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Your next theme will be as the following:

What does it mean? Go find out yourself, Im sure itll be fun uncovering a mystery. -Kyle

Your job: Take two photos with the theme DILAPIDATED, one with a Narrow Depth of Field and another with a Wide Depth of Field.

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A Quick introduction

Depth of field


Lets think of it this way: It is the area by which your image is Sharp, or as we call it Focused.

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There are 2 kinds of Depth of Field.

Narrow Depth of Field & Wide Depth of Field

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How does it work? It has to do with something called the


opening affects whether its a

narrow or a wide depth of field

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But, how does it look like?

Do you know this logo?

Do you know this game?

Well, this is how an Aperture looks like.

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Oh okay, cool. So?

So, you get an idea how widening its opening affects how much light goes in.

Wide Opening:



Narrow Opening:


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Okay, so how do I know if its wide?

In your camera, there is such a thing called the F/stop number. F/1.4 -------------> F/40

Remember this:

The smaller the number, the The bigger the number, the size.

wider the aperture size.


narrower the aperture

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What else?
The distance of your object also matters.

closer it is your camera to the object, the narrower the Depth of Field. further it is your camera to the object, the wider the Depth of Field.


How about Focal Length?

(quick reference 50mm > 28mm)

The greater the focal length, the narrower the Depth of Field. The smaller the focal length, the wider the Depth of Field.

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Confused? Dont be, Be flexible!

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There are side effects

Tweaking with the aperture will affect how much light will enter your camera.

That means your exposure will be changed!

That also means you have to change certain settings, and it might make you miss a good shot.

Sometimes, you are forced to put up with a Narrow Depth of Field when you wanted a Wide Depth of Field because there is simply is not enough light!

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Other side effects include nausea, headache, and drowsiness.


As far as I know

Zoom lenses have Wider Depth

Macro lenses have Narrower Depth

Primer lenses have Narrower Depth

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And now, pretty pictures.

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Did you see any patterns?

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Thats all.

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