MG08 Manage Organisational Change2

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MG08 Manage Organisational change

Quick Brief
Change Out of your comfort zone Awkward at first Not for chickens It does have casualties Change management A planned shift A creative sudden movement

Organisational Change management company going through a manageable transformation re-oragnisation, re-construction, and/or turnaround


MG08 Manage Organisational change

Week 1 Session 2
1. Types of organisational change 2. External and internal factors

MG08 Manage Organisational change

Types of organisational change
Planned Unplanned



The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew ~Abraham Lincoln

MG08 Manage Organisational change

Types of organisational change

1. 2. 3. 4.

Structure Change Strategic Change People Change Process Change

MG08 Manage Organisational change

Types of organisational change

MG08 Manage Organisational change

Structure Change

They are the majority of organisational change it is called transformational change

Change how the company sails Eg. New computers, smoking ban

New hierarchy, authority

MG08 Manage Organisational change

Strategic change

it is needed for extreme external factor it is a major adjustments/complete overhauling a change of product or service provided

MG08 Manage Organisational change

People change

Huge impact on people behaviours, attitudes therefore productivity increase/decrease it can be: 1. Large scale 2. Incremental

MG08 Manage Organisational change

People change

MG08 Manage Organisational change

Process change

Improvements, improvements, improvements!! It is happening day by day more successful when people within contribute to it

eg: implementing new robot for production eg: require team to report with a new document

MG08 Manage Organisational change

Group Activity Diminishing resources

RULES: Everyone must have a foot in a square When i say SWITCH, everyone must move to a new square We cannot continue this game if EVERYONE doesnt have a foot in a square

MG08 Manage Organisational change

Group Activity Diminishing resources

BENEFITS: Everyone sees what their typical behaviours are when change happen View the change as an opportunity and not a curse We must realize that we play to win and not to not to loose Resistance to change happens unconsciously, but we have to consciously focus on seeing the opportunities

MG08 Manage Organisational change

Group Activity QUIZ
QUIZ...yes it is a QUIZ!!! what happened during this change activity? How did you react to change? What would you do different if you have to do it again? How can you implement these learning in your everyday working environment with regards to change?

MG08 Manage Organisational change

External & Internal Forces

Good LEADERS carefully review both of these factors

Because good leaders got the

MG08 Manage Organisational change


MG08 Manage Organisational change

External & Internal Forces

MG08 Manage Organisational change

External Forces
Economics (local, national, global) Increase in part-time jobs Woman in workforce Technology advancement Politics

Rapid law change Consumer behaviour climate

MG08 Manage Organisational change

Internal Forces
Attitude toward supervisor Business growth Staff morale History / traditions Change of permises

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