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Copyright 7/12/12 Trinay Technolog y Solutions, 39 Buckland St, #5321 Mancheste

SharePoint 2010 has following new features Copyright 7/12/12

Trinay Better support for Internet facing sites Technology Solutions, More security features & flexibility in 39 managing permissions Buckland St, Easy to use templates #5321 Mancheste More commands r, CT Microsoft Groove is 06042 renamed as SharePoint www.trina Workspace Manager 570Improved InfoPath form capabilities 575-0475.

More workflow types Native support for Mozilla Firefox 3.0 and Opera Easy migration from SPS2003 and MOSS 2007

Benefits of using SharePoint Server

1. 2.



Copyright 7/12/12 Trinay Technology Solutions, 39 Buckland One of the most popular software packages for businesses today St, #5321 is Microsoft SharePoint Server. Mancheste It helps to improve business procedures without the demand of r, CT extensive training beforehand. 06042 www.trina Is built to be an efficient content management platform for 570business use. 575-0475.


It is designed to streamline many varied types of business applications, allowing the users to be more effective in their day to day operates. Many different types of users would be able to use Microsoft SharePoint Server effectively and the platform allows for easier control of many business processes.

Benefits of using SharePoint Server

1. 2.


Copyright 7/12/12 Trinay Technology Solutions, 39 One of the biggest benefits of using Microsoft SharePoint Buckland Server is the ability to manage and control content entering or St, #5321 leaving your business. Mancheste The platform can be used to access documents and workspaces to r, CT be shared between a number of individuals, such as databases and 06042 forms in common use. Applications can also be used to create www.trina online content, such as websites, wikis and blogs. 570575-0475. Microsoft SharePoint Server also gives users the ability to organize



and edit your documents quickly and easily. Microsoft SharePoint Server also includes navigation functions to date and the ability to search documents using a number of different methods. Microsoft SharePoint Server is easily integrated with Microsoft Office applications & can host some of libraries effectively.

Copyright 7/12/12 Trinay Following Areas of Improvement in SharePoint 2010 Technology From End Users Prospective Solutions, 39 Buckland Office Client Ribbon interface for in-place editing of SharePoint St, #5321 content on web Mancheste r, CT Multiple Browser support Internet Explorer, Firefox & Safari 06042 Business Connectivity Services (BCS) as the evolution of BDC. www.trina These services can now be consumed from Office client apps also. 570 SharePoint Workspace (formerly called Groove): a smart client 575-0475.

for SharePoint. Supports online, offline and Synchronization of data.

Copyright 7/12/12 Trinay From Developers Prospective Technology Solutions, 39 Buckland St, #5321 Mancheste Streamlined Central AdministrationCT Ribbon interface. with r, Visual Studio 2010 SharePoint Tools: Designer for creating 06042 Web Parts visually and Business Connectivity Services Entities. www.trina 570575-0475.

Copyright 7/12/12 Trinay Technology More Workflow Types in SharePoint 2010 Solutions, 39 Buckland St, #5321 Mancheste SharePoint Designer 2010 will now support re-useable workflows, r, CT Global workflow, List workflow. 06042 Global workflow which we can access itwww.trina in from list. 570SPD 2010 will support workflow templates which can use at a later 575-0475. time.

SPD 2010 Import and export reusable workflow from SharePoint Designer to Visual studio 2010.This feature is not available in SharePoint 2007.

Ribbon Interface for in-place content on web-Pic:1

Copyright 7/12/12 Trinay editing of SharePoint Technology Solutions, 39 Buckland St, #5321 Mancheste r, CT 06042 www.trina 570575-0475.

Copyright 7/12/12 Trinay Improved InfoPath Form Capabilities Technology Solutions, 39 Buckland The customize Form options in the List St, #5321to edit List settings is used in the InfoPath 2010. Mancheste r, CT In InfoPath 2010 the predefined page layout, table formats available 06042 to easily design the List forms. www.trina The Ribbon control Interface which is in InfoPath 2010 is useful for 570tracking the controls easily from the menu. 575-0475.

Copyright 7/12/12 Trinay Technology Managing Site Users and Permissions Solutions, 39 Buckland Information in Windows SharePoint Services #5321 St, is secured at one of four levels. Mancheste r, CT 06042 Site level www.trina List or document library level 570 Folder level 575-0475.

List item level We can authenticate user permissions according to Site,List,Item.

Copyright 7/12/12 Trinay Technology SharePoint Workspace Solutions, 39 Buckland St, #5321 Mancheste SharePoint Workspace (formerly called r, CT Groove): a smart client for SharePoint. Supports online, offline and Synchronization of data. 06042 This synchronization can be made by the help of "Sync to www.trina 570SharePoint workspace" option in the Site settings of SharePoint 575-0475. 2010.By the help of synchronization workspace we can easily drag

and drop the documents in to site.

