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How Humans Communicate

We communicate in more than verbal termshow?

We communicate verbal and non verbal

Voice inflection how we say it

For centuries it has been known that a person can lie with words, but it is almost impossible for him to lie with his gestures In fact, the truism Action Speaks Louder than Wordspoints out that when words and gestures are in conflict, the gestures will be correct.

That is, even though almost everyone finds it easy to lie with words, no sane person can lie to himself. It is that lie that creates physical and/or vocal gestures and changes

What Causes Gestures

Most gestures are based on homeostasisthat a person wants to remain in a stable condition When a person lies, he becomes tense. - This increase in tension makes him become
unstable, so that to reduce tension he has to expend energy

Physical Gestures
Movement (physical gestures) is the best way to expend energy in order to reduce this tension.

As an example, what is the expectant father in a waiting room at the maternity hospital always shown doing?

Autonomic Nervous System

Works automatically Controls internal organs Controls glandular secretions Can not be controlled Autonomic Nervous System-Two divisions

Sympathetic Parasympathetic

Prepares the body for action Increases the heart rate and blood pressure Releases stored glycogen for quick energy Releases red blood cells to carry oxygen and remove waste Increases sweat gland activity Increases breathing rate Pupils will dilate

Clotting enzymes are released to prevent bleeding Hair will stand on end Digestive system is slowed down, and blood is redirected to the muscles of the arms, legs, and back, as well as the brain, heart, and lungs Senses are heightened

Recognizing Fight or Flight

Body function/gestures Rubbing of neck Touching of nose Sweating Uneasiness Lower center/gravity Repeat phrases Limbering Rocking Hands clenched Deep/rapid breathing Focus stare Break in eye contact Strained voice Distraction Clenched jaw Grooming

Starts to bring the body back to normal
It acts as the brake

Prepares the body for relaxed/vegetative state

The Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous systems are in a constant push-pull competition with each other in order to maintain a normal homeostatic environment.

The ability to establish rapport is one of the most important skills that a person can have. To be a good performer, a good salesperson, a good parent, or a good friend, the ability to form a powerful human bond and a relationship of responsiveness. Rapport is a necessary ingredient to be developed between the subject and the interviewer, from the onset.

once rapport is established, you have begun the yes attitude.

Rapport (continued)
In general we gravitate towards people that we consider similar to us, because people like people who are like themselves!!! Rapport is an essential basis for successful communication- if there is no rapport there is no (real) communication.

The Time Line to Build Rapport

55% of what we say is non-verbal!! When you first meet someone they will make up their mind within the first four minutes to either to accept or reject you. First impressions are important. 4 minutes to be accepted or rejected.

Zero the Scales

In order to read body language you need to be able to observe the person when he is normal and not under stress. Resting pointGround Zero Small talk/rapport No stress Bring them up and down through communication and compare the reactions

Body Language
Behavioral analysis is valid only when there are clusters of mutually supported gestures accompanying verbal statements In other words, The Words Should Fit The Music Compare the persons gestures occurring when the crime questions are discussed to those gestures when the proper control questions are discussed

Conversational Techniques

He who has the most information wins

Conversational Techniques
Be polite and friendly Try not to antagonize him/her

more likely to give you information if at ease and thinks youre just being friendly

Read the face, hands, arms, feet and legs in clusters and not necessarily as individual areas. Ask yourself, DO THEY ALL AGREE A calm face with a lot of arm and feet movement, is generally indicative of deception. During the interview, repeat relevant questions, and look for repetitive behavioral symptoms of deception.

Observe Non-verbal Behavior Symptoms in response to your Questions

Speech appears abnormal

Changes in rate of speech Change in volume of speech.

Sweating. Trembling. Fidgeting-Constantly touching chin or nose, pulling on ear lobe, or scratching. Increased or rapid breathing. Unconsciously touching or grabbing pockets. White of eye may redden. Lack of eye contact- Doesnt look at you at all or keeps looking away.

Mirroring Techniques
Interest- Sports-Politics- Beliefs- Body Language- Verbal Communication Matching another persons body language is the easiest and most obvious technique, however a difference exists between mimicry and matching Adopt the same body movement

An anchor is a representation, either internal, as with a picture or feeling, or external, as with a touch- sound that triggers another such representation Attempt to secure the anchor with a touch or sound

The Rate We Speak

We speak____________words per minute
We think_____________words per minute Significant hesitation is a strong sign of deception!!!

