Unit 1: Database Management System (DBMS) Historical Perspective

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Unit 1

Dr. V. Jayanthi, PhD. Department of Computer Applications St. Josephs College of Engineering

Aug 2011

MCA - First yr & first sem


Introduction to database Basic definitions Importance Historic perspective Major DBMS today Modern DBMS architecture

DBMS Functionality

MCA - First yr & first sem

Introducing the Database Data Data.

Data: raw facts : Text, Graphics, images.. Being stored and retrieved Not be processed to reveal their meaning to the user



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Introducing the Database information


Information: processed data Key to good decision making

Data Vs. information

Data constitute building blocks of information Facts : - Text, Graphics, images

Processed data that could be used to increase the knowledge of the user Closely related to data but different

Informatio n

View data as raw material Information as intermediate Knowledge is Final product

What is the ultimate purpose of a database management system?

Is to transform
Data Information Knowledge Action

Data is converted into information, and information is converted into knowledge. Knowledge; information evaluated and organized so that it can be used purposefully.

What is a database?
A database is any organized collection of data. Some examples of databases you may encounter in your daily life are:

a telephone book T.V. Guide airline reservation system motor vehicle registration records papers in your filing cabinet files on your computer hard drive

Database system

Database is a collection of stored operational data used by the application systems of some particular enterprise (C.J. Date) Database system: DBMS + data + application programs

Paper Databases Still contain a large portion of the worlds knowledge File-Based Data Processing Systems Early batch processing of (primarily) business data Database Management Systems (DBMS)


Database Management System (DBMS): software system (collect of software) help to manage the data contents

Manages Database structure Controls access to data Contains query language

DBMS Database

Application software

DBMS Manages Interaction

raw data (end user data) metadata (data about data, it contains data characteristics and
Aug 2010

their relationships)

MCA - First yr & first sem



50s and 60s all applications were custom built for particular needs File based Many similar/duplicative applications dealing with collections of business data Early DBMS were extensions of programming languages 1970 - E.F. Codd and the Relational Model 1979 - Ashton-Tate and first Microcomputer DBMS

The relational revolution A simple data (1970s) model: data is stored in relations

(tables) A declarative query language: SQL SELECT Account.owner FROM Account, Branch WHERE Account.balance = 0 AND Branch.location = Springfield AND Account.branch_id = Branch.branch_id; Programmer specifies what answers a query should return, but not how the query is executed DBMS picks the best execution strategy based on availability of indexes, data/workload characteristics, etc.

The birth of DBMS 1

The birth of DBMS 2

The birth of DBMS 3

From File Systems to DBMS

Problems with file processing systems Inconsistent data Inflexibility Limited data sharing Poor enforcement of standards Excessive program maintenance

Historical Roots of Database

First applications focused on clerical tasks Requests for information quickly followed File systems developed to address needs Data organized according to expected use Data Processing (DP) specialists computerized manual file systems

Database vs. File Systems

Early efforts

Factoring out data management functionalities and from applications standardizing these functionalities is an important first step

CODASYL standard (circa 1960s) Bachman got a Turing award for this in 1973

But getting the abstraction right (the API between applications and the DBMS) is still tricky

What do you want from a DBMS? queries (questions) about data Answer

Update data And keep data around (persistent) Example: a traditional banking application

Each account belongs to a branch, has a number, an owner, a balance, Each branch has a location, a manager, Query: Whats the balance in Homer Simpsons account? Modification: Homer withdraws $100 Persistency: Homer willbe pretty upset if his balance disappears after a power outage

DBMS Benefits

Minimal data redundancy Consistency of data Integration of data Sharing of data Ease of application development Uniform security, privacy, and integrity controls Data accessibility and responsiveness Data independence Reduced program maintenance

Major DBMS today

Oracle IBM DB2 (from System R, System R*, Starburst) Microsoft SQL Server NCR Teradata Sybase Informix (acquired by IBM) PostgreSQL (from UC Berkeleys Ingres, Postgres) Tandem NonStop (acquired by Compaq, now HP)

Importance of DBMS

Aug 2010

Makes data management more efficient and effective Query language allows quick answers to ad hoc queries Provides better access to more and better-managed data Promotes integrated view of organizations operations Reduces the probability of inconsistent data
MCA - First yr & first sem


Text Book & References

1. Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke , Database Management Systems, MCGraw Hill International Editions, 2000. 2. Abraham Silberschatz, Henry. F. Korth and S. Sudharshan, Database system Concepts, Third Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 1997. 3. C. J. Date, An Introduction to Database Systems, Seventh Edition, Addison Wesley, 1997. 4. Elmasri and Navathe, fundementals of Database System, 5th edition

Some Definitions

A File: A group or collection of similar records, like INST6031 Fall Student File, American History 1850-1866 file, Basic Food Group Nutrition File A record book: a "rolodex" of data records, like address lists, inventory lists, classes or thematic units, or groupings of other unique records that are combined into one list (found in AppleWorks, FileMaker Pro software). A field: one category of information, i.e., Name, Address, Semester Grade, Academic topic A record: one piece of data, i.e., one student's information, a recipe, a test question A layout: a design for a database that contains field names and possibly graphics.

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