2G - Kompang

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rebana The sound of kompangs is often heard in Malaysia at functions such as the Malay weddings, welcoming VIP guests or at football matches.

is knows as small

This instrument of Middle Eastern origin was brought to the country during the days of the Malay Sultanate by Indian Muslim traders and through Java in the 13th century by Arab traders and missionaries.In the early days, kompang was known as rebana, which is drum in Arabic. The Malay word kompang translated means to hit or beat

Kompang is used to accompany choral singing of zikir or selawat Nabi (praises to Prophet

Mohammad) but now it is also featured in rock songs and joget numbers.While many of us enjoy listening to the rhythms of kompang, many do not realise that the art of making the instrument is slowly dying.

the Javanese drum in their ensemble due to the large number of ethnic Javanese residents in the two districtsa. Kompang Hadrah ( Negeri Perak ) Kompang Johor / Jawa Kompang Eizhar ( Negeri Selangor ) Kompang Kelalang ( Negeri Melaka)

Kompang groups in Batu Pahat and Muar, Johor, usually have the jidoror


Johor, there are only a handful of kompang makers and one of them is Perusahaan Kompang Baki Abdullah at B32, Jalan Mahmood, Parit Jawa, near Muar. Kompang is a traditional hand drum played in groups using interlocking movements to produce various composite rhythms.


is played with legs crossed when sitting, standing or walking in procession with players using one hand to hold the drum and the other to strike it.

-Ibrahim -Abdul Rahim Kasiman -Jidor Mokhtar

Ibrahim said the standard sizes of kompang were 30,33 and 36 centimetres in diameter, but his firm also made kompang of 38, 41 and 43 centimetres upon request.The shallow wooden frame of the drum is made of leban wood, which is light, and goat hide is nailed to the frame using metal nails. He said that cowhide was not suitable for kompang as it was thicker and it did not produce the desired sound when struck.

He said that cowhide was not suitable for kompang as it was thicker and it did not produce the desired sound when struck. Apart from kompang, the workshop makes jidor and other traditional musical instruments of the Malay Archipelago such as angklung, gong, yengke, and

gendang caklempong

ABD Rahim Kasiman's hobby of making musical instruments like the kompang (a shallow frame drum with a goat or cow hide skin nailed to the wooden frame by metal nails) and rebana (a frame drum with a shallow or a deep frame made of wood) has turned into a lucrative business for him.

He said smaller-sized kompang are priced between RM85 and RM65. Ismail charges RM45 to repair a kompang.
There are other traditional instruments for sale such as the gambus, rebana, angklung and gendang. The shop also sells miniature version of these instruments, which are used as key chains

Kompang enterprises and Jidor Mokhtar is a company Experience in making and supplying drums and jidor as the major product. In addition we also supply products such as the traditional music of drums, tambourines, angklung, gamelan and so on.The Enterprise Family Hamid who has over 20 years in the making drums and improve the main products of drums, jidor and drums and a variety of traditional musical instruments

Supply of traditional musical instruments such as the angklung, stringed instruments, gamelan and various products based on traditional music. Provide a variety of services, supply and consultation in terms of music traditional


is dryed in the sun before the hair is removed The base is spun on a rotating vice (the most modern piece of equipment) Iron rods with dierent sized


frame The nished frame or Baluh A rounded base is shaped with a axe from solid wood blocks Traditional tooling is used to stretch the skin over the base Over 800 year old beat come in a procession


skin is nailed to the base and the excess is trimmed A strip of fabric (normally red) is used to cover the join Finally the skin is sanded and the process is complete


workers are dryed the kompang


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