Be Aware When You Hear the Following

The individual using the following words does so to attempt to prove his truthfulness

Honestly, or to be completely honest with you Truthfully, or to tell the entire truth Believe me, or you are going to find this hard to believe I wouldnt lie to you Really, or to tell the truth Flag expressions- strong sign of deception

Truthful Individual

Smooth posture changes

Reasonable, direct & plausible answers

Cooperative Direct & Spontaneous Sincere Open

Open gestures
Good eye to eye Frontally aligned Leans forward Upright, open palms

Smooth tone of voice

Complete & clear answers Uses realistic words Volunteers No long delays

Deceptive Individual
Overly anxious Defensive Unconcerned

Erratic & Rapid changes Specific on key questions

Answers to early, specific denials Irrational responses, one word answers

Frequent gestures, Mental blocks, Challenges, Barriered posture, Rigid & unjust anger, Qualifies Immobile responses Slouched, overly casual, lacks frontal alignment Hand over mouth or eyes, Insincere tone of voice Avoids realistic words I dont know I dont recall

Overly polite Guarded

Clues That Indicate Deception

Hesitation Laughter Yes/No questions Qualifying Story does not fit Breakers Questions back Diversion No memory Overly polite Fillers Too good memory Question factual info Avoid harsh words

Clues (continued)
Qualify answers Very difficult to anger Deceptive anger at first, then gets over it Deny crimes specifically Will not let you finish question

Read the face, hands, arms, feet and legs in clusters and not necessarily as individual areas. Ask yourself, DO THEY ALL AGREE A calm face with a lot of arm and feet movement, is generally indicative of deception. During the interview, repeat relevant questions, and look for repetitive behavioral symptoms indicative of deception

Representational Systems
In Neuro-Linguistic programming, Representational systems denote ways people take in, store, and code information in their minds These systems pertain to the principal Human senses-Seeing (visual) Hearing(auditory)and Feeling(kinesthetic)

Representational Systems (continued)

People constantly see, hear, and feel whatever transpires around them When individuals relate these experiences to others, they mentally access the sights, sounds, or feelings associated with these experiences and communicate them through their Predominant Representational System.

Visual Auditory Feeling

Communication Channels
We communicate in different channels Important tool to build rapport Provides the direction to follow Leads to lack of communication if not used correctly Three Channels: Visual Auditory Kinesthetic (feeling)

Speaks fast and in visual terms. Eyes move upward. Picture objects in their mind. Fast/shallow breathing. Visual people like movies, smiles etc.

Speak slower, more measured Point to ears Eyes move at ear level Breathing is lower in chest/slower They hear things Like to tell stories/listen to music

How People Communicate

I see your point


That is rock solid Can you get a handle on this Can you grasp this My gut feeling is to say no

I hear what you are saying Am I painting a Does this sound clear picture right to you That is pretty Is this loud and hazy to me clear to you My image is This doesnt crystal clear ring a bell

Eye Accessing

Lying Eyes

Ralph Waldo Emerson

The eyes of men converse as much as their tongues, with the advantages that the ocular dialect need no dictionary, but is understood the world over.

Eye Accessing
Eye patterns were discovered by Dr. Richard Bandler and John Grinder, co-developers of NLP The eyes are truly the window to the mind We communicate 55% in non-verbal Facial expressions are most predominant Can tell you what individuals are thinking! The eyes transmit the subtle nuances

When Interviewing, Watch the Eyes!!!!

Can read the strategy of the person Can see if the story is being recalled or constructed

Some people are very visual

Learn how we communicate through eye movement Under what Eye Accessing is Enhance skills to read eyes to help identify people who are recalling and constructing Understand what communication channels are This skill is a tool that can be used by every law enforcement officer

Questions That May Trigger a Visual Response

Who was your first prom date Dates of birth Describe important events in your life Describe what you did on any given date Who was your high school history teacher Responses should be re-call information Eyes should track to the left

Auditory Responses
What is your favorite song What sound does an eagle make What is the fifth word in the star spangled banner What does a storm sound like The eyes should stay on the same plane as the ears with auditory responses

Kinesthetic Responses
Types of questions that will stimulate kinesthetic responses

First love Tragic event The warmth of the sun

With kinesthetic response, people will usually look down and the defensive mechanism will be relaxed Most people who confess, will confess while in this kinesthetic state

The Process to Follow

Ask neutral questions Determine dominate communication channel Begin to focus in on how the person communicates Be aware of left/right brain dominate Focus in on threatening specific questions Watch the eyes

Eye accessing is a powerful tool Use it to determine truth Practice by watching television interviews This takes a great deal of practice and concentration

Are You Listening?

Good communication is an agreement of the minds Good listening increases the dialogue Good listening enables you to understand and respect the other persons point of view Good listening demands your attention

Controlling Hostile Situations

Voice commands Orders Voice inflection Stop Stand still Relax Look at me Dont move See stress Pattern interrupters Pointing Blading Hand gestures Spacing Empathize Active listening Neutral phrases

Proximics Bubble Of Space

How close is too close Predators mark off sections of woods Humans also have space Knowledge can prevent attack Be aware of the zones of space We will mark off.

The Danger In Space

Not recognizing issue of space Not recognizing stress Violating space can lead to an attack

Far Public
Beyond 25 feet Politician Large group Safety/security

Close Public
12 feet to 25 feet Limits of territory concerns

7 to 12 feet Formal social affairs Most police related shootings occur at this distance FBI Behavioral Science Unit study, 75% of all officers shot in the past 10 years were within 12 feet

Close Social
4 feet to 7 feet Impersonal business with strangers

Intimate Zone
6 to 18 Love/friendship/children Strangers not allowed

Personal Space
1 feet to 4 feet Conversation Area of physical control In this space we will get hurt

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