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Underwater Communication

Introduction Importance of UW communication Traditional approach Technology in use Vector sensor Architecture of Ocean Bottom Monitoring Differences with terrestrial network Challenges SONAR Applications

Underwater communication is a technique of sending and receiving message below water Typical frequency: 1 Hz to 1 MHz


Why using sound as communication medium in UWASN?

Radio waves Optical waves Acoustic transmission is better suited to water than air
Speed of sound in water ~ 1500m/sec Speed of sound in air ~ 340m/sec

Why is Underwater Communication Important?

Naval defence (submarines) Ocean exploration Understanding natural disasters (tsunami)

Traditional approach for ocean-bottom monitoring

Uses sensors to record data Disadvantages: Real time monitoring is not possible. No interaction b/w onshore control systems and the monitoring instruments. failures or misconfigurations may occur Limited storage capacity

Underwater Networks

Difficult to Communicate because of:

Complex multi-path propagation Small bandwidth and strong attenuation Low data rates compared to terrestrial communication

Technology In Use

Hydrophon e

Hydrophone: Converts acoustic waves into electrical energy, Cannot measure multiple scalar quantities, and has Single Input Single Output.

What is Vector Sensor?

Measures Pressure + Y & Z Components of Velocity Single Input Multiple Output More Efficient and Compact Size Therefore Vector Sensor is much more better than other receivers

UW-ASN 3D Architecture for ocean bottom monitoring

Battery Power is limited Limited available bandwidth Channel characteristics UW sensors are prone to failures because of fouling, corrosion, etc Mobility The ocean can be as deep as 10 km

SOund Navigation And Ranging Two types of technology:
Active SONAR Passive SONAR

Active SONAR
Active sonar uses a sound transmitter and a receiver Principle:
creates ping listens echo

Passive SONAR
Passive sonar listens without transmitting. Noise limitations

Dipping sonar deployed from a Ship

Applications of Underwater Communication

Seismic monitoring. Pollution monitoring Ocean currents monitoring Equipment monitoring and control Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV)

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