Copyright 7/12/12 Trinay Technology Business Connectivity Services (BCS) Solutions, 39 Buckland St, #5321 Mancheste 1.SharePoint 2010 which is replaced the functionality of BDC(Business r, CT data Catalog) in SharePoint 2007 06042 2.The External content type which is in SharePoint Designer 2010 can www.trina 570easily connect SQL database without creating any XML file in BCS. 575-0475. 3. In MOSS 2007, Business Data Connector (BDC) was the tool of

choice for integrating external data sources into SharePoint. BDC was available only to customers who purchased the enterprise version of MOSS 2007. Furthermore, BDC was limited to only reading data from the external data sources.

Copyright 7/12/12 Trinay Technology Business Connectivity Services (BCS) Solutions, 39 Buckland St, #5321 Mancheste 4. Business Connectivity Services (BCS),r, CT replaces the BDC which functionality in SPS 2010, goes much further. Not only is BCS going to 06042 be available with the free, base version of SPS 2010 (renamed to www.trina Windows SharePoint Foundation from SharePoint Services), it now supports updating, deletion and insertion of data into an 575-0475.

external data source. Another key advantage of BCS is that it will enable SharePoint Lists to be created directly based on a database table.

Copyright 7/12/12 Trinay Technology DEVELOPMENT TOOLS IMPROVEMENTS Solutions, 39 Buckland As an application platform, Microsoft provides multiple tools, to St, #5321 configure and customize SharePoint 2010. Mancheste r, CT These tools provide an array of capabilities for a variety of user 06042 roles, based on the complexity of the application being created and www.trina include a browser, InfoPath 2010, SharePoint Designer 2010, and 570Visual Studio 2010. 575-0475.

Combined, they provide the ability to quickly create powerful enterprise applications which leverage the capabilities of the SharePoint platform.

Copyright 7/12/12 Trinay Technology DEVELOPMENT TOOLS IMPROVEMENTS Solutions, 39 Buckland St, #5321 Mancheste SharePoint Development Toolset r, CT 06042 www.trina 570575-0475.


Copyright 7/12/12 Trinay Technology Solutions, 39 SharePoint 2010 provides users the capability to use a web browser Buckland to configure SharePoint entities, such as lists, workflows, and webs, in such a way so that they can be reusedSt, #5321 and re-deployed within Mancheste other SharePoint locations. r, CT Users can configure a SharePoint site to06042 specific lists, contain content types, workflows, and predefined data through the browser www.trina and then save the site as a template. 570575-0475. The site template can then be made available for other users and,

when a site is created from this template, it will look and contain the same SharePoint entities as the original site. Using the browser to save templates allows an easy means to create consistent and redeployable SharePoint entities with no coding involved.

Site Template Creation

Site Template Creation

Copyright 7/12/12 Trinay Technology Solutions, 39 Buckland St, #5321 Mancheste r, CT 06042 www.trina 570575-0475.


Copyright 7/12/12 Trinay Technology Solutions, 39 Buckland St, #5321 Mancheste InfoPath Designer 2010 can be used to quickly create r, CT applications which allow users to interact with SharePoint 06042 2010 , external list data and SharePoint workflows. Users www.trina 570can design forms to replace the existing SharePoint list, 575-0475.

external list, and workflow forms with greater control over the business rules, data validation, and formatting of the information. InfoPath also allows for multiple views of the same data and the ability to hide or display parts of the form based on business rules.


Copyright 7/12/12 Trinay Technology Solutions, 39 Buckland St, #5321 Mancheste To quickly get started, InfoPath Designer includes r, predefined form templates so usersCT designing forms can 06042 quickly and easily generate new forms. Also included are www.trina 570predefined lookup fields, which allow the ability to lookup 575-0475.

information from another SharePoint list. Customized forms can also include the pre-population of form data and the ability to interact with data from multiple lists. The forms generated in InfoPath Designer, once published to SharePoint, can be displayed within the InfoPath client application, or displayed in a web browser via Forms Services.


Copyright 7/12/12 Trinay Technology Solutions, 39 Buckland St, #5321 Mancheste r, CT InfoPath forms can leverage the existing SharePoint web 06042 www.trina part infrastructure, allowing forms to not only be hosted 570within web parts, but also communicate and share data 575-0475.

with other web parts on the page. Finally, forms published to SharePoint 2010 are portable. Saving a list as a template which uses a custom InfoPath form, as a solution file, ensures that the InfoPath form will be used when new lists are created from the template.


