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Two Technologies for Agility

The ability to run multiple operating systems on a single physical system and share the underlying hardware resources* Is an Emerging IT Paradigm that separates computing functions and technology implementation from physical hardware.

Cloud Computing:
The provisioning of services in a timely (near on instant), on-demand manner, to allow the scaling up and down of resources**

In order to allow the deployment of e-Government, e-Health or other application services that use, store, and process highly sensitive data, there are a number of significant, common, complex issues which must be addressed by virtualization technologies and solutions which have particular relevance:

Compliance with legal frameworks for data protection and privacy Identity management between different governmental services. Security and Trust aspects of using virtualization in a distributed environment. Policy mapping (existing security and trust systems with virtualization solutions). Management of risks and policy compliance verification.

Security and Trust for E-Government, e-Health and other application services which use, store and process highly sensitive data within Virtualized Environments Issues in the following areas:
Security and Integrity of virtualization environments Implications of virtualization for eGovernment, eHealth Management and control of virtualized server farms for security Analytics and Forensics in a virtualized environment Instrumentation and control of virtualization Enhancing privacy and anonymity using virtualization Virtualization within a overall security and trust framework Management and Policy languages for virtualized environments Identity management Policy Compliance Verification (Legal, Jurisdiction)

Cloud Computing
pay-as-you-use service model Cloud computing takes virtualization to the next step
You dont have to own the hardware You rent it as needed from a cloud There are public clouds
e.g. Amazon EC2, and now many others (Microsoft, IBM, Sun, and others ...)

A company can create a private one

With more control over security, etc.

The three main belief of Cloud computing are

instance availability of services, pay per use model and massive scalability.

Cloud Computing for E- governance can:

Reduce IT labor cost by 50% Improve capital utilization by 75%, significantly reducing license costs Provides much needed scalability

Cloud is making rapid inroads because of the following advantages:

Can reduce IT labor cost by 50% in configuration, operations, management and monitoring Can improve capital utilization by 75%, significantly reducing license costs Reduce provisioning cycle times from weeks to minutes Can reduce end user IT support costs by up to 40%

Cloud computing offers:

On-demand self sufficient service Ubiquitous network access Location independent resource Rapid elasticity

Cloud computing model can offer an easy means of achieving the unified application model across all local government entities with multi-tenancy. The central government can deploy a public cloud, operated by the central government, where each local government (LG) entity can be treated as a tenant.

Software as a Service
Platform as a Service
Infrastructure as a Service
Cloud Architecture and Service Provided

A unified e-government infrastructure, based on cloud and SOA architectures is required, that paves the way for interagency information sharing and workflow and is enabling the delivery of seamless services to the public. Cloud architectures allow rapid deployment of turn key test environments with little or no customization.

E-Governance with cloud computing offers integration management with automated problem resolution, manages security end to end, and helps budget based on actual usage of data. At a global level, Cloud architectures can benefit government to reduce duplicate efforts and increase effective utilization of resources This in turn helps the government going green, reducing pollution and effective waste management.

The key elements of the cloud computing based e-Government solution deployment are: Central operations
This is a public cloud deployment by the central government All local government entities have a tenant each in the cloud, e-Government applications run under each tenant for every local government, isolated from other local governments Access the applications deployed within the e-LG tenant within the central cloud over the Internet There are no local deployments Application state and data for the e-LG tenant within the central cloud always reflect latest state Access the applications deployed locally on-premise The e-LG tenant applications deployed within the central cloud are synced with the equivalent applications deployed locally on-premise over the Internet time to time Application state and data for the e-LG tenant within the central cloud always reflect last synced state Application state and data for the e-LG on premise always reflect latest state

e-Local-Governments with good Internet connectivity

e-Local-Governments with poor or no Internet connectivity

E-Governance Challenges and Cloud Benefits

Data Scaling
Cloud databases available for deployment offer unprecedented level of scaling without compromising on the performance. Cloud databases must be considered if the foremost concern is on-demand, high-end scalability that is, large scale, distributed scalability, the kind that cant be achieved simply by scaling up.

Auditing and logging

Cloud can help in analyzing huge volumes of data and detecting any fraud. It can help in building and placing defense mechanisms to enhance the security, thereby making the applications reliable and available.

Rolling out new Instances, Replication and Migration

Cloud architectures offer excellent features to create an instance of application for rolling out a new municipality. Cloud can reduce the time to deploy new application instances.

Disaster Recovery
Cloud virtualization technologies allow backups and restoring. It offers application migration seamlessly compared to traditional data center.

Performance and Scalability Reporting and Intelligence (Better governance) Policy management Systems Integration and Legacy Software Going green
Cloud computing government to go green, by centralizing all resources and efficient utilization

Cloud Economics

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