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Anil Kumar Singh Archana Pawar Bharti Gyanchandani Sohit Kadwey Sonam Seth Srashti Suneriya

Amul is a brand name managed by an apex cooperative organization, Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd. (GCMMF) Founded in year: 1946

Founder: Mr. Verghese Kurien.

Average milk collection 9.10 million litres per day. The Punch Line: Utterly, Butterly, Delicious The Slogan: The Taste of India Turnover (2010-11): US $2.2 billion
The Amul Plant at Anand featuring the Milk Silos


Brand is a set of perceptions and images that

represent a company, product or service. A brand is the essence or promise of what will be delivered or experienced.

Brand is a trademark or distinctive name identifying

a product or a manufacturer

1. Village Dairy
Cooperative Society (VDCS)

2. District Cooperative Milk Producers Union (Milk Union)

3. State Cooperative Milk Federation (Federation)


Healthy growth Post sales 10% in 2004 89 billion in 2004

Healthy growth arising from the switch to branded milk among Middle class consumers and the Rural affluent. Cheese and flavored milk are current value growth rates of 14% and 27%.Both products collectively account for merely 9% of total dairy value sales in the year.

1.Chocolate Cadbury Nestles 2.Pizza Pizza hut Dominos 3.Curd Nestle Mother Dairy 4.Ultra high treated Milk Nestle Britannia 5.Butter Nestle Britannia 6.Chees Britannia


India is the worlds largest butter producing country. Annual growth rate of butter production in India is 12% and the output has increased by 4.4 lakh tonne since 1991. Further the report says that India will be able to sustain self-sufficiency in butter production. Given its high income elasticity study conducted by using National Sample Serve(NSS).


product Branded butter Co-operatives dominates organized segment Major Brands Amul (GCMMF) Aavin (TN) Vijaya (AP) Nandini (Karnatka). New entrance - Britannia

Umbrella Brand
Amul is the common brand for most product categories produced by various unions: liquid milk, milk powders, butter, ghee, cheese, cocoa products, sweets, ice-cream and condensed milk. Amul's sub-brands include variants such as Amulspray,

Amulspree, Amulya and Nutramul. The edible oil products are grouped around Dhara and Lokdhara, mineral water is sold under the Jal Dhara brand while fruit drinks bear the Safal name.

SWOT Analysis of Dairy industry


Demand profile
Availability of raw material Technical manpower WEAKNESS

Problem of distribution
Competition Perishability OPPORTUNITY

Value addition
Export Potential THREATS Unorganized sector


STRENGTHS Indian origin Largest food brand Provide quality confidence Rural segment involves large area of loyal customer Highly diverse product WEAKNESS Lack of capital invested Improper distribution channel Short shelf life of product OPPORTUNITIES Use internet to sale its product Penetrate international market THRETS Competition


Product Range
Liquid Milk Milk Powders Butter Ghee Bread Spread Cheese Cocoa Products Sweets Ice Cream Edible Oil Fruit Drinks

Brand Name
Liquid Milk: AMUL, SAGAR Milk Powders: Amulspray, AMUL, SAGAR, Amulspree Amulya Cocoa Products: AMUL Nutramul Edible Oils: Dhara, Lokdhara Fruit Drinks: Safal

Strategy adopted by amul

Relationship to customer Brand identity Marketing survey and sampling Questionnaire Advertising in a broad level

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