Elements of Contract - Capacity

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Sec. 10(1) - a contract is void if one or both parties lack the legal capacity to contract. Sec. 11 - Every person is competent to contract if he is:
Age of majority Sound mind Not disqualified from contracting by any law

Person of the age of majority (1) Meaning of age of majority Age of Majority Act 1971 Sec.2 - the age of majority is 18 years (2) General rule: contracts made by minors are void Mohori Bibee v Dharmodas Ghose (1903) ILR 30 Cal 539
Tan Hee Juan v Teh Boon Kiat [1934] MLJ 96


a. Contracts of agency Contract Act 1950, Sec. 137 any person (including a minor) may become an agent b. Contracts for necessities Contract Act 1950, Sec. 69 a minor is liable on contract for necessaries. Contracts for necessaries mean contract for goods and services reasonably necessary to the particular minor and to the 4 minors actual requirements

CONTRACT OF NECESSITY Examples food, clothing,

education, legal advice, medical services & accommodation

Under Sec 69 - minor is obliged to pay if he has property.

Illustration (a) A supplies B, a mentally disordered person, with necessaries suitable to his condition in life. A is entitled to be reimbursed from B's property. In Government of Malaysia v Gurcharan Singh, a minor was liable to pay a reasonable sum

Contracts for scholarships Contracts (Amendment) Act 1976, S. 4(a) - the scholarship agreement is valid even though the scholar entering into such agreement is a minor. d. Contract of service or apprenticeship The Employment Act 1955 & The Children And Young Persons (Employment) Act 1966 enable a minor to enter into a contract of service or apprenticeship

Contract of insurance Insurance Act 1996, Sec 153 - Capacity of minor to insure. - A minor (10 17 years) may enter into a valid contract of life insurance - 10 below 16 years need written consent of his parents or guardian - 16 below 18 years can contract on his own capacity

Sound Mind
Person of sound mind (1) Meaning of sound mind Sec. 12(1) A person is said to be of sound mind for the purpose of making a contract if at the time of making a contract, he is capable of understanding it and forming a rational judgment

Sec. 12(2) - an unsound mind person may make a contract when he is of sound mind (3) Sec. 12(3) - A sound mind person may not make a contract when he is of unsound mind

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