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Team Winning!

Group Presentation One

LaToshia Webster Chapter 2

Made by IBMInternational Business Machines Corporation

specialist browsers that can combine hi-visibility features with speech output allows text to be made much larger than is possible in standard browsers uses color as well as size to indicate different screen elements. Different voices indicates links on the page can read web pages in any of these languages: American or British English, French, German, Italian, or Spanish.

Women In Technology International

Heather Miller Chapter 3

Kidspiration Software

visual way to explore and understand words, numbers, and concepts develop strong thinking skills strengthen reading and writing skills build conceptual understanding in math Kindergarten thru 5th grade


Dislikes: Seemed outdated and difficult for use. Would not recommend using this software.

The software will talk to you during your activities. When you click on something it will read it to you. Meets Common core standards with visual thinking and learning.

Trent Baker Chapter 4

Voice Thread

group conversations are collected and shared in one place from anywhere in the world multimedia slide show that holds images, documents, and videos comments in 5 ways - using voice (with a mic or telephone), text, audio file, or video (via a webcam) Share a VoiceThread with friends, students, and colleagues for them to record comments too. secure and accountable environment found at for K-12 For a single educator and 40 student accounts it cost about $60 a year or $16 a month.

Storytelling Alice

Storytelling Alice

High-level animations that enable users to program social interactions between characters. A story-based tutorial that introduces users to programming through building a story. A gallery of 3D characters and scenery with custom animations designed to spark story ideas.

Likes: looks like neat software Interactive Fun

Dislikes: looks difficult for younger aged kids middle school kids and up

Works Cited
Chapter Two: Chapter Three: Chapter Four: Story Telling Alice:

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