Career & Growth Audiobooks

Supercharge your motivation, productivity, and professional skills by listening to the best career and growth audiobooks. Check out our lists of bestselling and hottest new releases in career and growth to start expanding your perspectives, gain new insights, and get life-changing guidance.

Supercharge your motivation, productivity, and professional skills by listening to the best career and growth audiobooks. Check out our lists of bestselling and hottest new releases in career and growth to start expanding your perspectives, gain new insights, and get life-changing guidance.


We're shining a light on the hottest new releases and binge-worthy audiobooks you don't want to miss.
Leading from the Middle
Leading from the Middle
Leading from the Middle
Leading from the Middle

Leading from the Middle

byGill Bennet

In Leading from the Middle, an audio course from Scribd Coach, Gill Bennet provides leadership tools to help leaders thrive in diverse environments and become more effective, inclusive, empathetic leaders. Through this dynamic course, which covers everything from unconscious bias to mental health, language to learning styles, you’ll learn how to build bridges and strengthen relationships by building a deeper understanding of the unique experience and perspectives of those around you, thanks to proven, practical strategies to help you foster an inclusive and collaborative environment. Complete with actionable insights and exercises to help you apply what you’ve learned, Bennet’s expert guidance will give you all the information you need to lead from the middle, with confidence as well as kindness.

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About Career & Growth

Empowerment, transformation, strategies, gurus. When it comes right down to it, career and growth ebooks can be some of the most productive catalysts for ingenuity and growth when it comes to professional development. From job-hunting and mentoring to negotiation and resumes, our diverse selection here in the career and growth category covers it all. If you're facing a career transition and looking for advice and empowerment from extraordinary people, Everand is where you’ll find indispensable advice from intelligent people with significant insights and experience. Pore over interviews and essays with experts, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders in diverse worlds and benefit from their insights into their own career journeys and personal growth. These books are designed to inspire and help us harness our innate focus and tenacity to drive our own lives and careers. Some favorite must-reads in the career and growth ebook category include Girl, Stop Apologizing: A Shame-Free Plan for Embracing and Achieving Your Goals, One Small Step Can Change Your Life: The Kaizen Way, and Failing Forward: Turning Mistakes into Stepping Stones for Success.

Empowerment, transformation, strategies, gurus. When it comes right down to it, career and growth ebooks can be some of the most productive catalysts for ingenuity and growth when it comes to professional development. From job-hunting and mentoring to negotiation and resumes, our diverse selection here in the career and growth category covers it all. If you're facing a career transition and looking for advice and empowerment from extraordinary people, Everand is where you’ll find indispensable advice from intelligent people with significant insights and experience. Pore over interviews and essays with experts, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders in diverse worlds and benefit from their insights into their own career journeys and personal growth. These books are designed to inspire and help us harness our innate focus and tenacity to drive our own lives and careers. Some favorite must-reads in the career and growth ebook category include Girl, Stop Apologizing: A Shame-Free Plan for Embracing and Achieving Your Goals, One Small Step Can Change Your Life: The Kaizen Way, and Failing Forward: Turning Mistakes into Stepping Stones for Success.