Basic Facilitation Skills: Developing Facilitative Leadership

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Basic Facilitation Skills: Developing Facilitative Leadership

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R. Masilamani


The aims of this this three day workshop are to,
Clarify the roles and responsibilities of the facilitator Differentiate the facilitator from his counterparts like

trainer, consultant etc. facilitator

Establish the clear capability requirements of a Provide the attitudes, tools, techniques and principles

for effective management of facilitation, and

Highlight some other requisites of great facilitation

Module 1: Responsibilities of a facilitator Module 2: How Facilitation Differs from Training and Presenting Module 3: Suggestions for Facilitators Module 4: Effective Communication Skills for Facilitators

Module 5: Body Language and Facilitation Module 6: Group Process Techniques Module 7: Handling Difficult Team Members

Module 8: Personal Attributes of the Cultural Diversity Facilitator Module 9: Active Listening Skills


The Facilitator The workshop will be facilitated by Mr. R.

Masilamani. He is an active trainer, consultant and corporate manager. He has been exposed to Kepner Tregoe, Mc Kenzie, Dale Carnegie and many other prominent learning technologies. He himself has designed and developed many programs. He worked for 25 years in PETRONAS, including as internal trainer/consultant. He has been the General Manager, COO and Financial Controller of other institutions like METEOR, Open University Malaysia and BATC. He has had formal training 7/12/12 and certifications in learning, training and


Bens, Ingrid, Facilitating with Ease! A Step-by-Step

Guidebook with Customizable Worksheets on CDROM, Jossey-Bass, January 2000. Decision Making, New Society Pub, July 1996.

Kaner, Sam, Facilitators Guide to Participatory Hackett, Donald, and Charles L. Martin, Facilitation

Skills for Team Leaders, Crisp Publications, Menlo Park, CA, 1993.
Rees, Fran, How to Lead Work Teams: Facilitation 7/12/12

Module 1: Responsibilities of a Facilitator


Some of the key responsibilities of a facilitation qThe facilitator


Some Basic Premises of Facilitation:

1. The facilitator leads

2. The facilitator is knowledgeable enough 3. The facilitator is not an answer provider, but

rather a tour guide

4. The facilitator promotes the concept of safe

space. Opinions

5. It is vital that you have some probing

questions ready


Facilitation requires an understanding of the following:

Balance Community Observation Affirmation Flexibility Silence Imagination Challenge Patience Connections

Module 2: How Facilitation Differs from Training and Presenting

Training qPresenting qFacilitation


How Facilitation Differs from Training and Presenting

Participants are present to learn.



Audience is present to receive Participants are members of prepared remarks. teams whose mission is to recommend new ideas or improvements. Objectives are based on what Objectives are based on is to be communicated, i.e., process improvements. sell, inform, motivate, describe. Presenters outline structures An agenda is used to structure a logical presentation. the meeting for effectiveness.

Objectives are based upon learning.

Lesson plans are prepared to enhance learning structure.



How Facilitation Differs from Training and Presenting

Presenting Facilitation
Presenter primarily answers rather than asks questions. Questions are used to develop individual involvement in the group. Flip chart is used to record team member's inputs and ideas.

Instructor is a catalyst for learning.

Instructor asks questions to evaluate learning.

Visual aids are use to present data (charts, graphs, tables).

Visual and training aids (tapes, Data, charts, graphs are used films, cases, roleplays) are to support messages or used to illustrate learning recommendations. points.

Facilitator teaches members to use tools for team problem solving.


How Facilitation Differs from Training and Presenting

Training Presenting Facilitation

Involvement (experiential Communication is largely Facilitator manages the learning) is used to learn one-way from presenter to meeting structure, not from others' experience audience. content. and retain interest.

Number of participants varies; usually under 50.

Group can be any size.

Team size is typically 5-15 members.


Module3: Suggestion for Facilitators


suggestions and tips for facilitators

Be aware of the physical environment and

how it can influence group behaviour.

Orient group to the timeframe and task at the

beginning of each session.

Explain the product that is expected. Develop group ground rules, or norms for

operating, and use them.

If you dont have a co-facilitator, select


someone to write key points on the flipchart.

If group is large, use name tents to remember

suggestions and tips for facilitators Additional Considerations

certain in advance that your sponsor (client,

representative) agrees with the purpose and is comfortable with the process.
Stay focused in the present but know where Choose a decision making method BEFORE

the group has been and where it needs to be. you need it. Suggest some options that the group could use to get them thinking.

Remember that people properly disagree. It's

probably naive to think that there won't be 7/12/12

Module 4: Effective Communication Skills for Facilitators


skill points for communicating

Active Listening Modelling Summarising Focusing attention and Pacing Recognising Progress Waiting or silence Scanning/Observing Inclusion

Module 5: Body Language and Facilitation


The nonverbal cues

the role of nonverbal cues or body language is also

critical to facilitative leadership. and vice versa. language

constantly flowing from team member to facilitator be careful not to send out nonverbal cues or body be keenly aware of the nonverbal cues given off by

team members


Module 6: Group Process Techniques


work with groups

Brainstorming Response rounds Sub Groups Force field Analysis Questioning technique Others


Procedure: Clarify the question or topic to be

brainstormed. Set a time limit. Review the rules (post them?).

