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What is Customer Relationship Marketing Importance of CRM (Why CRM is needed) Advantages of CRM Conclusion

Customer Relationship MARKETING

What is Relationship Marketing ?

Relationship marketing is a strategy designed to foster customer loyalty, interaction and long-term engagement. Relationship marketing is designed to develop strong connections with customers by providing them with information directly suited to their needs and interests and by promoting open communication.

Relationship Marketing
It is a marketing strategy in which a company seeks to build long-term relationships with its customers by providing consistent satisfaction. Relationship marketing contrasts with Transactional Marketing TM is a business strategy that focuses on single, "point of sale" transactions. The emphasis is on maximizing the efficiency and volume of individual sales rather than developing a relationship with the buyer.

Importance of CRM (Why CRM is needed)

Importance of Relationship Marketing

Every consumer wants to be heard, and they will reward companies who show an interest in building strong client relationships.

Importance of Relationship Marketing

Building Brand Loyalty Help to understand loyal customers. (A loyal customer can be nine times as profitable as a disloyal customer)

Importance of Relationship Marketing

In the face of diminishing returns from other marketing waves, including mass marketing, targeted marketing and global marketing, CRM will be necessary to sustain profitable growth.

Importance of Relationship Marketing

Customer relationship marketing is a more deliberate approach to delivering the right products to the right customer at the right time, based on market data and informationincluding purchase history, personal information, channel preferences, and any other data an organization has been successful in collecting.

Advantages of Customer Relationship Marketing

Advantages of Customer Relationship Marketing

The focus of relationship marketing is on developing long-term relationships with new and existing clients, and improving corporate performance through customer loyalty and retention. Save money by marketing only to customers who are likely to respond.

Advantages of Customer Relationship Marketing

Increase profits by making relevant offers to those who need, want and can afford your products. Create higher loyalty, retention, referral, spending rates and profits by building relationships with your best customers.

Advantages of Customer Relationship Marketing

Customer relationship marketing is also the perfect tool to assist with cross-selling. By tracking which services your customer is using at a certain time, your company will be able to schedule marketing efforts to match the appropriate client needs at just the right time. The result is a more successful marketing effort.


CRM- Conclusion
The Customer Relationship Marketing model, unlike its predecessors, steers marketers and their customers into a mutually beneficial dialogue. The marketer proposes; the customer disposes. And it is more than coincidental that the latter has always been the privilege of a boss.

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