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I saw families riding around on scooters with kids standing up and the mother carrying a baby & seating

pillion & decided to do something about it. It started as Quest for an affordable transportation solution.

Customers Attitude Towards TATA NANO

Presented by-: Rishub Pal Gagandeep Singh Mayank Shukla Rohit Shukla Tushar Sardana Parth Arora

Executive Summary
Tata Nano is the cheapest car in the world. It is sold in

home country India around Rs 1.5lakh i.e. approximately USD 2000. It is manufactured by Tata Motor Limited, the largest to automobile company in India. Its chairman is Mr. Ratan Tata. The purpose of our study and ways or methods used to complete that study.

In this we did 3 things: Past information:Target market Pestel analysis Obstacles

Research Design
We adopted various research techniques: In first phase we went for secondary data analysis,for which we used exploratory research. Descriptive research

Method adopted for descriptive research

We went for surveys-Quessionnarie
Method of administrating the quessionnarie:online

and telephonic Scaling technique Types of question:mostly close ended Sample size:100

Data analysis
Mainly we have used pie charts and bar charts to

analize the data. We took the data of 100 respondants,out of those which 69.6% were male and 30.4% were females and out of these 100 respondants 56.92% were married and 43.8% were unmarried.

Analysis of the responses

Which type of car respondents prefer? Out of these 23.9% people who prefer small cars,59.8% people are from the middle income group untapped market, so tata should focus on this particular segment to increase their revenue and hold their position in the customers mind .

Instead of purchasing a bike will you prefer to go for

nano? As we can see in the data 38.3% people are saying that yes they will go for Nano, which is a very encouraging sign for Nano and shows peoples likeliness towards such cars and 33.2% people will prefer bike over Nano, they should make sure to bring this percentage down.

What do you like about Nano?

We can see from the data that mileage and design are

quite good for Nano but as we can see power is 0% so we need to rectify it and if this power portion can be rectified then charges of future growth would be immense.

Do you think Nano is peoples car?

The data received is very encouraging, we can see that

43.5% people say that nano is peoples car. This shows the acceptance of Nano from side of consumers. It would be better if this 43.5% could be increased to 60%.

Will you recommend Nano to your friends and

relatives? 45% people are saying that yes they will recommend . This shows consumer awareness towards Nano and their belief in this small segment car.

Whch small cars do you prefer to buy?

We can see from he data that more than 25.5% people

prefer to buy Nano but preference for Eon is more than Nano which shows immense competition and Nano needs to do something with regard to this so that they can improve their performance.

Can you trust Nano for safety?

The data whch we have got is not very good as regard

to this aspect. 61.7% people do not trust Nano for safety which is a cost for worry and Nano needs to look into this matter seriously.

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