The Nasal Cavity

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The Nasal Cavity: Functions

The superior part of the respiratory tract A passageway for air to lungs Filters impurities esp. dust from inspired air Warms and humidifies inspired air Organ of smell Aids in phonation Receives secretions from paranasal sinuses Receives secretions from nasolacrimal duct

The Nasal Cavity includes internal and external parts

The internal part is much larger than the external part The external nose is the part that projects from the face. Its supporting skeleton is comprised of bone External Nose, The Bones: and cartilage.
Nasal Frontal (Nasal Part) Maxilla (Frontal Process)

The Cartilages

The entire nasal cavity extends from the nares (nostrils) anteriorly to the choanae posteriorly


It is divided into 2 parts by an osseocartilaginous nasal septum

The Nasal Cavity

Each half of the nasal cavity has a: Floor Roof Lateral wall Septal wall

The Floor
Palatine process maxilla Horizontal plate palatine bone (the superior surface of the hard palate)

Narrow Formed by a number of bones and cartilages

Anterior part corresponds with bridge of nose Intermediate part formed by cribriform plate Posterior part formed by inferior surface, sphenoid body Nasal Cartilages, Nasal, Frontal, Ethmoid,Sphenoid Bones

The Roof

The Nasal Septum (the medial wall)

Divides the nasal cavity into right and left halves It is part osseous and part cartilaginous

Bony part Cartilaginous part

Perpendicular Plate (ethmoid)

Septal Cartilage


Bony part
Vomer Perpendicular plate of ethmoid Nasal spine of frontal bone Rostrum of shenoid Nasal crest of palatine bone Nasal crest of maxilla

Cartilaginous part
Septal Septal process of inferior nasal cartilage

Blood supply of septum

Anterior ethmoidal artery
Sphenopalatine artery

Superior labial artery

Greater palatine artery

Nerve supply
Internal nasal branch of anterior ethmoidal Nasopalatine branch of pterygo palatine ganglion Olfactory nerves

Venous drainage
Facial vien

Internal jugular

Angular vein


Cavernous sinus

The Lateral Walls

Marked by 3 projections: Superior concha Middle concha Inferior concha
The area below each concha is referred to as a meatus (passageway).

Openings Into the Nasal Region

Anterior & middle ethmoid air cells, maxillary and frontal sinuses open into middle meatus Sphenoid sinus opens into sphenoethmoidal recess Posterior ethmoidal air cells open into superior meatus

Nasolacrimal Canal drains into Inferior Meatus

Ethmoidal infundibulum
Anteromedially and anterioinferiorly uncinate process Posterior boundary bulla ethmoidalis Medially communicates with middle meatus through the hiatus semilunaris Lateral boundary lamina papyracea

Arterial and venous supply

Arterial supply
Anterior ethmoidal artey Sphenopalatine artery Superior labial artery Greater palatine artery

Venous supply
Cavernous plexus beneath middle meatus Sphenopalatine vein Facial vein Opthalmic vein Superior sagittal sinus

Anatomical variations
Concha bullosa 23%
It is aerated middle turbinate It can be unilateral and bilateral ; it may obstruct the middle meatus and ostiomeatal complex, thereby predisposing patients to sinusitis.

Paradoxical middle turbinate 15%

Greater curvature of the middle turbinate is concave to middle meatus

Haller cells 10%

Ethmoidal cells that extend along the midial roof of maxillary sinus

Prominent ethmoidal bulla 8% Variation of uncinate process3%

Medially turned UP Laterally turned UP Anteriorly bent UP Uncinate bulla Fracture of the UP

Double middle turbinate

The Nasolacrimal Canal

The Nasolacrimal Canal conveys tears from the orbit to the inferior nasal meatus

Paranasal Air Sinuses

Frontal Ethmoid Air filled extensions of the respiratory part of the nasal cavity are found within these bones. They are called the paranasal sinuses.


The Paranasal Sinuses

Functions: 1. Resonators of the voice

2. They also reduce the skulls weight

The paranasal sinuses are lined with mucoperiosteum (Mucous membrane and periosteum so intimately united as to form nearly a
single membrane)

The mucus which is produced is moved into the nose primarily via ciliary action

Apertures communicate between the sinuses and the nasal cavity

Sinusitis is inflammation and swelling of the mucosa of one or more of these paranasal sinuses

Innervation of Nasal Cavity

CN I Olfactory Nerves (SVA) Anterior ethmoidal branch of V1 (GSA)

Cut nasopalatine branch of V2 to septum (GSA)

Posterior nasal branches of V2 (GSA)

Blood Supply of Nasal Cavity primarily from branches of maxillary a.

Sphenopalatine a.

Maxillary a.

The Nasal Cavity is lined with Mucous Membrane

There are 2 types
Lies in a relatively superior position

Lines lower part of nasal cavity
Functions: Warm inspired air Moisten inspired air Clean (filter) inspired air

Mucociliary activity of the lateral wall of nasal cavity

Two streams of mucus passes on the lateral wall of nasal cavity
First stream from the anterior group of sinuses on the medial surface of middle turbinate and then anterior and inferior to the turbinate The second stream from the posterior group of sinuses above the middle turbinate and then posterior and superior to the tubal orifice.

The anterior third of the nose is relatively inactive with regard to ciliary activity and drains slowly. The posterior two third is of active ciliary action Ciliary activity increases from roof to the floor of the nasal cavity.

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