Payload Padding (0-47) CPCS-UU (1) CPI (1) Length (2)
Click to edit Master subtitle style up to 216 -1 why do we need padding?

CRC (4)

CPCS: Common Part Convergence Sublayer PDU: Protocol Data Unit UU: User-to-user interface information CPI: Common Part Indicator

ATM Quality of Service (QoS)

CBR: Constant Bit Rate

Guaranteed transmission rate rtVBR and nrtVBR Peak Cell Rate (PCR), Sustained Cell Rate (SCR), and Max Burst Size (MBR) No guarantee, best effort CB R PC

VBR: Variable Bit Rate

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UBR: Unspecified Bit Rate

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How does a carrier ensure that QOS can be met? n Connection Admission Control (CAC) Procedure for determining whether each new SETUP request should be granted or denied based on current network conditions n Usage Parameter Control (UPC) Procedure for verifying whether customer is conforming to their contractual Traffic Parameters. n Resource Management (RM) Procedure for notifying ABR Click to edit Master subtitle style users when they should slow down

ABR: Available Bit Rate

Selective Cell Discard (SCD) Procedure for discarding cells (CLP=1)during congestion.


See U Next Week

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