Quantity, not quality, is the goal Defer all judgment until the process is over You are encouraged to further other people's ideas All ideas are recorded This is a good all-purpose technique for generating a

variety of options or alternatives.


Response rounds
Procedure: Give the group members a task/question

to work on individually.

Ask members to respond one at a time. People are allowed to pass. Record responses Repeat until people run out of responses Summarize each round of responses if it seems





When facilitating a large group


Force field analysis (or "helps and hindrances")

Procedure: Group members begin by brainstorming

or making lists of factors or forces that help or hinder their stated goal.

This technique allows for the group to see what factors

could support them and those that need to be hurdled in reaching their goal.

Supporting forces are meant to be reinforced. Restraining forces are meant to be reduced, dealt

with, or eliminated.

Groups may choose to focus their energy on

supporting forces, restraining forces, or both, as a way 7/12/12

Force field analysis-cont.

Force field analysis is a technique originally developed

by Kurt Lewin.
It involves identifying the forces or factors that either

help or hinder accomplishment of goals.

Goal or Problem Statement:

_____________________________________ ________ Restraining Forces Supporting Forces

1._________________ 1._________________

Module 7: Handling Difficult Team Members


WHEN to Handle a Difficult Team Member

Generally, a facilitator should not be too concerned

about an individuals conduct within the early stages of team formation time period, or is of a severe nature, the facilitator or team leader should take action to address the troublesome member's conduct.

If the behaviour does not subside in an appropriate


HOW to Handle a Troublesome Team Member

should never verbally scold or embarrass the

individual in front of the group or even privately. behaviour should be during the meeting about the behavior in private.

Your first opportunity to correct troublesome A second option is to talk with the person candidly A third option is to use the team's informal

leadersthose members most respected for their knowledge and experience.


Four Common Types of Troublesome Team Members

1. The Mummy :This person will not freely

participate in discussions. The motivation might be indifference, an inferiority complex, confusion about the issues or process, or a feeling of superiority.
2. The Windbag: This individual comments too

frequently and tends to dominate discussions. He or she also tends to be the first to speak on each issue. track in his remarks, misses the point, or uses farfetched examples to make a point.

3. The Rambler: This individual will often get off

Reluctant Team Members

An often-asked question is what to do about

employees who do not want to be on a team. allow the dynamics of the team process and the excitement of other team members to arouse their interest and motivate them to fully participate in the team concept.

We advise that you not force involvement, but rather


Module 8: Personal Attributes of the Cultural Diversity Facilitator


Personal Attributes of the Cultural Diversity Facilitator

Tolerance of ambiguity: Cognitive and behavioural

flexibility: Personal self-awareness: Cultural self-awareness: Patience:


Module 9: Active Listening Skills


Active Listening Skills

Maintain good eye contact Face the person or group head on Keep an open posturedon't cross arms Stay relaxed in your overall manner Be aware of body language and nonverbal behavior Listen for feeling as well as content Don't confuse content and delivery Listen for the main thought or idea, rather than trying

to memorize every word


Active Listening Skills


empathytr y to put

Active Listening Skills

Don't turn an implication you've picked up

in the conversation into a conclusion

Paraphrase or summarize what the person

has said, and get agreement that you've understood completely

Ask questions beginning with the words

"what" and "how" (open-ended questions).

Avoid questions that can be 7/12/12 answered with

Module 10: Facilitator Moments in Listening


Facilitator Moments:
Put on your facilitator's hat, then try to finish as many of these sentences as you can. When one group member seems to do most of the talking, I might When an individual is silent for a long period of time, I could When someone in the team "puts down" another member, I might When a group seems to want to reach a decision, but appears unable to, I might When someone comes late, I might When group members are excessively polite and unwilling to confront each 7/12/12 others ideas, I

Public Speaking vs Fear of Death If you are going to a funeral you are better off in the casket than doing the eulogy Studies show public speaking is a bigger fear than death in the casket than doing the eulogy Becoming a competent, rather than just confident, speaker requires a lot of practice The best start is simply to make a better presentation 7/12/12

Module11: Summary Tips


Tips to Sharpen Presentation Skills 1. 10-20-30 Rule

2. Be Entertaining 3. Slow Down 4. Eye Contact 5. 15 Word Summary 6. 20-20 Rule 7. Dont Read. 8. Speeches are About Stories 9. Project Your Voice

Tips to Sharpen 10. Dont Plan Skills PresentationGestures


11.Thats a Good Question 12. Breathe In Not Out 13. Come Early, Really Early 14. Get Practice 15. Dont Apologize 16. Do Apologize if Youre Wrong 17. Put Yourself in the Audience 18. Have Fun

Keep Facilitating


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