Copyright 7/12/12 Trinay Technology Solutions, 39 Buckland St, #5321 Mancheste r, CT 06042 www.trina 570575-0475.

SharePoint Designer

Copyright 7/12/12 Trinay Technology Solutions, 39 Buckland St, #5321 Mancheste SharePoint Designer 2010 has been much improved. New r, capabilities for the creation of BDC CT entities, list schemas, 06042 and custom actions have been added and major www.trina 570improvements have been made with regard to designing 575-0475.

workflows and editing pages, and new workflow actions are made available. SharePoint Designer 2010 leverages the WSP solution package format, allowing SharePoint Designer 2010 to take advantage of configurations made by a browser and, additionally, allows artifacts generated by SharePoint Designer 2010 to be imported in to Visual Studio 2010.

SharePoint Designer

Copyright 7/12/12 Trinay Technology Solutions, 39 Buckland St, #5321 Mancheste r, CT SharePoint administrators also have greater control over 06042 how SharePoint Designer 2010 is www.trina used within their 570environment. Administrators can 575-0475. ability to block the

modify master pages and also prevent SharePoint Designer 2010 from being used at either the site collection or web application level.

Visual Studio 2010

Copyright 7/12/12 Trinay Technology Solutions, 39 Buckland St, #5321 Mancheste Visual Studio 2010 contains extended capabilities for r, CT developers to create rich applications on the SharePoint 06042 2010 platform. www.trina 570Many improvements have also been made in Visual 575-0475.

Studio 2010 to increase developer productivity as well as take advantage of SharePoint 2010 functionality. These improvements help make it easier for .NET developers to not only create SharePoint solutions, but also package, deploy, and integrate SharePoint artifacts created by multiple tools into one central environment.

Visual Studio 2010

Copyright 7/12/12 Trinay Technology Solutions, 39 Buckland St, #5321 Improvements have been made toMancheste Visual Studio 2010 so that developers can quickly set upr, CT a project and more 06042 easily write and debug code. www.trina Project templates are available in 570Visual Studio 2010 for 575-0475.

common SharePoint project development items such as web parts, event receivers, workflows, and list definitions. These templates set up the project so that developers can more quickly start writing code, adding stubbed-out class files, assembly references, and making the proper configurations, such as those required for a Sandboxed solution.

Visual Studio 2010

Copyright 7/12/12 Trinay Technology Solutions, 39 Buckland St, #5321 Mancheste New visual designers have been added to aid in the r, CT development of workflows, building BDC models, creating 06042 application pages, and designing features and solution www.trina packages. These designers reduce y.comcomplexity and the 570575-0475.

increase productivity for both SharePoint and .NET developers. Connections to SharePoint 2010 sites can be made directly from the Server Explorer, allowing developers a common view into all of the components that make up the SharePoint site.

Visual Studio 2010

Copyright 7/12/12 Trinay Technology Solutions, 39 Buckland St, #5321 Mancheste Although SharePoint development is much more than just the creation of custom web parts, r, CT development the 06042 experience for the creation of webwww.trina vastly parts has 570improved for developers. 575-0475.

With Visual Studio 2010, developers now have the ability to visually design and create SharePoint 2010 web parts, decreasing the learning curve of .NET developers new to SharePoint development, and increasing the productivity of existing SharePoint developers.

Visual Studio 2010

Copyright 7/12/12 Trinay Technology Solutions, 39 Buckland St, #5321 Mancheste Additionally, Visual Studio 2010 automatically creates the r, SharePoint solution file for the webCT and provides a part 06042 fluid experience for creating, deploying and debugging www.trina these web parts. Artifacts created 570- applications from other 575-0475.

can be imported into Visual Studio to be extended and/or placed under source control. For example, declarative artifacts created in SharePoint Designer 2010 can be imported to Visual Studio 2010 and extended with code and added to the Team Foundation (TFS) repository.

Visual Web Part Designer

Copyright 7/12/12 Trinay Technology Solutions, 39 Buckland St, #5321 Mancheste r, CT 06042 www.trina 570575-0475.

Visual Studio 2010

Copyright 7/12/12 Trinay Technology Solutions, 39 Buckland St, #5321 Mancheste Once integrated, the capabilities of TFS can be leveraged r, to provide full Application LifecycleCT Management for 06042 SharePoint 2010 team projects, including team and www.trina 570continuous builds, traceability of requirements through 575-0475.

code check-ins, adherence to and compliance with coding best practices, and visibility into the overall health and stability of the code base. To further accommodate the requirements of specific projects, the templates, connection nodes, and project deployment steps are all customizable and extensible.

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